Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 117: Most people are greedy

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"Huicheng is a famous conservation area, and their land is never sold outside. I don't know how the uncle got the land?" Gu Ninghuan frowned, thinking it was not realistic at all.

How could there be a white lunch in this world. "And it’s weird. My brother is also Gu's. Why have I never heard of this from my brother? If there is a business that can easily make 300 million, I believe my brother will tell me To show off.

Gu Ninghuan raised his eyes, with doubts in his eyes.

The smile on the uncle's face was not as kind as before, and it became very light.

He really didn't think that Ning Huan had become so interested in business, but he just took the place where he shouldn't. "In fact, your uncle has discussed with your brother about this proposal. Your brother thinks that the risk is too high. Huicheng is a conservation area. It is easy to give your project. The people who bought the land are mostly If you want to use it to build a business district,

Is it impossible to start work and just use a piece of land? "Grandpa said slowly. In fact, even he felt that if he bought this land, it was really too risky.

If you are a little careless, the entire Gu family will be hit on this project.

Uncle continued to smile: "Gu Yan and Ning Huan really deserve to be brothers and sisters, so they are more cautious. This is of course a good thing in life, but at work, if you are so fearful, you will not make money. of."

"My brother will come back the day after tomorrow. Even if the uncle wants to buy land, does my brother, as a senior executive of the company, have the right to put forward some opinions on this project." Gu Ninghuan said.

The uncle looked a little ugly. He just wanted to buy the land when Gu Yan was absent, or he would disagree when Gu Yan came back. "This matter should be done according to the meaning of Ning Huan. Gu Yan said that the risk of buying Huicheng land is too high, so it is better to wait until he comes back to discuss together. After all, there is no piece of land in Huicheng. More than two billion should

It is difficult to win. If this project is lost, the company's capital chain will be completely broken. "Grandpa Gu is quite cautious about money.

The Gu family is now going downhill, but the more this period, the more cautious it is.

Since Grandpa Gu said so, even if the uncle was not reconciled, he still had to nod with a smile, but how much frustration in that smile, only he himself knew.

Uncle should come back to dinner today only for the land, originally thought that without Gu Yan's obstruction, this matter should be a matter of course.

But I didn't expect that Gu Ninghuan was killed halfway through and let him succeed.

Gu Ninghuan was not at Gu's house for dinner. She came back this time for the sake of her uncle. Now that it has been resolved, there is no need to eat such a noodle and disagreeable dinner.


"Gu Ninghuan, why do you want to mix things into the company, do you want the whole family to be useless because you are useless?" Gu Nana walked in front of Gu Ninghuan and accused her.

Gu Ning laughed: "I'm useless? Gu Nana, apart from that university ranking higher than my university's global ranking, where is it stronger than me? And you are proud of being ten taller!"

"The top ten are also high. If you are not convinced, you can also go to our school!" Gu Nana said arrogantly.

Gu Ninghuan smiled slightly: "Then I will stir up the uncle's land, if you are not convinced, you will buy it yourself with money!"


"What are you, I tell you, don't point me at nothing, I really look at you the more annoying." Gu Ninghuan finished, Leng Han also took out the car key.

"Miss, we can go." Leng Han drove the door for Gu Ninghuan. She hadn't got in the car yet, and saw Gu Nana pushed away Gu Ninghuan. First squeezed into the door opened by Leng Han, Gu Nana sat on the co-pilot: "Leng Han, the Fu family is so rich that there is no shortage of drivers. Since there is no need for you to send it, You should send me to the mall first

, As for Gu Ninghuan, let the Fu's driver come...Ah! "

Gu Nana hadn't finished speaking yet. Leng Han reached out and buckled her throat directly, and her arm threw her out of the car.

Gu Nana didn't expect it at all. Leng Han dared to deal with her, and she fell on the lawn as a whole, with a sore throat.

"It's really miserable." Gu Ninghuan glanced at Gu Nana. The words were only simple statements, and there was no sympathy. She lifted her legs and walked around her to get the co-pilot.

Leng Han was still indifferent. After closing the door, he went to the other side and opened the door. He got in and closed the door in one go.

Don't care about Gu Nana lying on the lawn at this time. When Leng Han sent Gu Ninghuan home, she got out of the car and said to Leng Han: "Gu Nana suffered a loss from you today, so she will not give up easily on this matter, if she bullies you, you just call Give me, I will protect you

of! "

The sky was dim, the original blue and blue sky was replaced by dark blue, and the dazzling glow shone thinly on Gu Ninghuan's face, making her delicate and beautiful face more eye-catching.

Leng Han stood in place, looking at Gu Ninghuan with warm eyes, and he looked at the serious smile in her eyes.

Many people have been saying that Gu Ninghuan has changed, but he feels that she has never changed.

The former Gu Ninghuan was seen by outsiders as the tallest young lady, she was almost a rogue type of trouble for Gu Yan. But Lenghan knew that it was because she had no parents since she was a child, so she needed her brother’s love, and she needed her brother’s unlimited regression and tolerance. Never


In particular, she has always been unscrupulous in giving to people she likes. Gu family thinks that Gu Shi is better than her, gentler than her, more sensible than her, more understanding than her.

But how can a hypocritical dummy like Gu Shi compare to her hair.

"Leng Han, did you hear me talking to you?" Gu Ninghuan was a little unhappy, and did not respond to her coldness at all. Was she laughing at her overwhelming power?

Thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan felt angry!

"Well, I know, if I am bullied, I must find Missy." Leng Han's deep eyes looked at the girl whose height was barely reaching his chest.

Of course, he does not need Gu Ninghuan to protect him. He has never taken Gu Nana's attention into consideration. He also has some means to shut Gu Nana.   But most people tend to be greedy and maintained by those who care.

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