Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 152: There is no extra thread

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Fu Xi heard the words deeply and frowned slightly.

"Prepare another dinner and wait for it to come up." Fu Xishen said.

Ma Li nodded: "I'll go immediately, young master."

He walked upstairs and pushed open the door, and saw the light was dim, and there was a small protrusion on the dark bed.

At eight o'clock in the evening, it is not Gu Ninghuan's bedtime.

She heard footsteps and thought it was the maid who came up again to let her dine.

Lazily turned an opening with little strength: "I don't want to eat, you don't have to control me, let me sleep for a while."

"Why don't you want to eat, eh?" Fu Xishen walked to Gu Ninghuan's bed and sat down, slightly cool fingers with thin cocoons, scratching the soft flesh behind Gu Ninghuan's neck.

Gu Ninghuan was originally turned away from him, after hearing Fu Xishen's voice.

Turning around to see him, the original stunned eyes had a look, but soon dimmed again.

"I don't feel well in my heart, so I don't want to eat." Gu Ninghuan approached him very cleverly, and raised his soft cheeks on the man's lap.

The man reached out and rubbed her hair: "What's wrong?"

Gu Ninghuan asked Fu Xishen to ask her, her red lips slightly pursed her voice: "Nothing. I just don't want to eat. I want to lose weight. I've lost three pounds recently."

"lose weight?"

Fu Xi glanced at Gu Ninghuan's slap in the face. Even if she was thin, her waist was even thinner, so she would lose weight.

"Don't allow diet to lose weight and boil the body, eat."

Fu Xi reached out and squeezed her soft cheeks and spoke lightly.

As soon as his words fell, the maid knocked on the door and served dinner: "Young Master, Madam, dinner is served."

"Well, go out."

"Yes, young master."

Gu Ninghuan saw that she said she didn't eat, but the maid still brought the food up. Without guessing, it was Fu Xishen's command.

She lifted her little head unhappy, and planned to cover herself with a quilt and continue to escape by sleeping.

But she had just looked up, and Fu Xi was deeply aware that the man reached out and took her out of the quilt directly.

Gu Ninghuan only felt that his body was vacated, and he was so scared that he stretched out his hands and directly circled his neck.

This strong man made her even more upset: "I said it all, I don't want to eat anymore."

"No." Fu Xishen put Gu Ninghuan on his knees, the words were very weak, but she was not allowed to refuse.

He patiently scooped up the steamed egg and put it in Gu Ninghuan's lips. He didn't force it. He just looked at her so coldly.

Gu Ninghuan saw the spoon coming at first, almost subconsciously wanted to hide, but he couldn't escape but let him send the spoon to his lips.

The two stalemate for a while. Gu Ninghuan finally opened his lips and honestly ate the steamed egg.

Fu Xishen saw her eating, and the coldness in her eyes eased a little.

Gu Ninghuan couldn't help but stretch his hand to touch his belly, indicating that he was full.

Fu Xishen made people withdraw food.

When Gu Ninghuan was not happy before, she didn't feel it. Now that she was full, she suddenly remembered that she hadn't taken a bath.

She reached out and patted Fu Xishen's hand on her waist: "You let me go, I'm going to take a bath."

Fu Xishen heard the words and let go slightly, Gu Ninghuan was free, and hurried into the bathroom.

After she took a bath, she realized that she was rushing too fast and did not even take in the laundry.

Now, of course, she is also embarrassed to let Fu Xishen come in. Gu Ninghuan buried her cheek in the bathtub, and warm water filled her face.

It was not until Gu Ninghuan was about to breathe that he could lift his cheeks.

She frowned and looked around the bathroom, and saw a small bath towel.

Gu Ninghuan gritted his teeth, the bath towel was not very big, but now there is no way to do so.

She stood up, stretched out her hands and pulled the bath towel off her body, barely reaching the bottom of her hips.

But as long as the action is slightly larger, there is a risk of getting out.

In particular, she didn't wear anything under the bath towel.

Gu Ninghuan carefully pushed open the bathroom door and just took a step.

I felt a slightly cool sight falling on my body.

She pretended not to see it, and her pace accelerated towards the dressing room, but the more anxious she was, the more unstable her pace was.

Suddenly she slipped, and the whole person fell **** the thick carpet.

Although it didn't hurt, it was because of the fall that Gu Ninghuan's body was not tight and the towel was loose.

The girl's white and soft body lay uncovered on the dark carpet.

The interweaving of white and black forms the most **** **** appeal.

The moment Gu Ninghuan fell, he could not check the pain on his body.

Instead, he stretched out his hand and wanted to tie up the towels that had been scattered.

But the moment she touched the corner of the bath towel with her finger, the bath towel was completely removed by Fu Xishen.

Realizing that Fu Xishen was by his side, Gu Ninghuan's flushed face turned even redder.

She clasped her chest tightly with both hands, with an angry tone in her voice: "Fu Xishen! What the **** are you doing, give me the bath towel back."

"I will help you."

Fu Xi's deep magnetic voice, with a little dullness, seemed to endure something.

Of course Gu Ninghuan would not agree, now she looks like this.

If Fu Xishen helped her to wear bath towels, it would immediately become an 18-forbidden screen.

Thinking of this, she pressed harder while covering her chest: "No, I want to wear it myself."

Gu Ninghuan's refusal is more like an aphrodisiac to Fu Xishen.

His throat rolled, and Gu Ninghuan, who bent over and fell on the carpet, hugged him.

Gu Ninghuan stretched out his hand and grabbed Fu Xishen's clothes.

The beating of the heart suddenly lost rhythm: "Fu Xishen, you let me go, I will wait for something later."

His movements were so unpredictable, his eyes looked at her more aggressively, making Gu Ninghuan feel like he was his lunch.

"Really? I thought you took a shower to seduce me."

Fu Xi looked deeply at the little woman held in his arms at this time. The dim light in the room added Gu Ninghuan's dim beauty.

Especially at this time, she didn't even have a thread on her body, so she was in his arms, rubbing, so she said that she was struggling to escape.

It is better to say that it is more like a senior desire to refuse to welcome.

Gu Ninghuan's ears were red with Fu Xishen's words, and she hurriedly explained: "I haven't... you put me down, I'm going to wear clothes."

"It was meant to be taken off, what else to wear?" The man's gaze drifted freely on her.  Gu Ninghuan is almost shy to die, even if they have had a skin blind date between them, but having a skin close relationship does not mean that they can accept this situation calmly.

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