Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 146: Mr. Fu gave me a mobile number

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The girls in the company are almost all dressed up for Fu Xishen.

But when they saw Fu Xishen from afar.

Although all praised his appearance and dignity, but also, no one greeted him.

General Manager Warner saw Fu Xishen coming and hurriedly stepped forward to smile at Fu Xishen, "President, you are here, please sit down."

Fu Xishen's eyes swept to the location in the banquet hall he pointed to, frowning slightly and not sitting forward.

Gu Ninghuan knew the news of Fu Xishen's coming and wished to bury his head under the table.

Since Fu Xishen has arrived at the banquet, why not sit down?

Instead, it seems to be looking for someone. Does Fu Xishen want to sit beside her?

Thinking of this possibility, Gu Ninghuan felt very uneasy.

When Gu Ninghuan lowered his head to hold the ostrich, he could clearly feel a cool eye falling on her.

But for a moment, it disappeared. When Gu Ninghuan looked up again, he found that Fu Xishen had already been seated in the high-rise.

Seeing that Fu Xishen is so far away from her two.

Even Fu Xishen didn't mean to want to come to her.

Gu Ninghuan was more relaxed but lost a little bit more.

Did Fu Xishen find that she was here too?

She was a little unhappy.

Gu Ninghuan thought that Fu Xishen hadn't come to see her, she would have a relaxed meal.

But when she saw the company, the vice president known as Bingshan Beauty, with a smiling face, sat at the same table as Fu Xishen.

Her heart sank unconsciously.

In particular, I thought that today, so many girls in the company are grandly dressed, just to see Fu Xishen, her heart is even more unpleasant.

"Ning Huan, you try this, this is very delicious." Pan Hui very attentively helped Gu Ninghuan to pick up a glutinous rice ball and put it on the plate in front of her.

"Thank you, Pan Hui. But my boyfriend told me before and told me not to eat more glutinous rice." Gu Ninghuan refused.

Pan Hui heard Gu Ninghuan say this, and for a moment, he did not expect that Gu Ninghuan already had a boyfriend.

"Do you have a boyfriend? This is impossible. If you have a boyfriend, why have you never seen your boyfriend come to pick you up?" Pan Huixin also became bitterly cold, unwilling to accept this fact.

If Gu Ninghuan didn't know Pan Hui liked her before.

But Pan Hui was too attentive to her tonight, and she started to think that he liked her, but it was not certain.

Therefore, she will deliberately mention her boyfriend.

Looking at Pan Hui's reaction now, I should really like her.

Now that he is sure, Gu Ninghuan doesn't want to waste Pan Hui's time and consume his likes. "I have a boyfriend, and the two of us are very stable. But he is busy with work, so he doesn't have much time to come to me. But I have determined that my boyfriend is my lifelong partner." Gu Ninghuan said very surely, and Not left

Pan Hui missed anything.

Pan Hui's face dimmed in an instant. He didn't expect that he liked a girl for the first time, and fell to such an end.

But Pan Hui still did not give up: "Ning Huan, I like you very much, I hope you can stay with me, I will definitely be better for you than your boyfriend."

"Sorry, I only like my boyfriend." Gu Ninghuan got up and left after refusing Pan Hui.

It was a mistake for her to come to dinner tonight.

Not only do I have to watch others show diligence to Fu Xishen, she even finds that someone likes her!

But discovering early is better than discovering late.

Since it was impossible, it was broken early, saving Pan Hui's time.

Just as Gu Ninghuan got up and left, Pan Hui didn't know what was going on.

For a moment, he lost his mind and reached out to grab Gu Ninghuan's wrist.

The smooth touch that made Pan Hui couldn't help but blush: "Ning Huan really likes you very much, even if you have a boyfriend, it doesn't matter, I don't mind being a spare tire."

Gu Ninghuan quickly moved Pan Hui's hand away: "You don't mind me, I don't like you, and I don't need any spare tires."

Fu Xishen did not sit next to Gu Ninghuan, but he always followed Gu Ninghuan's movements.

Originally seeing Gu Ninghuan and Pan Hui, there was a chat without a match, he was very unhappy.

Until he saw Gu Ninghuan get up and leave, Fu Xishen's face eased a little.

But I did not expect to see Pan Hui holding Gu Ninghuan's wrist in the next second.

Fu Xishen's eyes were dim, his eyes unconsciously with bloodthirsty anger.

Gu Ninghuan had just thrown away Pan Hui just now, but even so, his face did not get any better.

Gu Ninghuan didn't know that Fu Xi was concerned about her. After leaving the table, she went to the bathroom.

Wash the place where Pan Hui touched just now with water.

In fact, she doesn't like physical contact with people very much.

Even when he was pursuing Jizixing, he did not have any physical contact with him. ,

Of course, in her original appearance, Ji Zixing would not sit idle and touch her.

Gu Ninghuan later thought about why she had such a deep obsession with Ji Zixing.

Probably because she had really lost her parents since she was a child.

At that time, she mistakenly thought that Ji Zixing was a life-saving benefactor.

I thought he was her dependence and her warmth in the future.

That's why she puts down her self-esteem and likes him so desperately, after all, she just wants to be loved.

Now think about it, she was really stupid at the time.

Gu Ninghuan washed the place where Pan Hui had just touched it three times before giving up.

But she didn't expect that she had just walked out of the bathroom with her front foot, but she happened to hit Alice head-on.

She pulled her lips helplessly, and her life was really full of narrow encounters.

"How did you sit so far just now? Are you worried that your gold master and Mr. Fu met?" Alice looked at Gu Ninghuan, and the contempt in her eyes was very obvious.

Gu Ninghuan raised his eyebrows slightly: "Doesn't it have anything to do with you? On the contrary, you don't know if Mr. Fu glanced at you in such a dress?"

"Gu Ninghuan, what exactly do you mean by that! I can tell you that Mr. Fu gave me his mobile phone number just now. I believe it won't take long before Mr. Fu will invite me to dinner.

As far as you are concerned, don’t envy me too much. After all, how can Warner’s top management compare with Mr. Fu, and only people like you who are shallow-sighted will regard Warner’s top management as a treasure. "

Alice was proud of her behavior, and Gu Ninghuan was ridiculed everywhere in her words.

Gu Ninghuan sneered and just wanted to speak.   heard a cool, trembling voice: "Is it? How can I not remember that I gave you my mobile number."

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