Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 135: Died without breathing up

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Gu Ninghuan opened the car door and walked to the restaurant. When he saw that Song Ci had ordered the dishes, Song Jinnian, who was rare to see it, also appeared beside Song Ci.

Song Ci is a person who can't stop, always whispering something.

Song Jinnian seemed to be listening intently, but his eyes kept looking out the window, as if waiting for someone.

"Ning Huan, here!" Song Ci felt Gu Ninghuan's eyes, and his eyes fell precisely on Gu Ninghuan's body, with a happy tone in his tone.

Gu Ninghuan stepped forward and sat across from them.

Although she was afraid of Song Jinnian's heart, she still greeted him. Song Jinnian didn't know why, and she didn't look at her with that kind of haughty eyes recently.

On the contrary, Song Jinnian, who was normal, unexpectedly made Gu Ninghuan feel his good looks. "Ning Huan, we have found the whereabouts of our brother. Tonight we are going to pick up my brother. Would you like to go with us!?" Song Ci looked at Gu Ninghuan, and of course he was happy to know that Song Yunping was still alive. , which is

It is still uncertain, but at least there is hope.

Gu Ninghuan nodded: "Okay, let's go together, but did you tell your father about Song Yunping? I believe he should be worried too."  "I also wanted to tell Master Song, but worry The information we got was not accurate enough, so we still have to wait until Song Yunping was rescued, after all, the elderly may not have such a good bearing capacity, if not in the end

Found, Master Song did not come up in disappointment..."

Song Jinnian said nothing more.

Gu Ning gazed at Song Jinnian's narrow and charming phoenix eyes, with contempt for the Song family in his eyes.

Song Ci’s father was also Song Jinnian’s biological father, but for so many years, Song Jinnian could only call his father a master.

The same is the blood of the progenitor, but it is different to be so close to the birth, it is no wonder that in the end, Song Jinnian will grab the Song family in such a cold and decisive way.

"Then let's go now, otherwise I'm worried about the time delay, and what will happen!" Song Ci was very worried about Song Yunping's accident, and even planning to go to Song Yunping if he couldn't even eat dinner.

Song Jinnian picked up the kettle in front of him and poured himself a glass of ice water: "So what do you worry about? Now that the sky is not dark, do you want to go to someone's house to catch someone forcibly?" "We mean what you mean Why wait until it’s dark? What is the reason! They stole my brother, we are the righteous party, no matter what, the righteous party should not act like a thief!" Song Ci has long known

Tao, after the news of Song Yunping, he could not bear it anymore.

Now the truth is in front of her. She is only one step away from finding her brother, but at such a critical juncture, Song Jin stops her time after time.

If it were not for Song Jinnian's words, she went to Gu Ninghuan at noon today and wanted to go to the beach villa with her to find her brother.

But Song Jinnian said, let her not disturb Ning Huan's work!

What is it, Ning Huan Ning Huan is so intimate, obviously Gu Ning Huan is not familiar with him at all.

"Ning Huan, do you think we should wait until the night to act like a thief?" Song Ci asked Gu Ninghuan with some displeasure.

Gu Ninghuan took the glass in front of him and took a sip: "Did you not secretly visit when you were looking for someone?"

Her rhetorical question, so Song Jinnian, who has always hated to laugh, couldn't help but evoke a shallow smile.

Song Ci: "..."

Although Song Ci was anxious, he was not a person who could not listen to the opinions of others.

Since Gu Ninghuan and Song Jinnian both agreed, she certainly would not object.

When the sky was completely dark, Gu Ninghuan and his party set off. They got up and left the restaurant. Song Jinnian, a very gentleman, helped Gu Ninghuan and opened the hotel door.

Gu Ninghuan whispered and met Meng Jingwen before he went out.

After seeing Gu Ninghuan, Meng Jingwen's eyes suddenly burst into a strange light. Her hands were slowly placed on her flat abdomen and her lips were hooked: "Miss Gu, I haven't seen you for a long time."

long time no see? Gu Ninghuan thought for a while, and since the last time they quarreled at the villa, they really did not meet for more than a month.

But even with someone like Meng Jingwen, even if he hasn't seen him in his life, Gu Ninghuan doesn't think there is anything worth saying hello.

Gu Ninghuan glanced at Meng Jingwen and ignored her and went straight out. "Miss Gu, seeing you for a few days is becoming more and more arrogant, but I really hope that you can continue to be so arrogant, I am afraid that I am afraid that your pride will not last long!" Meng Jingwen's hidden meaning in his words, Let

Gu Ninghuan felt uneasy for no reason.

Song Ci doesn’t like Meng Jingwen pretending to be so pretend: “You can say what you want to say, don’t make it so yin and yang, you are scaring who you are!”    "Compared to this, I am more worried about you, your Song family shares You have time to fall, you still have time to come out to eat with Miss Gu, Miss Song, your heart is really quite big." Meng Jingwen said here, he smiled and left with a smile

I don't want to talk to them any more. Song Ci was choked by Meng Jing's style, but now is not the time to quarrel with her. He can only walk to Gu Ninghuan's side: "Meng Jingwen's mouth is so poisonous, no wonder Mr. Fu doesn't like her! Well, she still wanted to I'm just afraid to marry Mr. Fu

It is impossible in the next life! "

Gu Ninghuan listened to Song Ci and did not answer.

When Song Ci saw that Gu Ninghuan was not speaking, she felt a little worried. She glanced at Gu Ninghuan: "Ning Huan, are you okay. Are you not happy because of Meng Jingwen's words."

Gu Ninghuan reluctantly ticked his lips: "How could I be unhappy because of Meng Jingwen's words, I know she deliberately scared me."

After finishing, Gu Ninghuan got on the bus, but his spirit was obviously not as good as before.

Song Ci did not think deeply about Gu Ninghuan's reaction because he was worried about Song Yunping.

Instead, Song Jin looked at Gu Ninghuan's low expression, a thoughtful look.

Song Yunping's accident occurred in the suburbs farther away from Kyoto, where the picturesque daytime and the blue water beat the fine white sand beach.

But when it was evening, it was not as pleasing as it was during the day, and the sky without the moon seemed dull, and the distant waves beat like a cry in the **** yellow river in hell.

Gu Ninghuan had known for a long time that the seaside at night was not so charming, but when getting off the bus, he was still scared.

Looking at the pale white street lamp in the distance, she felt faintly cold in her heart. "Song Jinnian! It's all you, but we have to come to the beach to grab people so late, we should not wait for the chainsaw killer!" Song Ci dare indeed is not much bigger than Gu Ninghuan, seeing the seaside at night is so terrifying , I just think that they are like the protagonist in a horror movie without survival.

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