Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 157: Let Gu Ninghuan and her parents meet in the underworld

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Gu Shi's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his eyes were fixed on Gu Ninghuan.

The next thing became very smooth. I don't know if Gu Shi was scared by Gu Ning. He just stood with a dark face and watched them clean up.

When the maid packed up Gu Shi's luggage and packed it down one by one, Grandpa Gu walked out quickly.

Gu Shi was only wearing pajamas at this time, and he walked behind the maid, haggardly, as if he had lost most of his strength.

Gu Ninghuan's appearance is still ordinary, but Xie Yu and Song Ci are standing beside her. This contrast makes Gu Shi more pitiful.

"What the **** are you doing!" Grandpa Gu didn't think of it, but he didn't stare at them for a while, and it was so big. Gu Shi heard Grandpa Gu's voice, her eyes turned red immediately, and she said with a crying voice: "Grandpa, I'm sorry. I may not be able to accompany you in the future. If you are alone, if Ning Huan allows, I will Come back often

See you. "

"Gu Ninghuan! What the **** is going on! What the **** did you do!"

Gu Ninghuan looked at Gu Shi's performance and did not learn to sell like her, but stood upright.

"Gu Shi took the key to my room and stolen all the relics my parents gave me when she was alive. Even when she worked as a volunteer in an orphanage, she burned my mother under the surveillance and left me a bear.

We Gu family, have been giving Gu Shi the best life for more than ten years, and we did not make any sorry for Shi Shi to ask ourselves.   But she first conspired with Ji Zixing to deceive me, and then made a fuss again, Gu family can't accommodate her now! I can't let her go! "Gu Ninghuan said every word very clearly, and why did each word carry a repressed committee


Gu Shi cried out of breath, "Grandpa, I swear I didn't steal Ning Huan's things. I know those things are Ning Huan's last thoughts of her parents. How can I be willing to hurt her so much."

Grandpa Gu had heard Gu Ninghuan say that Gu Shi had stolen the relics left by her parents, and his face suddenly became dark.

He knew how important those things were to Gu Ninghuan.

In the days when he lost his parents, Gu Ninghuan almost cried while holding those toys all night.

The pain of losing her parents made her so afraid of the night without lights until now.

If Gu Shi really ruined those things, then really can't stay.

But Gu Shi was the grown-up, pure-hearted woman he looked at, how could he do such a thing.

"Since you said Gu Shi stole your things, do you have any evidence? As long as you can take out the evidence, then I will never favor Gu Shi!" Grandpa Gu said in a deep voice.

Gu Ninghuan handed another U disk to the maid beside him: "This is the monitoring I got from the orphanage. It can be clearly seen that Gu Shi burnt my bear late at night."

Gu Shi saw Gu Ninghuan say this, and the original tight lips were slightly loose, or even vaguely like a smile.

The maid brought the computer and plugged in the U disk. Grandpa Gu finished watching the video and did not speak for a long time.

"This video has no way to directly prove that Gu Shiyao is your thing. Today is getting late. You should go back and rest with Song Ci earlier." Grandpa Gu sighed. Gu Ninghuan obviously couldn’t accept this statement: “Grandpa! Even if the video is so blurry, don’t you see that Gu Shi burns a bear? And you look at the video time, so late, Gu Shi doesn’t sleep but Run to the gazebo to burn things

Isn’t this strange? "

Grandpa Gu hadn't spoken yet, Gu Shi rushed to elute himself: "What a big crime it is to steal something, Ning Huan, how can you push me on such a vague video!"


"Enough! That's the matter, Gu Shi has lived with you for more than ten years anyway. You can't doubt her because of such a video." Grandpa Gu interrupted Gu Ninghuan. the words said.

Song Ci frowned: "Grandpa Gu, I know that I am an outsider, it is really inconvenient to interfere with your Gu family's family affairs, but Gu Shi is not as simple as you think.

Last time at a friend's party, she even colluded with outsiders to give Ning Huan medicine. If Mr. Fu arrived in time, Ning Huan had an accident! "Grandpa Gu heard Song Ci talking, and his face became somber for a moment, but he still put up with it: "Song Ci, Grandpa Gu knew you were a good boy, and you and our family Ning Huan were good friends, but there was no evidence, Can it be casual

Injustice Gu Shi. "

"Grandpa Gu, how can you say that. Ning Huan is your granddaughter. You don't even believe it, but instead believe Gu Shi is an outsider?" Song Ci couldn't believe him and looked at Grandpa Gu.

Grandpa Gu said quietly: "Gu Shi lived in Gu's house for more than ten years. She is not an outsider. Both she and Ning Huan are my granddaughter."

Song Ci also tried to say something to Gu Ninghuan, but was interrupted by Gu Ninghuan: "Well, Song Ci, you don’t have to say it again. Since Grandpa chose to believe Gu Shi, then from today! I don’t want this Gu family Will come back again!"

The moment Gu Ninghuan turned around, tears were forced out, this was the case once and twice.

She thought that she could be changed after being born again, but she forgot that Gu Shi was also his granddaughter in grandpa's heart.

This is the existence of no way she can change no matter how hard she tries.

Song Ci glared at Gu Shi fiercely and followed Gu Ninghuan out.

Gu Shi stood weeping, her long hair hanging so that others could not see her smiling eyes.

"Master, what about Miss Gu's luggage?" Xie Yu stepped forward and asked the official.

Gu Shi is inconvenient to speak at this time, but he has scolded the idiot Xie Yu ten thousand times in his heart. What else needs to be asked!

Of course, help her move into the original room!

Grandpa Gu's voice seemed like a lot of oldness in an instant: "Move Gu Shi's luggage to the other courtyard, she will live there alone, and it will be quiet."

Gu Shi was still sobbing, because Grandpa Gu's words suddenly stopped, she couldn't believe it and raised her red eyes to look at Grandpa Gu.

Gujiabeiyuan is indeed within the range of Gujia Villa, but it has been unoccupied for many years. Grandpa Gu asked her to move there, and in the end he still doubted her.

Gu Shi bit his lips tightly. Sure enough, this old immortal still liked Gu Ninghuan the most.

Gu Ninghuan's lack of evidence can turn Gu's house upside down, even pushing her out of Gu's main house.  If she had all the evidence, I still don’t know what would happen. Gu Ninghuan is now more and more dangerous. She must find a way to get Gu Ninghuan to reunite with her dead parents as soon as possible.

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