Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 129: A tall, tall figure walked towards her

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"Do you really think you can keep Song Ci? I tell you, if there is something wrong with Annan, even if the Song family is a rich man, I must let Song Ci die for his brother!" Mei An said Finished, gave Gu Ninghuan a fierce glance

Turn around and leave.

Gu Ninghuan stood on the spot, looking at the woman's back, and finally remembered who she was.

Mei'an, when Annan was not popular, was already the chairman of Annan Support Association.

It is said that she debuted just to be able to get closer to Annan, which is also typical of entering the entertainment circle to chase stars.

She took out her mobile phone and searched Mei An's Weibo, and found that she was a star with 22 million fans as a fan.

But Annan's name will appear once among the three Weibos in her Weibo.

For a star, this is very straightforward support, and even such behavior as Mei An is tantamount to tying her and Annan together.

This is really crazy to the point of obsession.

Gu Ninghuan sat in the position and began to translate the document. After the song Song Ci did not return information to her,

She walked to the parking space of her car and found that her 7 million sports car had been smashed into a pile of scrap copper.

Seeing this scene in front of me, I was so angry that my mobile phone was not stable!

With a cold face on her face, she walked to the car and saw an A4 sheet in the driver's seat full of glass fragments.

Gu Ninghuan picked up the paper and glanced at it, seeing clearly written on it: "You are so rich, I believe that you should not care about millions of sports cars."

She twisted the paper in her hands into clumps, so crazy words, no need to think about who did it!

They are really lunatics, thinking that if they are stars, they should be sought after by thousands of people.

They should use their fans' love for her to threaten others, even if they just didn't like her, so they smashed her car.

This really treats her as a soft persimmon! Gu Ninghuan took out his mobile phone and pressed the cold number: "Xinghui's actor Mei An smashed my car and found someone to arrest her for me, if she could return 7 million, If she doesn’t come out! I want her to be in her life

There is no way to be an actor!"

"Yes, Miss. Where are you now, do you need me to pick you up?" Leng Han asked.

Gu Ninghuan hadn't spoken, but heard a crying voice: "Ning Huan."

She heard Song Ci's voice and turned to see her standing behind her with red eyes.

"No, I'll just wait for a taxi and go back. You can help me deal with Mei'an." After that, Gu Ninghuan hung up the phone. Song Ci ran to Gu Ninghuan, tears came down, and his words choked: "Ning Huan, my brother had an accident, and the family was in a mess because of this. I don’t know what to do, but my brother is really not gay, he also Never dive

The rules of Annan! "

"I know that if Annan is really willing to be unspoken, it will not be silenced after so many years. This must be a misunderstanding."

No matter what Gu Ninghuan thinks, he feels that there can be no so-called love between Annan and Song Yunping.

Song Ci looked at Gu Ninghuan: "Ning Huan, my father will hold a shareholders meeting at the company at 8 o'clock tonight, but he will not let me go. Can you accompany me?"

"Of course I can, but my car broke down, and we took a taxi." Gu Ninghuan thought of her car and she was mad.

Now, she can't wait to call Leng Han immediately, no matter whether Mei An loses money or not, she should beat her fiercely.

"My God, what happened to Ning Huan's car?" Song Ci suddenly slammed into a scrapped car in sight, but even though the car was already devastated, she still vaguely recognized that this was Gu Ninghuan's car.

Gu Ninghuan gritted his teeth: "Battered by the crazy man of Mei An!"

"Why did she smash your car because I was in trouble for you! Wang Ba egg, actually dared to deal with you, let's go! We asked her to settle the bill!" Song Ci's understanding of the entertainment industry is obviously much stronger than Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan only mentioned the name of Mei An, and Song Ci knew why Mei An did it.

Once a fan of Annan, Song Ci still liked Mei'an because she really did not spare any effort to promote Annan in her personal social media.

But she actually smashed Gu Ninghuan's car now, and she was very angry. If Mei An smashed her car, she could bear it.

Anyway, Annan's affairs are indeed related to her brother, but Gu Ninghuan is innocent, and Mei An wants to get angry if he wants to rush at her.

"Okay, I've let Leng Han teach Mean away. Let's go to the first place." Gu Ninghuan looked at Song Ci, who was extremely excited, and pulled her out of the parking lot.

As for her car, she will definitely not be able to leave now. I believe she will arrange for someone to come and help her tow the truck when she is cold, but she is not worried.

Now she is even more worried about one grid. With the further expansion of public opinion, the stock of one grid falls and then falls again.

When Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci arrived together, they saw that the outside of the company was surrounded by dense reporters.

Gu Ninghuan looked at the camera in their hands and only felt horrified.

Reporter Why did they appear here? Did they come here to stop Father Song?

"I watched my dad call today and said clearly that this meeting is confidential, but why are there such reporters outside." Song Ci stood next to Gu Ninghuan and was very worried about his father's safety.

"Look! That's Miss Song Family's Song Ci. She must know about Song Yunping and Annan!" Suddenly I didn't know who screamed, so that everyone's eyes focused on Song Ci.

Gu Ninghuan wanted to run by pulling Song Ci, but he did not know where a group of fans holding Annan lanterns came from.

They surrounded Song Ci and Gu Ninghuan in groups, reached out and took eggs and mineral water bottles from the bag they carried with them and smashed them into Song Ci.

Gu Ninghuan has been guarding Song Ci all the time, so most of the filth hit her.

"You just hit me, don't hurt my friend, she is innocent!" Song Ci said loudly.

"What an innocent! The real innocent person is our Annan, and it wouldn't be an accident if our brother Annan was your brother!"

"Yes, your brother is a killer, and your friend is not a good thing!"

"Slay them two sluts! Revenge for Annan's brother!"


Fans' attacks are so fierce that reporters who want to come forward to interviews have stopped.

The reporter was just holding a camera to shoot Song Ci and Gu Ninghuan's embarrassment. They didn't want to be injured by crazy fans.

Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci hugged each other, and suddenly felt nothing hit them.   She opened her eyes in confusion, and was confused to see a tall and tall figure walking towards her.

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