Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 126: Is it impossible to describe her?

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Upon hearing the four words that seduce Annan, Mei An couldn't help frowning.

Almost everyone in the entertainment industry knows that she likes Annan, but she knows that she likes Annan, but she arranges two such beautiful assistants next to Annan. Does this leave her in the eye?

"Sister Mei'an, you said we should not look for someone to stare at them properly, so as to prevent them from moving their minds?" Xiaoyu asked, looking at Mei'an.

Mei An squinted through the two-page script and opened her lips lightly: "Well."

Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci both officially became Annan's assistants, but the two of them wanted to enter Warner for learning.

For a job like an artiste assistant, the HR manager is just arranging for them to stay for a week to experience it, and still have to go back after a week.

The work in the crew is chaotic and complicated, but Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci both have no complaints and have been working very seriously.

Fu Xishen deliberately ended his work early this afternoon and drove to the crew to pick Gu Ninghuan home.

But his car, but just stopped, saw Gu Ninghuan standing on the side of the road while looking down at his mobile phone, while looking like who he should be waiting for.

The driver drove the door for Fu Xishenla. Before he got off, he saw a Zhou Zheng man approaching Gu Ninghuan and was talking about something.

Gu Ninghuan stood on the side of the road holding a mobile phone while waiting for Song Ci to come out. Suddenly she felt someone near her. She almost subconsciously stepped aside and pulled away from the person.

Whether before or after rebirth, she didn't like to get too close to strangers. "Beauty, I noticed you from the beginning. Are you waiting for someone? Would you like to go to the cafe next to me and drink while waiting?" The man saw Gu Ninghuan and took a step back, a little unwilling. Step forward wants to bring them closer

The distance between.

Gu Ninghuan frowned, and took a step back: "I'm sorry, I don't have the habit of drinking coffee with strangers."  "Look at what you said, what is a stranger, we will go to the coffee shop and sit down Know each other, not just..." The man said, trying to reach out to grab Gu Ninghuan's arm, but his hand had not touched her.

His arm was caught by his wrist.

There was a sudden pain like pain, which came from his wrist and reached his heart, and his face was deformed.

Fu Xishen, why did he appear suddenly, Gu Ninghuan stunned slightly: "If you don't let go of his hand again, he will break his hand."

Gu Ninghuan looked at Fu Xishen coldly and fiercely, and said weakly.

She didn't think she could not talk to her, so she planned to treat her with an innocent man, but there were many people here.

Even though Fu Xishen was very low-key on weekdays, he still occasionally appeared in Caijing magazine. It would not be good if someone else photographed him.

Fu Xi deeply heard that when he shook off that man's hand, as soon as the man was free, it was like running forward without a life, daring not to return his head.

"Are you here to take me home?" Gu Ning looked at Fu Xishen, just because he shot somehow to make her feel a little handsome.

Fu Xi said lightly: "Just pass by."

"Oh, let's go back together, but I still have to send Song Ci back home. She is currently playing Annan in the crew, I..."

"Kan Annan? Who? Song Ci?" Su Muzhe's voice came suddenly, with a little anger.

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

Gu Ning Huan cleared his throat and looked at Su Muzhe: "What are you doing here?"

"Song Ci has been in the circle of friends for a day, and I just want to see what Annan has the ability to fascinate her like this." Su Muzhe's tone was not good.

"Mr. Fu." After Su Muzhe finished speaking, he realized that Fu Xishen was here, and said hello immediately.

Fu Xi nodded deeply, even if he responded to him.

"Ning Huan, you should go back with Mr. Fu, I will take care of Song Ci." After that, Su Muzhe stepped inside.

Gu Ninghuan turned to stop his behavior, but his waist was held by the man behind him. He whispered: "Go home!"    "But what if Su Muzhe saw what she shouldn't see, and Song Ci was single, She wants to shove anyone she wants, and she should never accept Su Muzhe's displeasure." Gu Ninghuan said with some dissatisfaction. Su Muzhe's reaction just now,

It's like catching a traitor.

Fu Xishen took her forcibly: "Even if it is so, it is also a matter between the two of them."

Gu Ninghuan was forced into the car by him, and was still a little unhappy. How could this man force her away.

Fu Xi lowered his eyes and looked at Gu Ning's bulging profile, his eyes warm.

Gu Ninghuan was sending a message to Song Ci with his mobile phone, and wanted to ask her what was going on, but Song Ci never responded.

She frowned, but thinking about it, Su Muzhe was not the kind of person who would bully Song Ci, so it should be fine.

"What are you thinking?" Fu Xi's deep, deep voice sounded, and Gu Ninghuan turned his head to look at him with a sly smile: "Want to know? I'm not telling you, who asked you to force me away!"

"If I don't take you away, but let you really chase in, guess what you will see?" Fu Xishen said deeply.

Gu Ninghuan inexplicably felt that what he said, with a vaguely ambiguous reason why.

Could it be that Su Muzhe could not describe Song Ci...

Gu Ninghuan suddenly had the heart to want to jump. Su Muzhi is very good, but no matter how good she is, she can't violate the will of the girl and have a relationship with her!

Just when Gu Ninghuan wanted to call someone to check on Song Ci’s status, he saw Song Ci finally replied to her message. When she saw her, it was fine. Gu Ninghuan was a little relieved.

Fu Xishen saw that Gu Ninghuan's eyes were always on her mobile phone, and she was a little displeased. She stretched out her hand and took away her mobile phone directly.

Gu Ning was furious, Fu Xishen could restrict her freedom, but could not deprive her mobile phone.

She reached out almost immediately to grab the phone from Fu Xishen: "Fu Xishen, don't go too far, I haven't heard back yet!"

"It's not good for eyesight to see the mobile phone by car." Fu Xi's eyes were deep and his tone was calm.

Gu Ninghuan was about to be fooled by Fu Xi. This is what is so ridiculous. How many people are sitting in the car without looking at the phone?

But now that the phone has reached Fu Xishen's hand, she can't grab it and can only sit on the leather seat and get bored.

The phone was put aside by Fu Xi, and the sound of text messages kept coming out of the phone, making Gu Ninghuan feel uncomfortable like being caught by a cat.

"Fu Xishen, can you show me the text message? I want to know who sent me the message!" Gu Ninghuan heard the voice, and really could not restrain the curiosity in his heart.   But Fu Xishen directly pressed the shutdown button of her phone.

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