Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 140: Meng Jingwen said she was pregnant with your child

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Song Ci was in the hospital at this time. When Gu Ninghuan arrived, she was standing outside the hallway waiting for her.

Gu Ninghuan walked over to her, and Song Ci just wanted to step forward to say something, but saw a slender figure before her, and the money walked in front of her.

"Miss Gu, we will meet again." Meng Jingwen's not pretty face, with a gentle smile.

When Song Ci saw Meng Jingwen appear suddenly, he raised his arm and wanted to hit it, but Gu Ninghuan grabbed his wrist: "Song Ci, calm down."

"Calm? You don't need to calm down now! Meng Jingwen, I ask you, are you pregnant with Mr. Fu's child! You shameless little three!"

The moment Song Ci saw Meng Jingwen, the whole person couldn't help but want to start.

When she spoke to Su Muzhe in the corridor last night, she suddenly heard Meng Jingwen's voice.

The content of the discourse is that Meng Jingwen is pregnant with Mr. Fu's children, but she doesn't know how to talk to Mr. Fu.

Hearing this, Song Ci almost immediately rushed out and told Gu Ninghuan about it, but he did not expect Gu Ninghuan to go back.

But now she had only had an appointment with Gu Ninghuan. Why was Meng Jingwen appearing?

She wasn't stupid anymore, she almost understood it. This was Meng Jingwen's next set, and she used her to lead Gu Ninghuan out.

Last night, Meng Jingwen must have told her deliberately, just to let her lead Gu Ninghuan out.

"Song Ci, you'd better pay attention to it, don't forget the child of Xi Shen in my stomach now, if you accidentally hurt him, I'm afraid Xi Shen will take your entire Song family to be buried."

Meng Jingwen's gesture of a winner, looked at Gu Ninghuan's eyes full of contemptuous smile.

"Miss Gu, I don't know if we can talk alone?" Meng Jingwen usually put a demonstration on her abdomen, and the meaning of showing off was very obvious.

When Song Ci saw it, she wanted to do it directly, but she was indignant at the heart of her design.

But in the same way, she also felt that the mad Primary 3, like Meng Jingwen, was really irritating.

Compared with Song Ci's anger, Gu Ninghuan seemed extremely calm.

"Okay." Gu Ninghuan agreed.

Song Ci reached out and grabbed Gu Ninghuan's wrist tightly, his face full of worry: "I will go with you."

Gu Ninghuan shook his head gently: "No, Song Ci. This is something between me and her. No one needs to intervene. You are here to take care of your brother."

Having finished speaking, Gu Ninghuan glanced back from Song Ci and walked out coldly.

Meng Jingwen left behind Gu Ninghuan.

Song Ci would rather believe that the news of Meng Jingwen’s pregnancy today is false, but Meng Jingwen’s strategy to divorce Gu Ninghuan and Fu Xishen.

But when she looked at Meng Jingwen's feet wearing flat shoes, her heart slowly cooled.

People like Meng Jingwen don't necessarily take off their high heels even if they sprain their feet.

But now that I have put on flat shoes, is it just because I want to play and make a full set?

Or is she really pregnant...

In the cafe next to the hospital, Gu Ninghuan picked up his coffee without expression.

"Miss Gu is calmer than I thought, I thought you would be hysterical when you know the news." Meng Jingwen said with a smile. Gu Ninghuan took a sip of coffee: "Why should I be hysterical, even if you are pregnant with Fu Xishen's child, you will not be naive to think that you are pregnant and come to me, I will cry and run back and go back and Fu Xi

Deep divorce? "

Meng Jingwen's fingers were slightly stiff, and he never thought Gu Ninghuan would have such a reaction.

How could this happen, when Ming Ninghuan saw the kiss mark on her in Fu Jia Villa, she still had a sadness on her face that she could not hide.

It's just over a month now, but she seems to have changed herself.

No, definitely not like this. Gu Ninghuan must cheat her again, she must be sad, but she just didn't show it.

Thinking of this, Meng Jingwen couldn't help but began to resent Gu Ninghuan, really to die face to face and suffer.

She has clearly reached this point, and she has to stand still in front of her.

"Then Miss Gu meant to accept this child? I thought Miss Gu was a very capricious young lady. I didn't expect you to be so reasonable.

Even willing to take care of a child who does not belong to you. "Meng Jingwen's voice is very quiet, but every word spoken like a thin blade across Gu Ninghuan's body, causing a subtle but real pain.   Gu Ninghuan put down his coffee and covered it with his eyebrows A thin layer of sarcasm and mockery: "You are afraid it is a misunderstanding! Not to mention that your child is not necessarily Fu Xishen, even his, as long as I don’t want him to be born, more

The way is to let him disappear silently. "

"Gu Ninghuan! Are you a human or not, you actually ruined my child!" Meng Jingwen looked at Gu Ninghuan's eyes, and there was only a coldness rising from his toes to his heart. Gu Ninghuan stood up, took out a few banknotes and placed it on the table, looking up at her from the top: "I thought you could give me a surprise today, but I didn't expect it to be that old routine, and use children to stimulate me, Trying to make

I divorced Fu Xishen, which is simply stupid.

But your news appeared on time, maybe I can use your child to threaten Fu Xishen to transfer me billions, otherwise I will directly expose your existence. Thank you and your children for being my tools for making money. "

She finished and turned to leave.

The entire face of Meng Jing's temperament became tinged, and she hadn't even counted on Gu Ninghuan to become so shameless.

She actually wanted to use her children to threaten Fu Xishen, which is simply a delusion.

She has worked so hard to plan for so long that she can never make wedding dresses for others.

Especially that person is Gu Ninghuan, who hates the most in her life!

Gu Ninghuan came home and sat in a rocking chair on the balcony. The phone in his hand had long been black.

She stayed like this for an afternoon, and she thought she should trust her instincts.

Fu Xishen should not have a relationship with Meng Jingwen, otherwise Meng Jingwen's reaction just now should definitely not be like that.

The floor-to-ceiling windows of the balcony were pushed open, and the man came to her and reached out to touch her soft cheek: "Why are you not happy?" After looking for me, she told me she was pregnant with your child."

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