Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 127: Consciousness gradually lost

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Gu Ninghuan was so irritated by Fu Xishen's behavior that it was at this time that the car stopped in front of the traffic lights.

She reached out her hand and opened the door to leave. The arm was grabbed by the man and pulled back directly. The door was closed with the strength of her hand.

"Gu Ninghuan, what the **** are you doing?" Fu Xi frowned deeply. Was this little woman crazy, daring to drive the door during the peak traffic in Kyoto?

Gu Ninghuan was pulled back by Fu Xi deeply, and she felt a slight pain in her arm. She tried hard to shake off the man's hand, but was tightly grasped by him.

"Fu Xishen, since you don't want me to get angry, then you give me your phone back. Why did you turn off my phone privately?" Gu Ninghuan's cheeks were sulking, obviously very angry.

But her anger is really no deterrent, but her cheeks are pink and tender, which makes people feel not afraid of it, but has a kind of milk and milk.

He didn't hold back, held out her fingers and pinched her tender cheeks, leaned over and kissed her directly. Gu Ninghuan was pressed by the man in the back seat and kissed him. Although the partition in the back seat of the car was put down since the two of them got on the car, there is also a film on the window to isolate the outside view, but this is after all On Ma Lu, she doesn't want to be with Fu

West Shenzhen car.

Anyway, the man is still a decent man, but just kissed her and let her go.

Gu Ninghuan was free and sat up hurriedly. Now her lips are reddish, and her beautiful eyes contain thin water, and she is angry and anxious: "How can you kiss me suddenly, obviously I'm still angry."

"Well, I know." Fu Xi looked up at her deeply, no matter how he looked, there was a smile on his eyes.

Gu Ninghuan saw that Fu Xishen was so oily and salty, he dared not continue to make trouble, and he didn’t even dare to grab a mobile phone.

I was worried that if Fu Xi couldn't help it, she would directly press her on the car and kissed it again.

Thinking of this possibility, Gu Ninghuan felt that her face was hot. She had never seen it before. A man like Fu Xishen who loves bullying.

After the car stopped at Fu's house, she could no longer stay with Fu Xishen in the space of the car for one second, and hurriedly pushed the door to get off.

Fu Xi glanced lightly at her back, running away from the desert, and the smile in her eyes grew thicker.

It didn't take long for her to go upstairs, and the maid took her mobile phone and sent it up. Gu Ninghuan took the lost mobile phone and saw a message on the news pop-up just after turning on the phone.

"Song Dongping's seaside villa in Shaodong's family, a fire broke out, and well-known actors Annan and Song Yunping both disappeared, and their lives are unknown."

Gu Ninghuan looked at the screen blankly, and he didn't want to believe at all.

Song Yunping is the brother of Song Ci, how could he know Annan.

If Song Ci saw the news, what should she do, Gu Ninghuan went to the news and saw that the incident happened only half an hour ago.

In this short period of time, the comment area was instantly filled by passers-by and Annan fans.

Fans of Annan are reluctant to accept the news, insisting that Annan is currently filming in the crew and it is absolutely impossible to be in the villa with some young owners.

In addition, most of the comments from passers-by were gloating, even saying that Annan was adopted by Song Yunping, so Warner would give him resources to make him a hit.

Gu Ninghuan saw the news and immediately called Song Ci, but Song Ci didn't get the call.

This made her even more worried. She didn't pay much attention to her life, even if she didn't have this news, she would forget about any fire.

But now she recalled that the Song family only remembered that the stocks almost fell due to the fire.

But in the end how she solved it, she couldn't remember it no matter what she thought.


Song Ci looked at the strange lights in front of her, and she was the first time she came to a place like a striptease bar. She and Gu Ninghuan sometimes drink together, but the places they go to are clean bars or clubs, but today when she followed Su Muzhi to a bar famous for love, she only thought that she had played before The place is simply

Little witch sees big witch.

Song Ci followed Su Muzhe to the second-floor box he had set, and his eyes were faintly excited.   "I want to go down to play, why do we come to such a bar, but enter the private room to drink! Didn't you lose the meaning of coming here?" Song Ci was a little dissatisfied. She looked at the colorful drinks in front of her and was very upset


Su Muzhe pours a beautiful "drink" for her personally: "Don't worry, drink a little warmth before you can play more fun."

Song Ci listened to Su Muzhe's words and never doubted him. He drank the pink drink in front of him very cleverly. The sweet taste made Song Ci feel very good and couldn't help picking up another cup.

But obviously it was just a drink, but only two drinks.

She felt that her body was so hot that her head was dizzy, and Su Muqian in front of her suddenly became two people and suddenly three people.

Song Ci reached out and touched the face of the man in front of him: "Don't shake it, I'm so dizzy."

"Song Ci, what's wrong with you? Are you drunk?" Su Muzhe's voice was very soft, so Song Ci couldn't help but think along his words.

"Am I drunk?" Song Ci looked at the two empty glasses in front of her eyes. From the feeling of the entrance just now, it was just a sweet and sour drink. How could she be drunk.

Su Muzhe chuckled: "Well, you are drunk, I will take you to rest, OK?"

Song Ci nodded, she was drunk, so of course she had to go home.

The man nodded when he saw Song Ci, and smiled deeper on the corner of his lips. He stepped forward to hold Song Ci tightly and walked out of the bar.

But he did not take her home, but took her back to his apartment.

Su Muzhe opened the door and placed Song Ci gently on the bed, never looking away from Song Ci on the bed.

When he saw Song Ci's face reddish, he rubbed her hands on her cheeks. At first, he touched her, but then she seemed to be greedy for the cold temperature of the palm of a man, and couldn't help but go up, like a cute little milk cat rubbing. Holding the back of his hand.

"Mu Mu, I'm not comfortable." Song Ci half opened her misty eyes, her eyes full of confusion, she felt so hot, and there was a whirl in her body that she had never experienced longing.

Mumu, Song Ci obtained his name specifically for him. At that time, it was just for fun, and he thought that the name was too feminine and he always hated it.

But at this time, he did not refuse her to call him so.

"Where is it uncomfortable?" Su Muzhe's eyes had a bewitching smile, which was very different from his usual gentle gentleman.

Song Ci felt that Su Muzhe was a bit strange at this time, but she felt that she was even more wrong now, but what exactly was strange, she couldn't tell.   She only felt that the consciousness gradually disappeared with the passage of time, but the need for something in her heart was more clear. She couldn't help hooking her arm to the man's neck and neck, and her body approached him...

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