Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 124: Fu Xishen, I am hungry.

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Gu Ninghuan was stunned by the whole person Fu Xishen said. She was just impulsive just now.

Fu Xishen's daily feelings were too cold and abstinent, which made her confused for a moment. She thought that Fu Xishen would push her away. Who would have thought that this man was so unsure.

When she saw Fu Xishen's body, she was going to press on her again, and she hurriedly extended her arm to block him: "I'm hungry, I want to eat."

"Gu Ninghuan, you brought this fire up. You actually told me to eat now?" The man stretched his finger to support Gu Ninghuan's cheek, and the smile on his lips was cold.

Gu Ninghuan stared at Fu Xishen, rubbing his belly pitifully: "But I'm really hungry, and I didn't eat much today."

Not only did she not eat, she even went to the hotel and had a fierce collision with her fake uncle.

Fu Xishen knew that the little woman in front of her was acting spoiled, but when she heard that she hadn't eaten anything, she still felt a sudden pain in her heart.

"Why are you so coquettish?" He looked down at her with a little helplessness in his tone.

In the end, although Fu Xishen let go of her, Gu Ninghuan was kissed firmly by him.

After finishing the meal, Gu Ninghuan returned to the master bedroom with his stuff. Fu Xishen might not care about the pressure from Fu's family, but Gu Ninghuan couldn't care less.

If Mom Li told the Fu family that their feelings were incompatible, then it would not take long for the grandfather and brother to know that by that time, it would only make them worry about her again.

As for driving Li Ma away, Gu Ninghuan also felt inappropriate. Although Li Ma was equal to the Fu family staring at their eyes.

But she was very proper in doing things. If she let Li Ma go back to prevent Li Ma from monitoring them, wouldn't it be too difficult for Li Ma to do it? Secondly, it would mean Fu's face.

After thinking about it, Gu Ninghuan felt that he should still be wronged.

Gu Ninghuan lay down on the soft bed and the smell of the man was clear, and soon fell asleep.

Fu Xishen came out of the bathroom and saw a small piece of quilt on the quilt, and his cold lips couldn't help it.

The first thing Gu Ning Huan woke up was to pick up the phone and saw dozens of missed calls on it.

With so many missed calls, only Song Ci can make Gu Ninghuan call back.

The purpose of Song Ci looking for Gu Ninghuan is very simple. She plans to learn French in the summer vacation and ask Gu Ninghuan whether to learn together.  Gu Ninghuan’s thoughts are also very simple. Now that she is reborn, she finds that her previous theoretical knowledge is too weak. In addition to being proficient in English and German, she basically understands the fur of other languages.


Rather than staying at home and sleeping, it is better to study hard, but she does not want to learn French, she wants to go to the company for an internship! When she said such thoughts to Song Ci, Song Ci seemed even more excited than her, and immediately nodded her head and agreed: "Then we have an internship in a company, do you want to go to my house or your house, or do we go to Mr. Fu's Company

Learn it! I want to go to Warner! There is my husband there! "

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

"Who is your husband now?" Gu Ninghuan stunned for a moment, Song Ci has been chasing the stars. She knows it, but the star she likes will definitely not exceed three months.

Therefore, even if it is the girlfriend of his relatives, Gu Ninghuan is not very clear who the current Song Ci likes. "Are you still asking? Of course it’s the national husband Annan! And I really admire Mr. Fu’s star-making ability. We must know that our family Annan has been playing soy sauce in the entertainment industry for several years before signing Warner. As a result, he signed Warner. After that, it was just the effort of making a movie, and it was a mess. If we could go to Warner as an intern, we would be able to get close to Annan at a close distance. Maybe he will fall in love with me at first sight, and hehehe."

Did not go on, but Gu Ninghuan already understood.

She coughed lightly and hadn't had time to speak.

I heard Song Ci say again: "You said I and Annan's children's school district house, where should I buy?"

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

"I think it would be better if you wake up first."

After Gu Ninghuan finished speaking, she and Song Ci were discussing how to apply for Warner's internship.

As we all know, Warner as a production company can be ranked in the world.

They never recruit interns whose majors are not right, and their interns are very strict. Otherwise, Gu Nana will not come to Gu Ninghuan and let her help her enter Warner.

But even so, Song Ci and Gu Ninghuan planned to try their luck. The two of them wrote two resumes and handed them to Warner's mailbox, and then they were very nervously waiting for the notice.

Shen Rui is the first assistant next to Fu Xishen. On this day, he went to Warner Human Resources, one of the companies under President Fu.

Just walked in, I heard the staff of the human resources department say: "I really don't understand these rich people, and obviously the family is so rich, why should we grab food with us all day!"

"How do you know that the two of them are rich and powerful?" Another employee was a little curious, and she glanced over and found that both of them had good resumes.

Although among their interns at Warner, their resumes are not very good, but they are also students of Beijing University, the chief university in China.

The two were in good shape, especially the one named Gu Ninghuan, which made her, a woman, unable to bear her heart. "Look at the houses they filled, both of which are among the best villas in the city, not to mention that they have a surname Gu and a surname Song, which are also the two great giants in the city! But what about the giants, no Still go

Became an intern at Warner. The employee chuckled and then hesitated to enter the official rejection.

Just when he was about to press the Enter key, the sound of a finger tapping on the desktop suddenly came in front of him.

"Assistant Shen! How did you come?" When the employee saw Shen Tezhu, the whole person was stunned.

I never thought that I would see Shen Tezhu here.

Shen Rui looks gentle, with a thin smile on her eyes: "Print a copy of the two of them."

"What? Oh! Good!" Although the staff didn't understand why Shen Rui suddenly asked for the two people's profiles, they quickly printed out the two profiles.

With a brief introduction, Shen Rui thanked the employees before entering the HR manager's office.

After explaining the manager a few words, he walked out of the office.

This is a good look at his resume.

The phone above is indeed the private number of the wife of the president, and the address may be to avoid suspicion, so the address of Gu Jia Villa is written.

But why did the wife of the president hand in Warner in this way? If she wanted to work at Warner, she only needed to notify him that the president would give her no matter what position she was in.   But she actually wants to be an intern now, don't you know that the president knows this?

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