Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 118: A little bit more ambiguous

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"Leng Han, can you help me investigate a person?" Gu Ning said, looking at Leng Han.

"Okay, Miss." Leng Han agreed.

Because of what Song Ci said in the morning, Gu Ninghuan decided not to be so arbitrary, then let Leng Han check things about Jiangcheng.

After finishing the cold, Gu Ninghuan turned and left.

Gu Ninghuan returned home and pushed the door open to see that there was an older woman waiting for her in the living room.

Looking at the famous brand on the maid's chest, it was the man from Fu's old house.

"Mrs. Young, I was sent by my wife. You can call me Li Ma." Li Ma saw Gu Ninghuan came back and walked towards her.

Gu Ninghuan nodded slightly and opened a gentle smile: "Ma, Li, don't you know why you are here today?"    "That's it, the young master took all the maid's servants here yesterday, and the lady knows this Afterwards, I was worried that Mrs. Younger and Younger Master had no one to take care of, so I sent me over." Li Ma smiled very kindly and spoke

Gu Ninghuan's voice also felt very comfortable.

And Ma Li came! She doesn’t need to ask Fu Xishen to cook!

Even though Gu Ninghuan was very happy, he still had to pretend to be polite: "Is it too troublesome for you, because they will be back in a few days."

"A few days? Don't Mrs. Young know? Young Master gave them a month's vacation." Li Ma explained with a smile.

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

One month's vacation? What was Fu Xishen thinking about, actually gave the maid a month's vacation.

So if Mom Li didn’t come today, wouldn’t she be deceived for a whole month.

Thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan did not understand what Fu Xishen's starting point was.

Didn’t he know that if the maid never came back, would he be the one who cooks at home?

"Then trouble Ma Li taking care of me and Xishen's life this month. Thank you Li Ma." Gu Ninghuan smiled sweetly and really thanked Li Ma for coming to help them at this time.

After Fu Xishen came back, he saw that Li Ma in the villa was busy with two maids from the Fu family.

"Master, you are back. I have already processed all the ingredients that your assistant sent you just now, and you can eat in five minutes." Li Ma saw Fu Xishen came back and greeted him with a glass of water.

Fu Xi said faintly, "What about Gu Ninghuan?"

"Mrs. Young is upstairs. I will go up and ask her to come down for dinner." Li said.

Fu Xishen took off his suit and handed it to the maid nearby: "No, I will go."

"Okay, young master." Ma Li said.

Fu Xishen pushed Gu Ninghuan's door open, and saw her little body fall on the dark plush carpet, and the TV in the room was showing the most popular variety show.

Gu Ninghuan probably watched TV and suddenly fell asleep, so the sleeping posture was not so good-looking. She put on the home skirt because of her movements and lifted it to the position above the waist, so that the underwear of her lower body was clearly visible.

Fu Xishen's eyes deepened and his throat rolled slightly.

As he swallowed his thoughts and reached out to wake Gu Ninghuan, the woman who had fallen asleep on the carpet on her side suddenly moved her body and changed her sleeping position.

Such a move directly exposed her entire lower body to the air.

The strong contrast between the fair skin and the dark blanket makes the air a little bit more ambiguous.

Fu Xishen looked away from Gu Ninghuan with some embarrassment, otherwise he would not be able to eat dinner tonight.

He reached out and pushed Gu Ninghuan, deliberately letting his voice cool down: "Get up and eat."

Gu Ninghuan felt that someone was pushing herself, and some sat up in a daze. She rubbed her eyes and saw Fu Xi crouching in front of her with a cold face.

"Go down to dinner." Fu Xishen saw Gu Ninghuan's sober look, and felt a little funny, but in order to establish his majesty, he still had to pretend to look serious.

Gu Ninghuan heard Fu Xishen's words clearly, his red lips slightly yawned, and nodded cleverly.

Seeing her like this, Fu Xi couldn't help reaching out and rubbing her fluffy hair.

Gu Ninghuan waited for Fu Xishen to go out, and then felt that her lower body was a little cold. She looked down and saw that the soft fabric nightdresses were all piled up at half waist, exposing light-colored pants.

She would not have appeared in front of Fu Xishen in such a way just now!

Gu Ninghuan blushed instantly, and she didn't expect it to happen.

It's really a shame.

It’s shameful to be shameful. After all, it’s the first day that Li Ma came here, and she has worked hard to make a big table of meals. She should go to eat anyway.

She went to wash her face and went downstairs.

Just walked to the living room, he was attracted by the smell of food, even though it was not as good as the fragrance made by Fu Xishen, it was very attractive.

"Young lady, you come down, have a meal." Li Ma brought the last meal to the table.

Gu Ninghuan nodded: "Well, thank you Ma."

With that said, she chose a seat farthest away from Fu Xishen.

Li Ma saw that the two of them were clearly newlyweds, but they showed a share of each other.

I can't help but feel a little worried. This time the wife asked her to come over, not just to take care of the life of the young lady, but also more important things.

That is, let the young lady conceive a child...

But she saw the mode of getting along between the young lady and the young master, and she knew that it was a little difficult.

Gu Ninghuan devotes himself to the meal, but I don't know that Li's mother actually thought about the child.

Fu Xishen saw that Gu Ninghuan was so happy that his dissatisfaction was even stronger.

He let the maids take a vacation for a month in order to be alone with Gu Ninghuan. He likes the feeling of being relied on by Gu Ninghuan wholeheartedly, even if the price he has to pay is the temporary position of maid at home.

But now when Li Ma comes, it is estimated that this little girl with no conscience will not think of him for half a minute and rely on him.

Sure enough, and Fu Xishen was right, after Gu Ninghuan solved the problem of eating, the whole dining process did not even look at Fu Xishen at a glance, ignoring him as a big living person.

The longer Fu Xishen was ignored by Gu Ninghuan, the worse his face was.

Until Gu Ninghuan stood up and left to stand beside him, Fu Xishen did not control the strength of his men, and squeezed the glass in his hand.

Gu Ninghuan didn't know what happened downstairs, so he heard what the maid said about the young master, and what water cup broke.   It should have been Fu Xishen smashing things, but Fu Xishen smashed things. What a surprise, even though he never liked emotional leaks, but he was not a temperless person. It was normal to get angry and smash a few cups.

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