Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 145: Pretend not to know Fu Xishen

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The thought of President Fu also attending Warner's dinner tonight, Alice couldn't help but also became shy.

She must dress up tonight, if Mr. Fu fell in love with her at first sight after seeing her.

So even staying with Mrs. Fu by his mistress is better than marrying the president of Warner.

If she was able to have dinner at this time today, Mr. Fu liked it, and Gu Ning would be happy!

She just stretched out a finger and was able to crush her and the gold master behind her!

"You are right, there are dinners in the evening. I really shouldn't worry about people like Gu Ninghuan.

But why is Mr. Fu suddenly coming to our company’s employee dinner today? "Alice hasn't always understood this question.

Monica shook her head. They were just one of Warner's most common employees.

How can I understand the mind of a man so tall.

Gu Ninghuan was also named by the manager tonight and asked her to attend the company dinner at night.

But she was always not interested in that kind of dinner, but the manager asked her to go.

She could not refuse to give him face, after Gu Ninghuan said to the maid at home.

It was only from the maid's mouth that Fu Xishen did not go back to dinner at night, which made Gu Ninghuan surprised.

Since the relationship between the two of them improved, Fu Xishen has come back to eat almost every day.

But Gu Ninghuan didn't take this matter seriously, only thought that he should have some entertainment tonight.

Hanging up the phone at home, she raised her hand and glanced at the time, and saw that it was still two hours before dinner time.

I didn't plan to go back, but parked the car by the road, walked into a newly opened store in the mall, and walked slowly inside. "It's really a narrow road, I don't know how you come to visit such a store. Is it because the gold behind you doesn't give you money? So it makes you become so shabby now?" Alice's sarcastic voice sounded. Gu Ninghuan looked at her


Alice now has a new low-cut dress.

Gu Ning liked to look at her dress and raised her eyebrows slightly. It was just a meal among the company colleagues. Is it so grand?

"I'm talking to you. Are you deaf so you can't hear clearly?" Alice's tone was not good. What she had just said in the parking lot was always remembered in her heart!

Gu Ninghuan lowered his eyes and looked at the watch on the counter: "Hurry up while I'm not angry, otherwise I won't mind splashing you again!"

"You're ruthless! Gu Ninghuan, by the way, I'll tell you by the way, today you look good even if you are dressed up.

Mr. Fu will never give a second glance to someone like you who sells your body for money! Don’t waste your time! "Alice gave Gu Ninghuan a hard look before leaving.

In her view, Gu Ninghuan, who appeared in the mall at this time, is of course the same as her.

In order to have a secret dinner tonight, I want to show a good show in front of Mr. Fu.

But Gu Ninghuan is simply a delusion. If a person like her, who is from an impure background, has nothing but a beautiful face, what can she do.

Mr. Fu has never seen any kind of beauty, he will never be fascinated by sex, and he would like Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan heard that Fu Xishen was also coming to the party at night, and his heart suddenly fell, worried that what would happen if the relationship between her and Fu Xishen was exposed.

If she wore a Mrs. Fu Jiashao hat, how could she do an internship at Warner.

However, Gu Ninghuan also felt that someone like Fu Xishen should not do anything public or private to her in front of company colleagues.

Thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan was also relieved.

At the same time, she also made up her mind. If she really collided with Fu Xishen, then she would think she did not know!

The two-hour time is superficially long, but if it is used in shopping, it may seem a little short.

Gu Ninghuan was already interested in the dinner, and became even more negative after knowing that Fu Xishen had also gone.

After waiting for the dinner, Gu Ninghuan directly chose a seat in the corner and waited for dinner and left.

"Ning Huan, why are you sitting here?" Pan Hui asked Gu Ninghuan, sitting directly beside her with a bright light.

Gu Ninghuan holds a glass of orange juice in his hand: "What's wrong with sitting here? Doesn't it mean that you can sit anywhere else except for the middle position for Mr. Fu?"

She thought she was sitting in the wrong position and asked nervously.

Pan Hui shook his head in a hurry: "I don't mean that, but today Mr. Fu will come here to eat with us.

Almost all female employees of our company are dressed to attend, just to make a good impression on Mr. Fu, but you do not. "

Gu Ninghuan said that the girls who glanced across the room and found where they were looking were all painted with delicate makeup, and even more or less exposed a little gully on the chest.

But boys are obviously ordinary dresses, and there is no difference.

"Now the seat from the center position is basically filled with girls in the company, and only you will choose to sit in such a remote place." Pan Hui blamed, but the eyes of Gu Ning Huan was full of appreciation.

Gu Ninghuan is really the woman he likes, it is so different.

"Ah? What are you talking about?" Gu Ninghuan just looked at the beauty just now, and really didn't put much attention on Pan Hui. When Pan Hui saw Gu Ninghuan, he didn’t listen to him carefully. A bit of disappointment flashed in his eyes, and he smiled reluctantly: “It’s nothing. The meal will not be served until Mr. Fu is here. Now you’re hungry. Don't let me get some snacks for you

Pad your stomach? "

"No, I'm not too hungry now." Gu Ninghuan didn't expect the girls from all over the company, but she was the only one who was wearing her usual work clothes.

This made her in a group of Chinese clothes, which was really eye-catching, but it was better to sit and wait until after eating and quickly slip away.

Pan Hui didn't know Gu Ninghuan's thoughts. He liked her since Gu Ninghuan entered the company.

Even he is well aware that there are never too many people who want to chase Ning Huan in the company.

Tonight, he finally had the opportunity to approach Gu Ninghuan, of course, he had to grasp it well.

He has been trying to find the topic all the time, and Gu Ninghuan responded to him briefly and politely in order not to embarrass him.

Just as the two were talking, a loud noise suddenly came from the door of the banquet hall.

Fu Xishen wore a dark suit with a high degree of customization and was slender and tall.

The original three-dimensional handsome facial features are more charming and deeper under the lights, with vivid eyebrows, high nose bridge, and beautiful and godlike deities.

Warner is a film and television company. There are not many handsome men and women that I see on weekdays, but no one can compare with Fu Xishen.

His appearance is placed in the entertainment circle, and there is no one can match it.   Not to mention, the man Fu Xishen, when he appeared, had the eyes of all the people on the scene and could only see him, and could no longer accommodate others.

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