Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 131: You are so frivolous

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Gu Ninghuan knew that both Annan and Song Yunping were alive before her death. In this case, they must have survived the fire.

But the question now is where they were found.

Gu Ninghuan frowned, and Song Ci was silent.

For a moment, the air in the room became very quiet, and the sudden ringtone of Song Ci broke the calm.

Song Ci connected the phone and walked to the corner. Her phone call lasted about twenty minutes until she finished speaking.

Her emotions could not help but become lower.

Gu Ninghuan looked at Song Ci's lingering words after answering the phone and realized that what she said next must be inconvenient for Fu Xi to listen deeply.

"Fu Xishen, I have something to say to Song Ci, you go out first." Gu Ninghuan reached out and pushed the man.

Fu Xi looked at her calmly and got up and went out.

"What's wrong with you, is the result of this company meeting not good?" Gu Ninghuan asked Fu Cishen after confirming that Fu Xishen had left. Song Ci grinned reluctantly: "It is the company that wants my father to surrender all the shares, and then apologize to the public and admit the ambiguity of my brother and Annan. They want to make my father bear the whole thing regardless of the truth, but my brother simply Hean

The two of Nan did not have a relationship.

If my father really admitted, then when my brother came back, it was really unclear. "

As she spoke later, her tone became more and more sad.

Song Ci certainly didn't think there was anything wrong with homosexuality, but his brother and Annan had no thoughts about each other.

If this is the case, why should they apologize for public opinion?

"Do you know how your brother and Annan met? Why haven't I heard you talk about it before, and your brother and Annan know each other?" Gu Ninghuan asked with some doubt.

Song Ci did not know exactly when her brother and Annan were so familiar.

The seaside villa where his brother had an accident is his own private residence, and he will never bring unfamiliar people to the past.

In this way, my brother and Annan should have known each other for a long time, but she had never heard of it.

"Is the cause of the fire clear?" Gu Ninghuan saw Song Ci did not speak, thinking that she must not know that Song Yunping and Annan knew each other, otherwise she would not specifically go to Warner Intern to see idols.

Song Ci thought for a while and nodded: "Check it out, saying that the candle burned into the curtains, which resulted in a fire."

candle? Hearing the cause of the fire, why did Gu Ninghuan feel so unbelievable, now the hot weather, that is, for the candlelight dinner atmosphere, will light candles.

But two big men have dinner, and it is unlikely to eat such a sentimental thing as candlelight dinner. "Ning Huan, I think what happened between my brother and Annan is really weird. I don’t know how they knew each other, or even why they need to light candles for dinner. I'm too

Knowing that Brother and Annan are humans, I might also wonder if there is love between them. "Song Ci smiled bitterly. Recently, too many things have happened, leaving her with a mess.

Gu Ninghuan just wanted to comfort her, but saw a faint red mark on her neck.

Gu Ninghuan remembered at this time that Song Ci was wearing a high-necked shirt all the time today, and the buttons on the shirts were even more unnaturally tight.

But now it is probably after taking a bath just now, before forgetting to fasten the buttons.

"Did you happen to Su Muzhe last night?" Gu Ninghuan stared at the trace on her neck, and his heart sank suddenly.

Did Su Muzhe force her last night?

When Song Ci heard Gu Ninghuan ask this question, he blushed: "I raped Su Muzhi last night..."

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

"Are you sure he raped you?" Gu Ninghuan didn't believe it, but when Su Muzhe looked like a gentleman, it really didn't look like someone who would bully girls.

On the contrary, like Song Ci, people who are soaked in some indescribable words every day are really likely to be fascinated by the beauty of the Su curtain.

Because the appearance of Su Muzhe is the favorite type of Song Ci's weekdays.

Song Ci nodded conscientiously, and in her memory it seemed that she had taken the initiative to touch Su Mu to cover her face.

And she must also admit that on weekdays she looked at Su Muzhe's small, harmless human and animal face and yy passed him in her heart from time to time, but she didn't expect it!

But it was just a few cups of yellow soup, and she actually did the job of a light-hearted family of good women and men!

"Song Ci, you are really a beast!" Gu Ninghuan could not help criticizing.

Song Ci heard the words, and his face was full of regrets: "So I slipped away early in the morning, Ning Huan, what do you say if Su Mu covered me and held me accountable to him?"

Gu Ninghuan thought of this possibility, and felt a little scary in his heart. It was not that the Su family was bad, but that his friends who had been familiar for many years suddenly became his own people...

It just makes people feel strange. "It depends on whether you are responsible for him or not, but Song Ci, you said your father found all the villas near the beach, did you ever think about it, if your brother escaped from the villa but they were comatose Others pick it up,

And the man concealed the words..."

Gu Ninghuan looked at the location of the seaside villas on the phone and saw that they were actually a villa area.

People who can afford such a villa are in good condition at home. It is also very simple to want to hide a person.

But Gu Ninghuan didn't understand, if Annan had really been hidden, how could they not be held accountable afterwards.

Even if Annan is inconvenient to be a star, Song Yunping can find someone to settle accounts, and there is no need to be freely restricted by others.

"But if people are hidden, how do we find them, do we search one by one?" Song Ci didn't understand that the families who could buy villas there were rich and it was impossible to allow them to enter casually.

Besides, even ordinary people will not let people search randomly.

Gu Ninghuan stretched his finger and poked Song Ci's head: "Did you make an investigation, would you secretly interview?"

Song Ci nodded his head clearly: "Understood, thank you Ning Huan, I'll ask someone to investigate."

Gu Ninghuan nodded. The Song family then sent someone to pick up Song Ci. Gu Ninghuan was tired after a day of tossing.

When she returned home, she could hardly wait to fall asleep on the bed. The next day, she was woken up by the rapid phone call.   "Miss Gu, I am Mei An, is it convenient for you to meet me now?" Mei An's voice was full of fear, and there was no arrogance he had seen before at Warner.

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