Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 136: Do boys need psychological counseling if they are raped?

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If Gu Ninghuan could barely restrain his fears without revealing it.

So Song Ci was just going crazy. She grabbed Gu Ninghuan's arm tightly and focused her eyes on her face instead of looking aside.   Song Jinnian glanced at such a timid Song Ci, seemingly laughing: "Otherwise, we can go back now, wait until tomorrow day to come over and grab people, I am afraid that by that time, we have not walked to the villa because the movement is too great.

Be noticed. "

Song Ci heard that his body was more close to Gu Ninghuan: "OK! I will bear!"

Song Jinnian was not so eager to save Song Yunping, but he was still fully prepared.

When the bodyguards got off, a group of them started walking towards the destination villa. The villa was in the most remote place, and there was no special appearance in the many villas.

The bodyguards brought by Song Jinnian acted quickly. They kicked the door of the villa directly and turned on the lights.

The originally quiet and dark villa instantly lit up with white light, followed by a woman's angry voice: "Who are you, hurry up and get out of me! This is not a place where people like you can come!"

Gu Ninghuan saw the person coming out. Of course he wanted to rush up the first time, but Song Jinnian grabbed his wrist. There was a slight disapproval in his eyes: "You and Song Ci don't move here."

After talking, Song Jinnian stepped forward, and Gu Ninghuan was stunned.

Was Song Jinnian far away from her before? Why suddenly stood beside her.

"Song Jinnian is too much, I just confessed to him a few words, he actually pulled you not to pull me." Song Ci has stepped forward a few steps, but after hearing what Song Jinnian said, he retreated silently.

Even her heart was still distressed at this time, thinking that she and Song Jinnian had known each other for so many years.

And Song Jinnian is also her brother, but now he is so majestic to Gu Ninghuan.

Song Ci expressed her current mood, as if Song Jinnian was holding a sharp sword to stab her chest.

"Maybe it's just handy." Gu Ning Huan didn't think too much. Song Jinnian must care about Song Ci no matter what. "Who the **** are you? You can take whatever you want, as long as it doesn't hurt my life, you can do anything!" The woman had calmed down, she looked at Song Jinnian's handsome face, and her inexplicable voice became soft. Quite a lot


Gu Ninghuan frowned, and the same women felt the same-sex emotion.

Unexpectedly, in such a dangerous situation, this woman would be fascinated by Song Jinnian's beauty.

"Hand over the two men you picked up from the beach a few days ago!" Song Jinnian's voice was cold.

The woman looks as usual: "I don't know what you are talking about!"

"Search." Song Jinnian didn't have much patience, and directly commanded.

The bodyguards heard the words and immediately started searching in Bedoushu.

Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci were standing in the middle of the villa. Gu Ninghuan looked at the decoration of the villa in front of him, only to find it more strange to look at it.

The outside of the villa is indeed the same as the villa here, but the decoration inside is very strange and contradictory.

Before Gu Ninghuan came here, he couldn't figure out why the two of Annan and Song Yunping were free, and did not pursue those who hid them.

But after Song Jinnian rescued them, Gu Ninghuan looked at them with thick makeup wrapped in tulle, and they probably understood.

Women dress them up like this, they will definitely not make up in vain, and even take pictures.

Just ask how such a high-hearted person can tolerate their exposure to the public.

So no matter how angry they are afterwards, they must endure.

The woman with a calm expression, after seeing Annan and Song Yunping lifted up, her eyes collapsed and she was emotional: "You must not move! These are my two dolls, you cannot take them! I will kill them if I take them away" you guys!"

Song Ci saw that his brother had been made to look like this, and he couldn't help it anymore. Hearing the woman's words, the anger at the bottom of her heart couldn't even hold her back. She rushed forward, rushed in front of the woman and raised her hands to slap on the face: "What the **** are you **** pretending to be mentally ill! Do you think you say this, we will think you are mad and let you go! I told you You, you are right

My brother, I won't let you go! "

"Alarm!" Song Jinnian couldn't help but looked at Song Ci, who had always been good-tempered, and slightly raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"How can she easily let go of such a thing! Is it too cheap for her to call the police?" Song Ci felt like she was going crazy. Compared with her impatience and anger, Song Jinnian's man was so calm and unreasonable.

Song Jinnian's eyebrows are covered with a layer of impatience: "Song Ci, if you want to start your good brother, you can continue to fight. But it is absolutely impossible to make a life!"

After talking, Song Jinnian loosened her wrist.

Song Ci was so pulled by Song Jinnian that the whole person began to become calm.

The education she received from childhood is absolutely not allowed to be like a shrew in front of so many people.

The reason I did that just now was just anxious.

But when Song Jinnian let go, she stood obediently, which made people feel that she listened to Song Jinnian too much.

"Okay, now that you have found your brother, we still go to the hospital to see, and it's no use wasting time with her here." Gu Ninghuan saw the atmosphere anxious and took the initiative to give a step.

Song Ci took Gu Ninghuan and walked out: "Yes, now it is not the main thing to clean up this fake mental illness, now my brother's situation is the most important!"

Gu Ninghuan obediently followed Song Ci to the hospital. Song Yunping and Annan had entered the VIP ward.

More or less drugs were found in their bodies, but none were fatal.

"Doctor, I would like to ask, since they have all been drugged, are there any traces of **** on their bodies?" Song Ci asked straightforwardly.

The young doctor, seeing this cute girl like Loli in front of him, asked this unabashedly, for a moment he was stunned.

Song Ci, of course, directly regarded the silence of the doctor as the default. He turned to Gu Ninghuan and asked, "Do you need psychological counseling if you say the boy was raped?"

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

"No, no, Miss Song, you misunderstood. We have examined Mr. Song and Mr. An in detail, and there is no trace of violations on their bodies." The doctor finally found his voice and explained.

Song Ci: "Oh, I understand, thank you doctor." Gu Ninghuan still wanted to say something. The phone rang suddenly. When she saw Fu Xishen's phone call, she remembered that she seemed to go to the beach villa. Say.

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