Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 156: Gu Shi told me, do you hurt?

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Gu Shi froze for a moment, then smiled softly, and said softly: "Ning Huan, I know that you say nothing at Gu's house, but I'm also a part of Gu's family. If you want to drive me away, you must at least give a reason. ."

"You stole my stuff and burned it in an orphanage. Isn't this reason enough?" Gu Ninghuan smashed the spare U disk in his hand to Gu Shi.

She really disgusted Gu Shi with such a pretentious look.

Gu Shiwen said, there was a moment of panic in the eyes.

But it quickly calmed down: "Even if I burn something in an orphanage, you have no evidence that it was a plush bear left by your mother."

"Gu Shi, it seems that I never told you what I lost, and you didn't follow me into the room at that time. How do you know that there is a plush bear among the things in my room?" Gu Ning Huan asked rhetorically.

Gu Shi no longer had any words, she bit her lips fiercely, wishing to bite off her tongue directly.

She actually fell silent for a while and was caught by Gu Ninghuan with such a big loophole.

"Gu Ninghuan, even if I said the wrong thing, you can't drive me out of Gu's house because of my mistake. I lived in Gu's house for more than ten years, and I already regarded you as a family member.

In the past, the two of us were also the best friends. Now that you have been abetted by others, you have misunderstood me. In order not to let you regret in the future, I will never leave this house. "Gu Shi said more and more pitiful.

If a third party comes in, no matter who they are, Gu Ninghuan is bullying Gu Shi.

But it is a pity that the people standing in this room, in addition to understanding jade.

The other two knew very well what a vicious heart was hiding under Gu Shi's weak appearance.

"I really can't stand it anymore, Gu Shi, what are you going to shame about!

I tell you, if you clean up your things now, you can really walk out of Gu’s house, but if you continue to act like this, you will believe that we will let you lie down and be carried out of Gu’s house. "

Song Ci said as he stretched out his hands to lift up the sleeves of his shirt, he wanted to do it directly.

Gu Shi saw Song Ci so impulsive, but with a slight smile in his eyes: "Song Ci, here is Gu family, if you do something to me here, believe it or not, the one who was finally carried out is you!"

"Enough! Xie Yu, immediately arrange for someone to pack up Gu Shi's luggage and throw it away!" Gu Ninghuan didn't want to continue arguing with Gu Shi, it was shameful. Gu Shi saw that Gu Ninghuan was actually coming, and the whole person was nervous, but still pretended to be calm: "Xie Yu, you better be clear, what if Gu Ninghuan is Miss Gu's family, Now she is married! She is already

I am not a Gu family person anymore, I am the person who lives in this Gu family, I am your employer! "

Xie Yu heard the words and suddenly remained silent for a few seconds.

Gu Shi saw the performance of Jie Yu, and the whole person relaxed a bit.

Sure enough, even though Xie Yu was not capable of handling affairs, she knew the current affairs better than Leng Han, who only knew how to be loyal to Gu Ninghuan.

But a few seconds later, Xie Yu raised his head again: "Miss Gu, everyone calls you Miss Gu on weekdays, just respect you. Even if you change your surname, but from the beginning to the end, it is not Gu's family, how could it be me Employer."

Gu Shi's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe Xie Yu would actually say such things.

Her lips tremble, and her eyes are unwilling: "What the **** are you talking about! I have lived in Gu's family for more than ten years, so why not Gu's family!"

After all, you just want to please Gu Ninghuan. Do you really think she will thank you for helping Gu Ninghuan this time? I tell you, stop dreaming!   "Miss Gu, we should do to please the employer. Only people who don’t understand respect can please outsiders. And this is why the maid was expelled just now. "Xie Yuqing's light counterattack made Gu Shiqi's eyes red


What does Xie Yu mean in the end, that is to ridicule her that she has no ability, so that the maid who helps her is fired!

Xie Yu's movements were quick. When the bodyguards and maids called by her started to pack up Gu Shi's hands and feet, Gu Shi was really panicked.

She can't be ousted from Gu's house, if she was ousted from Gu's house, how would she live.

Gu Shi wanted to rush out of the room in her pajamas. She was going to find Grandpa, and now only Grandpa can make the call for her.

But Gu Ninghuan had expected this point long ago. The bodyguard standing at the door blocked the door of the house strictly, and he didn't let Gu Shi go further.

"Gu Ninghuan, you don't want to bully people, you are not enough to let me clean up my things, do you dare to limit my personal freedom!?" Gu Shi turned and scolded at Gu Ninghuan, she couldn't take care of it at this time. Disguise yourself.

She now can't wait to go directly and Gu Ninghuan desperately.

But the more she was angry, the more calm Gu Ninghuan was: "Relax, when your luggage is packed, no matter where you are going, as long as you don’t look back at your home, I won’t interfere."  "You are iron now Do you really want to drive me out of Gu's house? Gu Ninghuan, who do you think you are? Don't forget, Gu's grandpa is in charge, no matter who is qualified to pass over grandpa!" Gu Shi rushed forward and reached out Trying to want

Grab Gu Ninghuan's shoulder.

But before she stepped forward, she was stopped by the bodyguard and fell to the ground!

Gu Shi lay on the ground and reached up to cover the elbow joint that hit the floor, and the painful features changed.

Gu Ninghuan stepped forward, stepped on her arm expressionlessly: "Gu Shi, tell me, are you in pain?"

"Ah! You get away, Gu Ninghuan, you **** crazy now! I tell you! I won't let you go!"

Gu Shihuan's arm was stepped on by Gu Ninghuan, and cold sweat continued to appear on her painful face. She now really wished to kill Gu Ninghuan.

"Gu Shi, tell me, are you in pain?" Gu Ninghuan sneered and pressed harder.

Before rebirth, every time Gu Shi was in a bad mood, she would go to her basement to vent.

She will scoop hot boiling water with a spoon and pour it on her again and again.

What Gu Shi asked at the time was: "Gu Ninghuan, tell me, do you hurt?"

Now she returned this sentence to her, and she gave Gu Shi more in the future.

She will not let Gu Shi die easily, just like Gu Shi did not let her die.

Gu Ninghuan wants Gu Shi to die in her life.

"It hurts! I hurt, Ning Huan, I beg you... I beg you, forgive me, I really did not burn your things, please beg..."

Gu Shi's spoiled skin on Gu Jiajiao's skin can withstand Gu Ninghuan's hard footsteps.

She felt that her arm was sore, not like her own. Gu Ninghuan withdrew his foot: "Gu Shi, I haven't been Gu Ninghuan who could be played with by you in the past. When you try to play small movements in the future, you should think about whether you have the ability to bear the consequences. "

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