Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 150: Ning...Ning Huan, why are you back?

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That night she lost control and accidentally did something that exposed her nature in front of Xuan Xuan.

She did worry about it. If Xuan Xuan went to the court the next day crying and complained with the Dean, how would she explain it?

But what I did not expect was that Xuan Xuan was so useless. After running back, he had a high fever.

Gu Shi gave a spoonful of Chinese medicine to Xuan Xuan to ensure that there were traces of medicine on her lips, and then poured all the medicine in the bowl into the toilet without hesitation.

Just let this child die of death silently, anyway, such a child without a father and a mother is also a waste of money in the orphanage.

Most of the money in the orphanage comes from the support of Gu's family. As for Gu's family, it will be hers in the future, and will never fall into Gu Ninghuan's hands.

Why should she use her own money to help these children.

The days of the summer vacation passed away quickly, without the frame of Alice.

Gu Ninghuan's internship at Warner was even a catch.

As for Song Ci, she spent almost the entire internship period in the crew.

It is the whole focus of her life to constantly tease each other with the good-looking actor little brother every day.

The summer vacation was almost over, and Gu Ninghuan also ended Warner's internship, and went home to start to organize her books and prepare to go to school.

But she pushed open the door of Fu's villa and saw Gu's maid standing helpless.

"What's wrong?" Gu Ninghuan glanced at the phone and found that there were no missed calls on the screen.

In this case, Gu's maid suddenly came to see her for what.

"Miss, I want to tell you something, but don't be angry." The maid's hands were constantly rubbing because she was too nervous. She looked at Gu Ninghuan with fear.

Gu Ninghuan carried the flower tea and glanced at the maid who stood in front of him: "You said you, as far as I am angry, I will say it again."

"I went to clean your room today... I found that there was a lot less in it." Gu Ninghuan said, drinking tea slightly.

As if she heard something funny, she raised her eyebrows slightly: "There is a lot less stuff? If I remember correctly, I have explained that no one is allowed to enter except cleaning."

"Yes, but I don't know what happened." The maid lowered her head in shame.

Gu Ninghuan: "When is the thing?"

"It has been happening for a month..." The maid's voice gradually decreased.

Gu Ninghuan was really smirked. The maid came to tell her the news after she had lost a thing in her home for a month.


Gu family

Finally, before the end of the summer vacation, Gu Shi, who returned to Gu's house, was sitting on the sofa at this time, looking at the smiling smile of the vice president of Beijing University.

The vice-principal looked at Gu Shi and couldn’t believe it: “Before I watched the young master Gu Yan accompanied Gu Ninghuan to the school, I thought Gu Ninghuan was Gu Yan’s sister, Not surprised.

But today I came to visit Gu's house, and I really understood that you are the real eldest lady of Gu's family. So Gu Ninghuan is just Gu's adopted daughter? "

"Ning Huan was abandoned by her family since she was a child, so we have always kept her quiet on her life, and asked the vice principal to assume that Gu Ninghuan is the daughter of Gu's adopted daughter. However, why did the vice principal come to Gu's family today?"

Gu Shi was very sincere, and he looked like he was really thinking about Gu Ning. When the vice principal said the purpose, Gu Ninghuan felt a little sick: "This is the case. Recently, our school affairs office received several emails, all of which were named by the name of Gu Ninghuan and the married tutor. Only one final exam

I got a high score, so I came to Gu's home today to find out. "

"Vice principal, I think this must be a rumor. Although Ning Huan has a luxurious life and many boyfriends, it is because of her young love.

But no matter what, she will definitely not act to seduce the teacher for the exam. "

Gu Shi's voice was weak, but his tone was firm to relieve Gu Ninghuan.

When the vice principal heard Gu Ninghuan's luxurious life, his face was already very ugly.

"This matter, I and the school will surely investigate. I originally came here to look for Mr. Gu, but since he was not here, I left.

Thank you Gu Shi for your hospitality, but as the vice principal of the school, I still want to remind you that since Gu Ninghuan is a child adopted by Gu's family, she should be allowed to be independent as soon as possible. "

When the vice principal saw Gu Ninghuan in Gu Shi's discourse, he could not help but sigh.

But this is after all Gu's family affair. She is just the principal of the school. She really has no right to say much.

Gu Shi nodded tenderly: "Thank you Vice President for reminding me, but Vice President, I have a heartless request. Grandpa has always had high hopes for Gu Ninghuan, even if Gu Ninghuan was not his own.

But she still loves her very much. Gu Ninghuan had a good final grade this time, and Grandpa was also very happy. If Grandpa knew that her grade might be..."

Gu Shi said half of the words, but the emotions that worried Grandpa Gu at the moment were also obvious.

Seeing that Gu Shi was so sensible, completely dispelled the thought of the vice principal again.

Besides, what needs to be determined now?

Gu Shi, the authentic lady of Gu family, is usually picked up and dropped off by the driver. Even recently, she bumped into Gu Shi to take a taxi home.

Gu Ninghuan, the adopted daughter, is actually a big name, and even millions of sports cars are replaced one after another.

I believe that no matter how kind the Gu family is, it won't give a foster daughter that much money, so where can Gu Ninghuan's money come from.

Thinking of this, the contempt in the vice principal's eyes grew even stronger.

"Do not worry, since I came to Gu's house today, after Gu's family saw you, I already understood everything. After the school starts, I will have a good talk with Gu Ninghuan."

After that, the vice-principal and Gu Shi exchanged a few words before they were sent out by the housemaid of the Gu family.

Gu Shi looked at the back of the vice-principal leaving, with a sweet smile on her lips.

When Gu Ninghuan drove back to Gu's house, he happened to see a car also coming from Gu's house.

She glanced at the driver's seat of the car, as if she saw the vice principal, but the vice principal came to Gu's home to do something.

Gu Ninghuan parked the car and walked into Gu's house. When Gu Shi was drinking tea leisurely, when she saw her coming, the tea cup dropped with a trembling finger.

"Ning...Ning Huan, why did you come back?" Gu Shi's voice trembled slightly, how did Gu Ninghuan return to Gu's house suddenly.  I don't know if Gu Ninghuan collided with the vice principal of the school.

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