Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 128: Kiss the man's meager lips

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Song Ci closed his eyes and kissed the man's thin lips.

Su Muzhe's long fingers passed through her fluffy long hair, the body leaned forward slightly and the two entangled and fell on the soft bed.

The two people's bodies are in close proximity, and the temperature of the room rises inch by inch.

Song Ci clearly wanted the man in front of her to help her heat off, but I don't know why the closer you are to him, the higher the body temperature.

The next day, Song Ci woke up and stared blankly at the ceiling, then turned his head to look at Su Mu's face in close proximity.

Just thought she was crazy, she actually fell asleep with Su Mu!

Song Ci tried hard to recall everything from last night, but found sadly that he couldn't remember it at all.

She didn't choose to stay here for long, and she didn't even know how to face Su Muzhe after waking up.

But she ran away quickly, only to see that she changed her clothes with very light hands and feet, and then slipped out of Su Muzhe's apartment.

The moment Song Ci turned on the phone, the Song family's phone came in. She just connected the phone and the song from Father Song's face was scolded: "Where are you now? Get me back to the Song family immediately."

She froze for a moment, not knowing why her father was so angry, but she immediately drove back.

Gu Ninghuan also received a notice from the company that it was because Annan had an accident, so the crew will first shoot other people's scenes.

This is not special news for the rest of the crew, because they still have to work as usual, but Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci are the secretaries of Annan, and Annan is no longer there, so they do not need to go to the crew.

Gu Ninghuan will officially go to work at Warner, and Song Ci... should take a long vacation.

The Song family's affairs were very tricky. The surveillance video that broke out in the morning proved that Annan did drive to Song Yunping's seaside villa last night.

And that building was even a gorgeous house before it was burnt, and it was covered by the rundown of black char at this time.

The angry and sad fans of Annan directed all their spears at Song Cijia's company.

Yige's official website was instantly paralyzed by hacking attacks. Song Ci and Yige's official Weibo comments were overwhelmed by slurs.

Gu Ninghuan kept thinking about how to solve this matter in his life, but he just couldn't think of it if he hurt his head.

She was in the company, looking at the documents in front of her, watching the news that Song Ci had not returned, and was a little worried.

"Ning Huan, please remember to translate this document into English and give it to me, and someone outside will look for you." The colleague put the document at Gu Ninghuan's desk and said to her.

"Oh, good." Gu Ninghuan took the document, pulled his thoughts away from Song Ci, and then went out to see a tall woman with her back to her.

"You are Gu Ninghuan?" asked the man dressed like an assistant next to the tall woman, staring at her fiercely.

Obviously it was such a simple sentence, but Gu Ninghuan clearly felt the malice in her body.

"Well, I'm Gu Ninghuan, what's wrong?" Gu Ninghuan knew they were bad, but they didn't know where they caused them.

Xiaoyu took a step closer: "Where is that **** in Song Ci?"

"Miss, you'd better pay attention to the words you speak, otherwise I'll treat you politely." Gu Ninghuan frowned, if someone else used these two words to describe her, she wouldn't be angry, but use Speaking of Song Ci, she couldn't accept it. The woman who listened to them all the time but didn’t respond. After hearing Gu Ninghuan help Song Ci, she turned around with a sneer: "Of course you can be kind to us. I have checked your identity. Gu Jiada Miss Gu Ning

Huan is it? You Gu family do have money, but if you want to do whatever you want in the entertainment industry with money, then you are really naive. I will ask you again, where is Song Ci. "

Gu Ninghuan's brows were deeper. She looked at the woman with red eyes in front of her. She only felt that she was familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen them. "I don't know. Something happened in Song Ci's family, and I have taken a long vacation. But if you are looking for her for Annan's affairs, then I can tell you clearly that she is completely unaware of this matter." Woman in front of

It should be a fan of Annan, so she would look for Song Ci with emotion.  Meian walked on Gu Ninghuan's heels with ten centimeters of high heels and sneered: "You said it has nothing to do with Song Ci? Annan just disappeared because he had dinner with Song Ci's brother Song Yunping. I tell you that if Annan is out

What is the matter, I must let Song Ci be buried! "  " That's right! It was not a good thing to see you in the crew at first, so beautifully long as an assistant, who would believe it! The result was not what I expected, but it was only one day after I came to the crew that Annan had an accident.

It must be your calculation! "Xiaoyu said right after Mei An."

Gu Ninghuan looked at them like this, but felt helpless.

But anyway, Annan had an accident, she could understand how sad they were as a person who liked Annan.

She does not quarrel with them, as long as they do not insult Song Ci, regardless of any unrealistic assumptions about them, she can accept it.

"I respect your thoughts, even if your thoughts are really ridiculous." Gu Ninghuan turned and left, she still has a document without translation, and there is really no time to continue wasting. But she had just taken a step, and the road in front of her was stopped by Xiaoyu: "If you are not guilty, what do you do so quickly? I know you and that Song Ci are good girlfriends, so you want to shield her. But I Tell you if you

God doesn't bring Song Ci to us, you don't want to stay at Warner. "

"Can I stay at Warner, nor can you decide." Gu Ning smiled, she felt very strange.

She entered Warner no matter what luck she took, but at least she and Song Ci had been trembling after entering the company.

Even though Song Ci was selfish as an assistant to Annan, when she made this request to the Director of Human Resources, in fact, even Song Ci didn't expect that she would be allowed.

Moreover, she was an assistant and did not do anything to Annan. Otherwise, she would be like a star of Annan's level. They would have been expelled from both of them. They work in an upright manner. Why should they be threatened by others.

"Miss, if you have nothing to do, please let me not stop my way, I still have to work, thank you." Gu Ninghuan's tone is still polite.

The little fish wanted to say something angrily, but it was stopped by Mei An behind him.   The two exchanged a look, Xiaoyu was reluctant to give up.

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