Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 113: It will eventually turn into a **** wind

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The heavier the kiss, the heavier Gu Ninghuan could not help but frown, and the small hand pushed Fu Xishen's chest by instinct.

When the man saw her, she was afraid that it would be difficult for her to wake up and then fall asleep, so she barely let her go.

But when she lowered her eyes and saw the swollen lips she kissed, her eyes became darker.

When Gu Ninghuan woke up from sleep, it was already early in the morning. She sat on the bed blankly, thinking hard in her mind, but she couldn't remember when she fell asleep.

She turned on her phone and saw that Song Ci's news almost appeared in front of her. She glanced around and found that Song Ci had not slept all night. Instead she kept sending messages to her.

Gu Ning Huan wanted to call her, but worried that if Song Ci was sleeping at this time, wouldn't her phone bother Song Ci.

Thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan just returned a message to let Song Ci wake up and call her.

But her news was sent out, and Song Ci's call came in.

"I wondered why Su Muzhe threw my cell phone all night, but I still haven't figured it out yet." Song Ci's voice was confused.

Gu Ninghuan went to the bathroom to wash and looked at himself in the mirror, frowning slightly: "You didn't figure it out, you just didn't dare to think over there." "Do you think it is possible? How could he like me?" We have known each other for so many years, why wouldn’t he confess if he likes me?” Song Ci expressed doubts in his voice. In addition to pure friendship between men and women, there is nothing but joy.

Are you happy?

Even though she has never been in love, she has never eaten pork and has seen pigs run! "I also think that the behavior mode that I like but don't confess is not suitable for Su Muzhe. You don't have to worry about him first. He may be ill and simply want to throw your mobile phone." Gu Ninghuan reached out and touched himself obviously swollen. Lips again

Open the mouth: "Is there a mosquito in the theater we saw yesterday, how do I feel I was bitten by a mosquito?"    was originally still worrying about Su Muzhe's Song Ci. Hearing Gu Ninghuan said this, the words were a bit interesting: "Are you sure it's a mosquito and not your Mr. Fu? Ning Huan! Do you really think you didn't misunderstand Mr. Fu? I think he

It really doesn't look like a scumbag! He was very gentle in holding you yesterday, so gentle that I wanted to get married. "

"Are you sure you don't think Fu Xishen is a scum man, isn't it because of his face?" Gu Ninghuan looked at himself in the mirror and found red marks on his neck.

It seems that as Song Ci said, this is not a mosquito bag but a kiss mark from Fu Xishen's kiss.

"Of course, there is something to do with Mr. Fu's face, but I can assure you that it really doesn't have much to do with his face!" Song Ci swears vowedly, but Gu Ninghuan doesn't believe her at all.

Song Ci is not a particularly serious appearance association, but in Fu Xishen, even if it is not Yan Kong, it is difficult to resist the temptation of this man.

"Okay, Ning Huan. I'm so sleepy. I went to bed first. When I woke up, we contacted WeChat." When Song Ci realized that Su Muzhe didn't seem to like her, she set her heart in an instant.

She only thought that Su Muzhe was sick of her brain, and she wanted nothing to do with her.

Gu Ninghuan just hung up the phone and walked downstairs to see that the maid was coming in against the cold.

Seeing the cold, Gu Ninghuan raised his eyebrows slightly, why did he come suddenly?

"Miss." Gu Ninghuan hadn't spoken, and even the maid who came in with cold didn't realize that Gu Ninghuan had come down.

But Leng Han seemed to be equipped with electronic equipment that felt Gu Ninghuan's breath. He raised his eyes and accurately fell on Gu Ninghuan's body.

Gu Ninghuan smiled slightly: "Why are you here, wouldn't grandpa let you come?"

Since the last incident of Gu Shi, Gu Ninghuan has never returned to Gu's house, and Grandpa only has Gu Ninghuan's temper, and has no control over her.

"Today Mr. Gu Qian is back, the master asked me to call you back, and the family is reunited." Leng Han walked to Gu Ninghuan and handed the cake to Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan reached over and took a look, looking at the cartoon cake inside the cake box full of delight.

"I remember the lady who likes to eat this cake the most. This cake shop closed down three years ago. You have been sad for a long time. Today their shop finally reopened and I bought it by the way." Leng Han lowered his head and said .

Gu Ninghuan couldn't help laughing: "You lie to me less. This cake shop was very difficult to buy three years ago. It takes at least two hours to wait in line. Now that it reopens, there should be more and more guests."

Leng Han didn't speak, and he was never a talkative character. Gu Ning looked at Leng Han with some helplessness.

Such a big straight guy who doesn't talk much, if one day is in love, what would it look like.

"Miss, you still go upstairs to change clothes first, because today Miss Gu Nana also came back with Mr. Gu Qian." Leng Han reminded.

Gu Ninghuan said with a sneer that Gu Qian was the grandson's youngest son, and he was very popular since childhood.

But in the end, Gu's family was also destroyed by her uncle, and because her uncle had messed up the company, she sold all the properties his grandfather gave him overnight.

Gu Nana, who has always been tall, stole the jewellery left by her mother and fled the country with her father. Even if the grandfather died in the end, the uncle did not look back.

He watched Gu's family die one by one indifferently. He allowed Gu Ninghuan to be imprisoned in a dungeon to die better. To be wrong, the uncle was certainly not as good as Gu Shi, but he was also cold-hearted and disgusting. "Why should I change my clothes? Gu Nana thought she had been studying for a few years, and she looked down on me all day. I used to be ugly. I endure this! But now if she dare to say me again, you will Give me laxatives in her food, remember?

? "Gu Ninghuan simply came down in a dark long dress because he was at home. It really seemed a little bit dull.

Leng Han looked at Gu Ninghuan seriously: "Miss Miss used to look good too."

His words made Gu Ninghuan stop at once. To be honest, she used to look really ugly.

Even if she saw the previous photos, she could not look directly at them for five seconds, but Leng Han actually said that she was beautiful, and Fu Xishen also married her at that time, so the more indifferent man now, the less normal aesthetics?

"Leng Han, you have time to improve your aesthetic." Gu Ninghuan looked at Leng Han's serious look, couldn't help but sigh, reached out and patted Leng Han's shoulder, and turned upstairs.

She didn't intend to make it too complicated. She chose a ruby ​​necklace from the jewelry box and hung it on her neck. It seemed not so simple and went out with the cold.   said today that it was a family gathering. I was afraid that it would turn into a **** wind in the end.

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