Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 112: Man kisses deeper

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"You old virgin, please don't pretend to be an old driver here?" Gu Ninghuan couldn't help vomiting, but he could go to watch the drama.

The two agreed on the time, Gu Ninghuan changed clothes and went out. When opening the door, he saw Fu Xishen walking by the door.

The time was right to make Gu Ninghuan think it was not a coincidence at all.

"Where?" Fu Xi asked in a deep voice.

Gu Ninghuan heard Fu Xishen's inquiry, and in his mind unconsciously remembered that Song Ci said that one person brought a wild man.

Even if she didn't have this idea, she still inevitably had some unnaturalness. This unnaturalness fell into Fu Xishen's eyes and became guilty.

"I'm going out to watch the drama with Song Ci." Gu Ninghuan said truthfully.

Fu Xi stared at her halfway, her lips coldly: "I will accompany you."

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

She didn't care, but if Song Ci took the joke seriously, and if she really brought any wild men together, wouldn't she jump into the Huangpu River and not wash it away.

But if she refused Fu Xishen, she had the illusion that her life and safety might be harmed.

With repeated hesitation, she nodded stiffly.

Fu Xishen drove Gu Ninghuan to the entrance of the theater, and Gu Ninghuan always used his mobile phone to contact Song Ci.

But Song Ci didn't know what was going on, and she didn't reply to any news, which made her wonder.

Instead, when they approached the entrance of the theater, a Su Muzhe called her.

"Will you be?" Gu Ninghuan answered the phone and asked.

"I'm Su Muzhe and Song Ci are waiting for you at the entrance of the theater. Song Ci's mobile phone has fallen into the water, so there is no way to contact you. Then you can just call me directly." Su Muzhe said.

Gu Ninghuan nodded: "Then I want to ask, since Song Ci is with you, then she didn't help me prepare a wild man."

She asked very quietly, but in this semi-closed space in the carriage, no matter how quietly she said, she was still heard by Fu Xishen.

Especially when she talked about the three words of wild man, Fu Xi's dark eyes were deeper while driving.

After arriving at the destination, Fu Xishen stopped the car and led Gu Ninghuan forward. The two saw Song Ci and Su Muzhe staring at each other in a weird atmosphere at the entrance of the theater.

"Song Ci i!" Gu Ninghuan saw Song Ci and waved.

Song Ci was also very excited to see Gu Ninghuan, trotting directly, but after seeing Fu Xishen beside Gu Ninghuan, he slowly stopped.   She really wanted to rush up and say a scumbag to Fu Xishen! But I don’t know why, at the moment when I saw Fu Xishen, even though Song Ci knew that he was green, Gu Ninghuan, he couldn’t help but sigh that Fu Xishen was so beautiful.


Especially the temperament of one hand and one shot, why did you like Meng Jingwen!

"What's the matter! Isn't it a good way to take a wild man? You obviously bring the main room!" Song Ci pulled Gu Ninghuan aside and couldn't help asking.

Gu Ninghuan glanced at Su Muzhe: "Even if Fu Xishen doesn't come, I didn't plan to bring a wild man, but why did you come out with Su Muzhe?"    "Don't mention, he happened to come to my house when I went out , As a result, Ren Qian called at that time, he grabbed my mobile phone, and as a result, my mobile phone fell directly into the artificial pool at home. And I clearly told him that I was with you

They came out together, but he just didn't believe it, and I was all mad. Song Ci spoke of Su Muzhe, his eyes full of anger.

Their drama today is very well-known in the country, so there are a lot of people.

Song Ci took the ordinary front seat ticket. Considering that Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci wanted to get closer, Fu Xishen directly sent four front seat VIP tickets. "I think Mr. Fu is really good, and has the ability to look good, and the most important thing is that it is really considered for you. Are you sure that such an excellent Mr. Fu will really like Meng Jingwen?" Song Ci Sitting with Gu Ninghuan

, Su Muzhe and Fu Xishen were sitting next to each of them.

Gu Ninghuan said that she was also caught in thinking. That day she said it was actually Meng Jingwen's voice alone.

Besides, she did not push the door open at the time, saying that seeing is believing, will she really injustice Fu Xishen?

Gu Ninghuan frowned, but it was also difficult to say, if Meng Jingwen really did not have a relationship with Fu Xishen, how could she have the courage to come and provoke her! "Compared to this, don't you think Su Muzhe is very unusual for you? For example, have you ever wondered why he was so excited when he saw Ren Qian calling you, which is not consistent with his usual The gentleman's character." Gu

Ning Huan ticked his lips and said.

Song Ci was actually not thinking too much, but after being said by Gu Ninghuan, he also felt that something was not right.

She opened her lips and wanted to explain.

But at this time, the drama was about to open, so she said nothing.

When the drama was over, Gu Ninghuan was taken out of the theater by Fu Xishen. Even Song Ci, who had been watching the drama, didn't realize when Gu Ninghuan had fallen asleep.

But she looked at Fu Xishen's appearance of holding Gu Ninghuan, and suddenly she was envious. Fu Xishen was a man who was so indifferent in appearance, but when treating Gu Ninghuan, every move was so gentle.

Song Ci stayed in place until Fu Xishen held Gu Ninghuan and disappeared in the same place. She used to think that she was young and young. Just thinking about things like getting married was like a **** for her.

But now looking at Fu Xishen and Gu Ninghuan, it seems alienated but reveals a warm atmosphere, making her want to get married for the first time.

"What are you doing here? Go home!" Su Muzhe reached out and nodded Song Ci's forehead, thinking she was really getting stupid now.

Song Ci lifted his feet and kicked fiercely towards the Su curtain: "Tell you how many times, don't poke me with your hands, I don't know if I will become stupid then?"

After that, she walked out angrily.

Su Muzhe saw that she had such a big temper, but the smile in her eyes was stronger, and his long legs stepped up to keep up with her.

Fu Xishen put Gu Ninghuan in the co-pilot and fastened her seat belt. The light in the car was dim, but he could clearly see every eyelash that she had long and curled.

He lowered his head and kissed her colorful lips, thin lips rolled over her lips and kissed her soft cheeks, nostalgic.

Gu Ninghuan's eyelashes shuddered slightly in her sleep, and she seemed to feel something, but that feeling was not enough to wake her up.   Seeing that she did not wake up, the man kissed deeper and more unscrupulous...

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