Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 119: Kill family members

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This matter is so normal that even if Gu Ninghuan heard the noise, he would not go downstairs to watch curiously.

Fu Xishen looked at the empty stairs. The maid's voice was not small just now. Gu Ninghuan must have heard it, but she didn't even have the idea of ​​turning around and taking a few steps to see it.

His cold eyes were deep and the displeasure in his expression was unusually obvious.

Gu Ninghuan sat in front of the computer and started chatting with her brother Gu Yan. About the land in Huicheng, she had searched for information. The Internet did show that it was for sale, and even planned to auction it in the near future.

And Huicheng is a famous net red city in China. If you really get a piece of land there, whether it is sold or developed by yourself is an excellent thing.

But the more you understand, the more you can't pick out any faults, and Gu Ninghuan thinks that the more weird it is, a weird one that doesn't fit the logic of facts at all.

Gu Ninghuan told his brother that the uncle wanted to buy Huicheng land. Gu Yan also seemed nervous and even planned to fly back tomorrow.

As long as my brother comes back, I believe this matter should have a good ending.

Gu Ninghuan read some more information, the mouse fell next to the uncle to sell the land, the mouse clicked and suddenly remembered something.

she knows! What will happen to this piece of land in the end? As long as the uncle bought this piece of land, it won't take long for Gu's family to be ruined.

But she didn't know that there was a problem with this land, did the young uncle know?

If he knew it but came to kill his family, she would not let him go.


Gu Yan came back faster than Gu Ninghuan imagined. At noon the next day, Gu Yan drove Gu Ninghuan to dinner.

"Brother, do you think that the uncle is really too persistent in Huicheng? Does he want to make a contribution, or does he want to hang his family?" Gu Ninghuan sat in the co-pilot, hands Play with the pendant on the bag.

Gu Yan sneered: "I heard that Uncle was gambling outside and lost 200 million. It is estimated that he wanted to use Huicheng's order to get back and fill his shortfall. This list is definitely not as simple as it seems."

Gu Ninghuan lowered her eyes, and she said why the uncle in the previous life would be so simple to sell and sell, and I am afraid that he was anxious to go abroad to avoid the creditor.

Gu Yan parked the car outside the restaurant door. Today the bureau is the uncle group, in order to convince grandpa to buy the land in Huicheng.

When Gu Yanda heard the position, he brought Gu Ninghuan over. Anyway, the company's shares also have a part of them. How can he let the uncle have the final say.

Gu Yan knocked on the door of the box with Gu Ninghuan. The uncle opened the door with a kind smile on the face, but after seeing the people standing outside were Gu Yan and Gu Ninghuan, his face changed instantly.

"How did you come here?" Uncle looked at Gu Yan, his appearance still seemed kind, but the displeasure in his eyes was still obvious.

Gu Yanxiao's Qingya said: "My uncle said this, I am also part of the Gu family. Since you want to buy the land in Huicheng, I have the qualification to listen to whatever you say!"

"What was Ning Huanlai for, she wasn't Gu's person anymore? Besides, today's meeting is very important, but it's not the children who play in the house." The uncle stood in front of the door, it seems not Let them in easily.

Gu Ninghuan hadn't spoken yet, and Gu Yan said first: "Ning Huan is my only sister. When she was 18, she had Gu's shares, but she didn't work in Gu's. Shi's person?"  "Hope Uncle or let us go in, or young people like us without fathers and mothers, it is easy to do some impulsive things." Gu Yan said as he put the sleeves of his shirt Untie, roll up the sleeves to reveal half

Cut and beautiful arm like white jade.

Uncle had planned to never let these two people go in and ruin him anyway, but now that Gu Yan looks like this, he knows he can't stop it.

"Gu Yan, look at what you said, do you still want to do something with Uncle. Come, come in together." Uncle smiled and let them open to introduce them.

Gu Yanlong held Gu Ninghuan with a gentle smile on his lips: "Thank you uncle."

By the time they entered the box, they were all there.

Gu Ninghuan glanced at the past, and found that the people who were not known by the grandfather and the other two were all under the hood of the uncle.

It seems that if the two of them can't come, Grandpa must not know what will happen.

"Gu Yan, Ning Huan, why are you here?" Grandpa saw Gu Yan and Gu Ninghuan, and was a little surprised.

"I heard that Uncle is talking about business with Grandpa, we hurried over, I think we did not miss anything." Gu Yan opened the chair, let Gu Ninghuan sit down, and he sat beside her, The protective posture is obvious.

As soon as Gu Ninghuan sat down, she felt a sticky sight fall on her. She looked up and saw that she was one of those two people she didn't know.

But for this man, why did she feel as if she had seen it before.

Gu Ninghuan looked at him and suddenly remembered, where she had seen him, and after thinking of who he was, Gu Ninghuan's hand tightened suddenly.

When the man saw Gu Ninghuan, he looked back at him if he seemed absent, thinking that Gu Ninghuan liked him, and even the bald head shone brightly: "This should be Miss Gu, hello , This is Huang Ming."

Gu Ninghuan gave him a light glance and did not answer the call.

Who is Huang Ming? He was a high-profile "talent!" who was invited back by Gu Shi after the Gu family went bankrupt in his last life.

If it is calculated as it is now, then the murderer of Gu's bankruptcy who bought and sold the land was him.

Since this is the case of Huicheng land today, is it also related to Gu Shi and them.

Thinking of this, the dark light in Gu Ninghuan's eyes was even heavier.

When Huang Ming saw Gu Ninghuan, he only felt that he had to take off his eyes and put them on Gu Ninghuan's face.

It was so beautiful. He had never seen such a beautiful woman. Anyway, as long as Gu bought the land, he would definitely go bankrupt.

As long as he gives Gu Ninghuan a helping hand, I believe she will be able to put her in her arms.

Thinking of this, Huang Ming couldn't help but take out the handkerchief and wiped the wet lips.

"Ning Huan, haven't you heard Mr. Huang say hello to you? Actually didn't give me a little response, do you still have tutors!" The uncle looked at Gu Ninghuan and felt that it didn't look good anyway.

He was about to persuade Grandpa Gu, but at this time, the two juniors came to stir up, and he was almost mad at him.   "What did the uncle want me to do?" Gu Ninghuan raised his eyes and looked at Gu Qian's eyes without any emotion.

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