Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 151: Mrs. Young did not eat

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"Why should I tell you when I come back? Gu Shi, aren't you in the orphanage? I think that place is suitable for you, you just stay there and don't come back." Gu Ninghuan frowned slightly, looking at Gu Shi's Bad eyesight.

Gu Shi's face changed: "Ning Huan, look at you, and I'm joking with me on purpose. Gu's home is my home, how can I leave here."

"Miss, Miss, you are back." Xie Yu is another housekeeper of Gu's family. When cold and cold are away, she is responsible for things big and small at home.

Gu Ninghuan saw her coming and said: "Xie Yu, Leng Han is just busy in recent months and not often at home. As a result, you can leave my room safe!"

"Miss, this is my mistake, please forgive me."

There was a fiery pain in Xie Yu's face, but Gu Ninghuan didn't do it.

Just a few simple words of accountability, but Xie Yu still felt that self-blame was at its extreme.

When Leng Han gave her the key to her, the only thing she was asked to do was optimistic about the key, but she never thought that she had made a mistake in this matter.

"Ning Huan, don't blame Xie Yu anymore. I believe she is also unintentional." Gu Shi couldn't help but speak for Xie Yu. Gu Ninghuan's eyebrows were cold for a while, and he turned to Gu Shi with a smile: "You actually help Xie Yu, Gu Shi, do you know? When the maid told me, what my mother gave me was missing , My first thought was that you stole it

. "

"Ning Huan, you can't blame everything on you because you don't like me. I stayed in the orphanage for two months during the summer vacation. How could I have time to steal your things!"

Gu Shi shook his head constantly, wanting to deny that this matter was related to himself.

Gu Ninghuan would suspect that this matter was on her head, and she was prepared from the beginning.

But she did not expect her to dare to blame her without any evidence.

"Since you know that I don’t like you, you don’t have to intervene in my affairs. As a housekeeper of Gu’s family, Xie Yu is also the owner of my room key. She has the right to take good care of my things. But now what my mom left me is missing , Even stolen for a month before coming to tell me! This is their dereliction of duty. Besides, do you need me to remind you of your identity? You are nothing, and you have the right to control me

thing. "

Gu Ninghuan finished talking, turned and walked upstairs.

Gu Shi's face was pale, but she still spoke softly to Xie Yu: "Xie Yu, I know this matter is not your fault. You must not take Ning Huan's words in your heart. You know that she has always been Not tolerant."

"Miss Gu, what the **** are you talking about? It was my mismanagement that caused me to lose Missy's things. Missy should be angry, how could it be unreasonable?" Xie Yu looked at Gu Shi with some incomprehension. .

She still remembered that Gu Shi lost a ring last time, but she caught the cleaning maid with three slaps, forcing her to lose money.

But the maid cried and said that she didn't take it, just when Gu Shi was going to make further inquiries.

Xing Sitong, who was her friend at the time, called and said that she had left the ring at Xing Sitong's house.

But Miss Gu Shi did not apologize to the maid she misunderstood, but let the maid leave quickly.

"What?" Gu Shi didn't expect that Xie Yu said so.

Xie Yu turned around and looked at her very seriously: "I said that this time Missy should be angry because it should have been, why did Miss Gu blame Missy behind her."

"Xie Yu, you misunderstood. I was not accusing Ning Huan. I just loved you." Gu Shi explained hastily, never thinking that she would not accept her love.

Even when Gu Shi said this, Xie Yu's face did not relax much: "Thank you Miss Gu for the distress, but this time it was indeed my fault, then I will go to Miss Miss first."

After that, Xie Yu walked hurriedly towards Gu Ninghuan's room.

Gu Shi was standing where the lips were bitten and all the blood was lost.

She had never seen someone like Xie Yu who didn't know what to do.

She also never thought that Xie Yu was accused by Gu Ninghuan, and insisted on standing by Gu Ninghuan.

"Miss, this matter is my fault. I will let Missy handle it." Xie Yu stepped forward and saw Gu Ninghuan standing in the middle of the room, with a strong displeasure in his expression.

Gu Ninghuan didn't answer Xie Yu's words, she walked over to the bed and reached out but couldn't feel the bear.

The plush bear was given to her by her mother before the accident. She didn't take it last time because she thought it belonged here.

But I didn't expect it, but it was gone.

"Did Gu Shi stay in the orphanage while he came back?" Gu Ninghuan asked lightly as he fell beside the bed.

Xie Yu thought about it carefully: "Yes, although Miss Gu stayed in the orphanage throughout the summer vacation, she still came back from time to time to accompany the old man for dinner."

Gu Ninghuan closed her eyes, even if she knew Gu Shi often came back.

There is indeed a 24-hour surveillance video outside the Gu Family Villa.

However, in addition to monitoring in places like the study in the home, there is no surveillance video in other places.

"Miss, if you suspect that Miss Gu is doing it, then I can send someone to investigate Miss Gu." Xie Yu looked at Gu Ninghuan's calm face and said.

Gu Ninghuan turned to look at her: "No need."

"Miss, please believe my ability, I can make up for it." Xie Yu was anxious.

"If you are really capable, you won't even lose your keys. If you can really make up for it, you won't hide the matter for a month."

Is Gu Ninghuan angry? Of course she was mad!

She didn't expect Xie Yu to forget what they couldn't hold her, but she dared to delay her for a month before telling her.

Now that a month has passed, even if she wanted to check, she could not find anything.

That was her memory, her nostalgia for her mother, and it had accompanied her countless days and nights.

When Gu Ninghuan returned to Fu's villa, the expression on his face was very cold.

"Young lady, lunch is ready. Do you want to use it now?"

Hearing Ma's words, Gu Ninghuan forced a smile: "No, I don't want to eat."

When Li heard Gu Ninghuan say this, she didn't think too much in her heart. She just thought that Gu Ninghuan should have just eaten outside.

But when dinner Gu Ninghuan said there was no appetite, she really began to worry.

In the evening, Fu Xishen went home and saw Ma Li stood in front of him with a speechless expression.

"Something?" Fu Xi asked lightly. Mother Li hesitated for a while and said: "Mrs. Shao did not eat lunch after returning from Gu's house. The dinner was served, and she said she had no appetite. I don't know what happened to Mrs. Shao, but it was still bad to be hungry. ."

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