Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 130: Fu Xishen, they are strange tigers.

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Gu Ninghuan hadn't reacted yet, so he was embraced by the man.

The familiar cold taste made Gu Ninghuan instantly recognize who it was.

Fu Xishen? Why is he here.

"Are you all right?" Fu Xishen wiped the egg liquid on her forehead with a handkerchief, and her voice was soft.

Fu Xishen actually spoke to her so softly. Was she stupid by the egg?

"Fu Xishen, I'm so painful, they smashed me with eggs and mineral water! Ooo." Gu Ninghuan reacted and hit the snake with the stick. The whole person was buried in the man's arms.

The eggs and vegetable leaves on her also contaminated the man. Gu Ninghuan thought that according to Fu Xishen, a person with severe cleanliness, he would definitely push her away, but unexpectedly he did not.

Instead, Fu Xishen hugged her in her arms, and the tone was a little heavy: "If you know the pain, why not hide it..."

Gu Ninghuan was leaning on the man's arms. Of course she couldn't hide. If she hid so many things, she would pass the Song Ci.

Song Ci alone, how can he resist the shelling of so many people, and if she is blocking it, those fans are more or less concerned.

"Ning Huan, I'm sorry, I hurt you, are you okay." Song Ci has been brought to Gu Ninghuan by the bodyguards brought by Fu Xishen.

Gu Ninghuan heard Song Ci's voice and hurriedly looked at her to see if there were any wounds on her body, but Song Ci was only a little dirty and embarrassed. As for seeing blood, there was nothing.

But when Gu Ninghuan saw that Song Ci was smashed so ugly, then her present appearance must also be terrible. She must not give Fu Xishen such an ugly appearance!

Gu Ninghuan lowered his head and wished the whole person was in Fu Xishen's arms: "I'm fine, Song Ci. Fu Xishen, help us find a place, OK, I want to take a shower."

Fu Xishen saw Gu Ninghuan's head lowered suddenly, thinking that something was wrong with her, and raised her chin to see if there were any wounds he ignored on her face.

Gu Ninghuan seemed to know Fu Xishen's intentions, and never looked up anyway.

Her lack of cooperation also made him a little annoyed: "Gu Ninghuan, honestly let me see if there is a wound on your face, otherwise I will throw you into the heap again."

"Are you overly threatened?!"

Gu Ninghuan looked up and glared at the man, regardless of whether she was ugly or not, but Fu Xishen actually wanted to throw her into the crowd.

Seeing her looking up, Fu Xi reached out and clasped her jaw, and wiped off the liquid egg flour on her face with the wet handkerchief handed to him by the bodyguard.

Gu Ninghuan's pure and charming face appeared on his eyes bit by bit. Fortunately, her face did not have any wounds except the bruises smashed out.

Song Ci has been taken away by Fu Xishen's bodyguards. Fans of trouble have been restrained by Fu Xishen's bodyguards. Of course, the photos in the reporters' cameras cannot be kept.

Fu Xishen hugged Gu Ninghuan sideways, looking at the fan who was still menacing but now panicked: "I will send all to the police station without my consent, I will not let it go."

"It's better to let them go. Annan has hit them too much, and they will be impulsive for a while." Gu Ninghuan's eyes crossed across the young and tender faces of fans, and he couldn't help but plead with them.

Fu Xi saw that, even if he was unwilling to see Gu Ning's pleading eyes, he could only nod his head and agree.

When Gu Ninghuan took a shower from the hotel room and put on clean and soft clothes, he felt that the whole person was a lot easier.

Gu Ninghuan sat on the sofa and picked up the hair dryer and wanted to dry her hair, but just after her finger touched the hair dryer, she was taken over by the man behind her.

She did not refuse. She sat cross-legged on the sofa, letting the man blow her hair carefully but not skillfully.

Gu Ninghuan wondered whether people like Fu Xishen who had been in high positions all the time had never blown their hair for women.

She lowered her eyes, and the corners of her lips were raised before she realized it.

When Fu Xishen finished blowing her hair, the sound outside the hotel door rang, and the bodyguard went to open the door, seeing Song Ci came in a little crampedly.

Gu Ninghuan saw her and smiled slightly, before she had time to speak. Song Ci walked in front of Fu Xishen and thanked respectfully: "Thank you for cleaning up the reporters in front of my company. Otherwise, my father will be worse than us when he goes to the company. Ning Huan, I’m sorry, but it’s not me you

Will not be involved. "

After Song Ci finished speaking, he seriously apologized to Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ning Huan thought it was nothing. Song Ci was only a girl who didn't reach her 20s.

Suddenly encountering such a big accident at home, fear is normal, and no one would think that the reporter's actions were so fast, and the news would be so well informed.

"Do you know how Warner intends to deal with Annan's affairs?" Gu Ninghuan asked with a deep glance at Fu Xi.

The man took the ointment and applied it on her face, with a flat tone: "Find someone, then change actors."

"Warner has lost such a popular actor, are you not in a hurry?" Gu Ninghuan didn't understand, and always felt that Fu Xishen was not interested in the actor of his company Warner.

Song Ci hesitated for a while, but carefully put it into Gu Ninghuan's ear and explained in a voice that only two people could hear: "Warner is a company that values ​​film and television production. For their company, it doesn't matter who is popular.

Because after the Warner show, there is no one who is not hot! The audience also very much recognized the production level of their company. Basically, as long as it is a film produced by Warner, no matter who plays it, it will burst. "

Gu Ninghuan understood Song Ci's explanation that she had never paid much attention to the entertainment industry, and now she realized that Warner was so powerful.

"Then Fu Xishen means, will you give up Annan?" Gu Ninghuan was surprised.

Song Ci nodded: "It should be that, in the business of business, for Warner, every time you wait for another day, the crew will spend more money."

Gu Ninghuan remembered that before she died, she had heard the news of Annan International International Silver Award.

So this proves that Annan did not die in this fire, but if Annan did not die, then where is it now?

Such serious news about Annan’s accident is now overwhelming.

As long as there is a place with a TV phone, he must be able to hide where a big living person like him can hide.

"Where is the Song family's search range? Haven't you found the whereabouts of your brother and Annan so far?"  "Every family and every household in the place near the beach has asked, but they haven't found me their news, father. Now I wonder if they fell in the sea... what if they really fell in the sea."

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