Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 125: It's so demonish

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Shen Rui knocked on the door of President Fu's office.

Fu Xishen heard the footsteps of him coming in, without raising his eyelids: "What's the matter."

Shen Rui paused slightly: "Warner received two resumes today. The sender is the wife of the president and her good friend Miss Song Ci."

Fu Xishen was signing the hand, and took a slight pause, raising his eyes: "What position does she apply for?"

"Well... intern." Shen Rui couldn't believe it himself. He actually said the word intern.

After saying it, even Shen Rui wanted to confirm it again. Was he wrong?

Gu Ninghuan! The wife of Mr. Fu, the richest man in Asia! Even people who want to be presidents of Warner are a breeze, they should be interns.

Fu Xi extended his hand and took two thin resumes in Shen Rui's hand. He looked at Gu Ninghuan's resume. The first reaction was that Gu Ninghuan was stolen.

But then it was found that the private information in the ID number was right, especially if Song Ci was stolen photos, it was normal. Her exposure in the public was much more than that of Gu Ninghuan.

But Gu Ninghuan has never been exposed to the public, how could her photo information be stolen.

"President, I think Mrs. President seems to want to enter Warner's experience. Do you want to arrange a better position for Mrs. President and her friends?" Shen Rui asked.

Fu Xishen's expression was indifferent: "No, since she wants an intern, give her the position of intern, but don't let people bully her. In addition, don't let her know that her resume has been sent to me."

"Yes, President." Shen Rui's voice contained a thin smile. It seemed that the President was unwilling to let the President's wife know that the President helped her.

However, the reason why the president let the wife of the president start as an intern should be to train the wife of the president.

Furthermore, even if the president wants to give the wife of the president a better position, according to the personality of the wife of the president, it may not necessarily be accepted.

Thinking of this, Shen Rui understood and immediately called Warner's Human Resources Director.

After Gu Ninghuan received the phone call from her resume, the whole person couldn't be more excited. She held her mobile phone and rolled on the bed several times. At the same time, Song Ci couldn’t believe it. When he called, the voice was full of surprises: "Ning Huan! You tell the truth, did you really call Mr. Fu to help you? I think this is incredible, we actually Really entered Hua

Accepted! "  "Of course not, I am the kind of person who walks through the back door! We must rely on luck this time! "Gu Ninghuan was satisfied with a smile on her mobile phone. She said that she had never won a lottery ticket. It turned out that she was waiting here for good luck.

Holding her up.


Gu Ninghuan was very happy in the morning because of the smooth entry into Warner. When Fu Xishen came back to dinner at noon, she looked at her with a happy face, and her eyes became soft for a long time. I have not seen her so happy.

"Why are you so happy?" Fu Xi asked, taking a few sips of the tea in front of him. Gu Ninghuan saw Fu Xi deeply asking this, couldn't help but feel excited, but still not suppress the joy in the words: "Did you know? My resume actually passed the recruitment of Warner intern, it is very important to know Difficult! You

It's a miracle that my profession is not right. "

"Well, it's really great." Fu Xishen saw her pink cheeks close at hand and couldn't help but stretch her fingers to rub her soft side face gently.

Gu Ninghuan was so happy to get Fu Xishen's praise. She was so happy that she didn't realize what Fu Xishen was doing at this time. "Song Ci is also very happy. She is finally able to see her male god. Now she is thinking about where she and the male **** child's school district will buy if they fall in love with her at first sight." Gu Ninghuan, who was praised by Fu Xishen, endured Can't live

Want to share a few more words with Fu Xishen.

He didn't realize that Fu Xishen's dull complexion, how could he forget that Warner is not only the top domestic film and television company.

It is even more a company that has signed a contract with a popular entertainer in China, and even the domestic first-line big-name brokerage contracts are basically in their company.

Gu Ninghuan wants to go to Warner, is it also because she has a favorite star there.

"Do you have any favorite stars in Warner?" Fu Xishen asked casually. Gu Ninghuan didn't realize the danger, but nodded happily: "Of course there is! It is Yuan Jing! Isn't his recent costume movie being released? I heard that it has broken through 1.4 billion in ten days! I and Song Ci Went to see that electricity

Ying, Yuanjing is really beautiful in the movie. "Gu Ninghuan said that when he was emotional, he couldn't even hold his cheek with both hands.

The more Fu Xishen listened to her boasting about Yuan Jing, the worse his complexion was. If Gu Ninghuan was so happy, she would let Shen Rui stop her internship.

"Shut up! Eat." Fu Xi said coldly.

Gu Ninghuan didn't understand why Fu Xishen was suddenly angry, and she just praised her just now.

She wanted to ask, but seeing Fu Xishen's uncomfortable complexion, she could only bow her head to eat silently.

Fu Xishen's temper is really getting more and more repeated. Since he doesn't like sitting with her for dinner, then she can't force her to eat with him.

Gu Ninghuan finished his meal at the fastest speed and ran upstairs.

Fu Xishen looked at her back, and looked at Shen Rui's number indifferently: "He Yuanjing's agent noticed, don't let Yuanjing appear in the company in these two months."

"Okay, President." Shen Rui promised, but he was full of doubts.

The president never likes to manage Warner's affairs. Usually, Fu's company has so many things. How can he spend much time on a film and television company like Warner.

But today the president not only managed, but also managed the artists under Warner, is it because of the wife of the president?

The small unpleasantness on the dining table did not affect Gu Ninghuan's mood. She was still in a good mood to pack things and drove to Warner.

After meeting with Song Ci in Warner, the two went to the Human Resources Department. The Human Resources Director asked them where they wished to practice.

Gu Ninghuan can be anywhere, but Song Ci said excitedly: "Can we work beside Annan?"

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

Director of Human Resources:"……"

According to Song Ci's idea, the director of human resources actually sent Gu Ninghuan directly to them, and Annan was doing internship in the film crew.

Gu Ninghuan couldn't believe it, Warner actually fulfilled the wish of Song Ci, this is fake!

"Who are the two people you just sent?" Mei An looked at Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci, her delicate brows frowned. Xiaoyu, the assistant next to Mei'an, is holding the water: "I heard that it was an assistant personally sent by the company's human resources director, but it was only two little assistants. It looks like a demon in a devilish look is not a good thing! It’s not good that someone deliberately sent to seduce Annan. Otherwise, why would they be so beautiful as an assistant, wouldn’t they earn more as a star!"

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