Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 141: Very natural but firm kiss on him

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After finishing speaking, Gu Ninghuan lowered her eyes, she dared not look at Fu Xishen's expression.

I dare not guess whether Fu Xishen had a relationship with Meng Jingwen in Jiangcheng that night.

"The day you went to Jiangcheng for a commercial cocktail party, I also went to Jiangcheng. I received a call from Meng Jingwen in front of your hotel room and heard that voice from you and Meng Jingwen..."

Gu Ninghuan's tone was very plain, and even she didn't even think about it. One day, she was able to talk so calmly about the things that made her desperate.

After finishing the speech, Gu Ninghuan raised his head again, looking at Qing Jun's deep face in front of him.

The man's face is very beautiful, so that people can't help being addicted no matter how many times they look at it.

But she finished, but he still didn't react, just looked at her coldly.

Gu Ninghuan bit his lip: "The two of us did not come together because of the two emotions. You really don't need to stay like a jade after marriage.

But I am a person who can't tolerate sand in my eyes. If Meng Jingwen really has your child, then let's divorce, and I will go out of the house. "

After Gu Ninghuan finished speaking, he looked at Fu Xishen seriously.

Fu Xishen's eyes were cold-hearted: "So you will change your temperament only after I come back from Jiangcheng, but you clearly suspected me and Meng Jingwen had fallen asleep, but did not come to ask me, but one person was angry."

Gu Ninghuan's gaze moved away from Fu Xishen's face. I don't know why she asked Fu Xishen who was her, but she didn't dare to face Fu Xishen.

"What qualification do I have to ask you, the marriage between the two of us was originally that I climbed you high." Gu Ninghuan felt powerless.

The relationship between her and Fu Xishen is not equal. Even if Fu Xishen was derailed, he saved Gu Ninghuan so many times.

Gu Ninghuan is not a white-eyed wolf. She knows that she owes Fu Xishen a thick and unforgettable gratitude no matter in her life or in her life.

It was also because of this that she felt she was not qualified to question.

She would rather have been suffering day and night after the incident in Jiangcheng, and she definitely did not want to ask Fu Xishen.

Fu Xi narrowed his eyes deeply and didn’t like Gu Ninghuan’s low appearance. He held her finger to her chin, forcing her to look up at him, and her lips raised a smile without any temperature: “Gu Ninghuan, I didn’t Meng Jingwen slept."

"What's the matter with Meng Jingwen's stomach? She didn't go to Jiangcheng with you that day..." Gu Ninghuan hadn't finished asking.

I saw Fu Xishen's face suddenly sinking down, and his eyes were so deep that he didn't dare to look at it.

Gu Ninghuan bit his lip and his voice stopped unconsciously. Such Fu Xishen was terrible.

When she responded, Fu Xishen had walked out of the balcony, and the floor-to-ceiling window made a huge noise when he fell hard.

Gu Ninghuan was taken aback by this movement, so Fu Xishen was angry?

But in the end why she is not angry!

Gu Ninghuan nested in the rocking chair. Forget it, Fu Xishen was angry.

He just explained it with such a big misunderstanding, she was not angry, hum!

"Young lady, Assistant Shen Rui is here." The maid walked in front of Gu Ninghuan and said lightly.

Gu Ninghuan said with no emotion: "Fu Xishen is not here."

"No, Assistant Shen came to find you." The maid said with a smile.

Gu Ninghuan said that he got up and walked downstairs to see Shen Rui sitting on the sofa at this time, with a kind smile on his lips.

"Mrs. President, I came to explain the matter of Miss Jiangcheng Meng for the president." Assistant Shen looked at her and said.

Gu Ninghuan raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at the document on his hand, which seemed to be well prepared.

She sat across from Shen Rui and saw that Shen Rui successively took out screenshots of Fu Xishen and American video call time from the file bag, as well as proof of staying at a hotel near the airport.

Gu Ninghuan recalled his time at the hotel and found that Fu Xishen had left the hotel long before she arrived at the hotel room.

"Then what I heard outside Fu Xishen's door?" Gu Ninghuan frowned slightly. She did hear that voice, and even Meng Jingwen called Fu Xishen's name aloud.

"Mrs. President, I don't know this, but the banquet was full of people that day. After the president left the hotel, would anyone hit the president's room by mistake? Then..." Shen Rui said with a smile.

After knowing the truth, Gu Ninghuan had an unspeakable taste in her heart. The thing that had tortured her for so long was actually just a farce.

Fu Xishen is innocent!

"Then I have been wronging Fu Xishen for so long? Is he angry?" Gu Ninghuan looked up at the lighted study on the second floor.

Shen Rui arranged the documents scattered on the coffee table and put them in a kraft paper bag. He smiled: "It may be more chilling than angry president. He did not expect you to believe others because of Meng Jingwen's words."

"I know, thank you." Gu Ninghuan stood up and said.

After sending away Shen Rui, Gu Ninghuan returned to the room and she brushed the news aimlessly with a tablet. It was now ten o'clock in the evening.

But Fu Xishen hadn't returned yet. Gu Ninghuan thought of the stupid things she had done after she returned from Jiangcheng, and she wished she could just die on the pillow.

At 10:30 in the evening, Fu Xishen had not returned, and Gu Ninghuan had no plans to wait any longer, even if she went now might disturb him.

But the misunderstanding between the two of them was finally resolved. Could it still be a cold war?

She went downstairs under the guidance of the maid, made a few small dishes by herself, and boiled another bowl of sweet porridge.

Only then came up carrying the tray, Gu Ninghuan reached out and knocked on the door: "Her husband, can I come in?"

There was no sound quietly in the study, Gu Ninghuan freed one hand to open the door.

Seeing Fu Xishen sitting behind the computer, the handsome is indifferent as usual, but the eyebrow is covered with a layer of haze.

Seeing such Fu Xishen, Gu Ninghuan almost subconsciously turned to leave while afraid of wanting to eat.

But after all, she did the wrong thing herself, and she didn't trust Fu Xishen at all, which caused her and Fu Xishen to fight for so long.

"What's the matter." Fu Xi heard the sound deeply, without even raising his eyes, and coldly opened his mouth.

Gu Ninghuan bit his lip, took a deep breath, and raised his lips with a pleased smile: "I think you have been in the study, it should be very busy, so I made you a supper."

"Can you make it?" Fu Xi asked with a deep sneer, his sullen eyes ridiculed.

Gu Ninghuan didn't care about Fu Xi's deep tone, and placed the tray in his hand on the side table.   Then stepped forward, forcibly got into Fu Xishen's arms and sat down, hooked his neck, and kissed him naturally but firmly.

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