Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 139: He likes Gu Ninghuan's closeness to him

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In the evening, the orphanage's hard beds made her even harder to sleep.

Even if the dean wants to make her sleep better, she will help her put on a soft and new bed every year.

But she was still uncomfortable, but after three more days, she could leave this broken place!

Xuan Xuan opened his eyes, and the little flesh rubbed her eyes. She probably slept much during the day, and she couldn't sleep at night.

She looked at the gazebo outside the window and saw that Sister Gu Shi was sitting there in a daze. She liked Sister Gu Shi.

The fragrance of Sister Gu Shi was still so beautiful. I didn't expect that Sister Gu Shi could not sleep, since it was not as good as she went to see Sister Gu Shi.

When Xuan Xuan brought Sister Gu Shi to the orphanage, she gave her little bear and rushed to Gu Shi: "Sister Gu Shi, what's wrong with you, are you not happy? I invite you to eat sugar, OK? ?"

She walked in front of Gu Shi, only to see that her face was not good-looking, and the children's emotional perception of adults was obvious.

The children in the orphanage are more observant at this level, but she still tries to come forward to comfort her.

Gu Shi saw Xuan Xuan lying quietly with two toffees in his hands. His dark eyes suddenly burst into strong hatred.

She reached out and grabbed the sugar in Xuan Xuan's hand and threw it heavily on the ground. The two sugars were given to her by her uncle who had tricked her into the room.

Later, when she followed her uncle into the room, it was almost raped.

Xuan Xuan was frightened by Gu Shi's actions, and his eyes were filled with tears in his black and white eyes.

She kept going back, but the whole person was picked up by Gu Shi reaching out in the air.

"Did you just laugh at me just now?" Gu Shi's voice was cold, like a ghost from hell.

"No, no! Sister Gu Shi... I... I just worried about you!" Xuan Xuan burst into tears.

She looked at the woman with a distorted face in front of her. This was not the sister Gu Shi she knew, nor was it the sister Gu Shi who would smile gently to her during the day. Gu Shi sneered: "You are laughing at me! I know you all look down on me, and you all treat me as a servant of Gu's family! But I tell you, you are not qualified to look down on me, you are an orphan without father and mother Not at all

Grid looks down on me! "

After talking, Gu Shi dropped Xuan Xuan to the ground.

Xuan Xuan only felt a sharp pain in his calf, and his knees also smashed **** the bluestone floor tiles.

She looked at this sister Gu Shi who had suddenly become terrible, and she was so scared that she couldn't even shed tears.

She endured the pain and couldn't take care of the falling bear, and turned and ran away.

Gu Shi picked up the bear that fell in the pavilion. This bear was from Gu Ninghuan, and was given to her by her dead parents of short-lived ghosts.

Ridiculously speaking, Gu Ninghuan thought she locked the room so she could protect the contents inside?

She thought that keeping the little bear in Gu's home was equivalent to keeping the memories of her childhood, but why a **** like her deserves to have good memories.

She was so miserable when she was a child, recalling the darkness and not seeing any light, but why should Gu Ninghuan have a good qualification!

Thinking of this, Gu Shi took out a lighter and lit the little bear in front of her, and her beautiful face was even more distorted under the fire.

Gu Ninghuan was awakened by her mobile phone ringtone, although the mobile phone ringtone only rang for a moment, and was pressed by the man.

But she was still sensitive to what she felt. She opened her eyes vaguely and approached Fu Xishen's side spontaneously.

He reached out and hugged her slender waist and kissed her hair with thin lips, before waking up with a slight dull voice: "Wake up."

"Well, who's calling." Gu Ninghuan rubbed his head on his warm chest, his voice soft.

Fu Xishen saw her like a little milk cat, raised her hands around her waist, and her long fingers gently helped her to follow the slightly messy long hair: "Not paying attention."

Gu Ninghuan snorted, and didn't seem to care much, but his hand still unconsciously explored the phone.

The man handed her back lightly and put it in the thin quilt: "It's still early, sleep again."

Gu Ning nodded faintly, his delicate cheeks pressed against his chest.

When she woke up again, it was already nine o'clock in the morning, and today is the weekend, so it doesn't matter if you don't have to go to work.

She hugged the quilt and lay down on the bed, waiting for a while before getting up and washing up with her mobile phone downstairs.

When Li saw her come down, she greeted her with a smile: "Young lady, you are awake, and breakfast is ready, do you want to use it now?"

Gu Ninghuan nodded: "Well, thank you Ma. But Ma, Li Fu, what about Fu Xishen?"

Why didn't she see the man when she got up early in the morning.

Today is the weekend, should he go to work overtime at the company?

Thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan felt a little depressed.

"Look for me?" Qing Yan's man's voice came from behind. Gu Ninghuan turned and saw that he was wearing a shirt and trousers and stood straight behind her.

Gu Ninghuan stepped forward and wrapped his waist directly, his cheek buried in his chest: "Yes."

Fu Xi looked deeply at the obedient little woman buried in front of him. He inexplicably felt that Gu Ninghuan had started to change.

Unlike the previous alienation in the coldness, she now has a sweet closeness with him, he likes it very much.

"Dine." Fu Xi deeply hooked her waist and led her to the table.

Gu Ninghuan sat down and started the machine while drinking hot milk.

After she woke up just now, she was fully focused on Fu Xishen, but she didn't think about the missed call in the morning.

She clicked on the address book and saw that the unconnected call was actually Song Ci, and it was called to her at half past six.

It's strange that Song Ci and she should both have a tacit understanding that there is absolutely no contact before 7 o'clock.

Gu Ninghuan entered WeChat with questions, and Song Ci simply sent her the four words "Something, go back quickly."

She exited the WeChat interface and pressed the Song Ci number.

"Ning Huan, is Mr. Fu now with you?" Song Ci was wary in his voice.

Gu Ninghuan glanced at Fu Xishen, who was sitting opposite her, and without thinking, "What's wrong with me?"

"I have something to tell you, this matter is very important, I hope you can calm down and listen to me, that is, I heard that Meng Jingwen is pregnant! And I am pregnant with Fu Xishen's child!" Song Ci's voice was nervous .

When she knew the news, she hesitated for a long time before she wanted to tell Gu Ninghuan.

But in the end, she was determined to tell her that even Gu Ninghuan could not bear the bad news brought by this news.

But as a friend, she should not be seen as being forced or deceived.  Gu Ninghuan grabbed Xiaolongbao's hand slightly, and the whole person's movements froze. After a long time, she recovered her voice: "Where are you now? Let's meet and talk about this."

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