Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 132: Close your provocative mouth

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Gu Ninghuan stretched his eyebrows: "Did nobody tell you yesterday? You just have to pay the money directly to me, the two of us don't need to meet in private."

"I know, I know, I know I was wrong when I smashed your car, but Miss Gu, let's meet again. I want to apologize to you for compensating your car." Mei An's tone is still there Is very low. But Gu Ninghuan really didn’t have time to waste on her: “I’ll say it again, it’s enough to transfer the car’s money directly to my account. If you want to apologize, then the apology on the phone and the apology in person will be for me same.


"Miss Gu..."

"What's wrong, didn't you say you want to apologize? Then you said it." Gu Ninghuan directly interrupted what she said, and the tone did not fluctuate too much.

Mei An gritted her teeth and forcibly resisted the anger in her heart: "I'm sorry, Miss Gu, I apologize to you now, I shouldn't have smashed your car with Xiaoyu."

After she finished speaking, Gu Ninghuan did not waste time and hung up the phone directly.

Then she threw away her phone and got up to wash.

After she got it right, she ran to the garage and randomly selected a red supercar to go to the company.

Today, she parked her car in a familiar parking space as usual. When she got out of the car, she saw that Xiaoyu and Mei An rushed out of nowhere and surrounded her.

"Miss Gu, hello, I don't know if I have time to have a cup of coffee with me?" Mei An had a pair of big sunglasses on her face. There were no scars in the exposed area outside the sunglasses, but it made her look. Very haggard. Xiaoyu saw Gu Ninghuan's new sports car, and there was a hint of resentment in his eyes: "Miss Gu is so rich, and the sports car is more one after another. Since this is why it is so hard to make money with us. Sorry.

"  " Does your boss earn less? After you smashed my sports car, I specifically checked the income of Mei An online and found that she could earn 23 million yuan after one year of tax.

It's a breeze. Gu Ninghuan said lightly.

Seeing this, the fish was still a little dissatisfied and wanted to refute something, but Mei An still had a brain.

She hurriedly reached out and grabbed Xiaoyu's arm, her face sinking: "Enough, we are here today to apologize, even if you don't apologize, close your provocative mouth to me!"

"Sister An, I also want a good apology, but you look at Gu Ninghuan's appearance of Zhang Kuang. She obviously came to deliberately bully us, let's say a sports car needs to pay so much money?"

Xiao Yu's heart was full of dissatisfaction. Last night, she and Mei An were arrested and tortured for one night. Now they still have to apologize to Gu Ninghuan! Mei An is obviously reluctant to suffer the same kind of torture that last night, so her posture is very low: "I have personally called Warner to help you take the leave, Miss Gu, you have an hour now Have a coffee with me

Brown, if you disagree, then I will talk to you at your company.

I have a cooperative relationship with your company now. I believe that even if I want to talk to you in your company, no one will have any objections. "

Gu Ninghuan closed his eyes, but he really didn't understand what Mei An wanted to talk to her.

Isn't the relationship between the two of them clearly placed there?

Mei An smashed her car, so she needed to lose money. After Gu Ninghuan received the check, it would never be too difficult for Mei An.

But inexplicably, Mei An insisted on complicating such a simple relationship.

But Gu Ninghuan finally agreed. He didn't really want his identity to be known to colleagues in the company, which was not a good thing for her internship.

The two sat in the box of the cafe, and Mei An took off the sunglasses on her face. At this time, Gu Ninghuan noticed a bruise around Mei An's eyes under the sunglasses.

After she glanced lightly, nothing happened.

Instead, Mei An caught her gaze and smiled palely: "You also saw the scars on my face, right? It was the cold-faced man who did it."

"Did you tell me that you wanted me to reward him? You should know that I really don't like you, so you shouldn't sell badly in front of me." Gu Ninghuan sneered.

When Mei An had smashed her car, why didn't they think they would have such a day.

After all, it was just that Gu Ninghuan's attitude was so good at that time, and Mei An thought that she was just a soft persimmon that she could handle at will.

Just ignore it and smash her car directly.

If she was a little bit stubborn at the beginning, maybe her car could be kept today.

When Gu Ninghuan thought of the smashed sports car, he felt that his anger was getting heavier and heavier.

"What do you guys say? Do you know our sister An's eating by face? If the face is beaten, do you know what effect it will have on her?" Xiaoyu was indignant. Faced with Xiaoyu’s accusation, Gu Ninghuan just took a sip of the coffee in front of her and said, “I don’t need to know how it will affect her. I just need to know that if she doesn’t pay for it today, the wound on her face May be more

Too. "

Mei An heard Gu Ninghuan say this, his face pale.

"It turns out that you want to talk to me today because you have no money?" Gu Ninghuan raised her eyebrows. She actually did not want to believe that Mei An had such a thought.

And she also feels like Mei An, earning tens of millions of stars a year.

Even if 7 million is not a small number for them, it will not be so insignificant.

There was a trace of embarrassment on Mei An's face: "Miss Gu, I'm so scared recently. Can this money be paid in installments? And you shouldn't care about this car."

not give a **** about! Gu Ninghuan thinks that Mei'an is their misunderstanding?

The 7 million car, they said they smashed it, but as a result, they couldn't lose money now, and they began to say that she didn't care about the car.

This is crazy, let's say even if you step back 10,000 steps.

She really doesn't care about this 7 million car, can they smash her car, or even ask her in a stately manner, can she pay in installments?

This is clearly a neuropathy!

"No! Because you didn't smash it in installments when you smashed my car, so I can't agree to you to pay in installments, and Mei An, you who live in this place in the entertainment industry for a long time, should also be a bit insightful.

Obviously know that my car is worth a lot, but you still smashed it, and even left such a provocative note, what is your heart? ”  Gu Ninghuan put down the coffee cup in his hand, the tone of questioning was very light, but the pressure in the words was very strong.

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