Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 160: Addicted to male sex

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Gu Ninghuan raised his eyebrows slightly, but was curious.

It's true that Grandpa Song likes to set rules for his juniors, but Song Ci has always been very liked by Grandpa Song.

For the Song family's other juniors, the rules are very important. In Song Ci, Grandpa Song almost kept his eyes closed.

So when she heard from others that Song Ci was imprisoned, in fact, she didn't believe it at first.

But it wasn't until she couldn't reach Song Ci for several days that she realized this was actually the case.

"So what did you do?" Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci both walked to the school side by side and asked.

Song Ci sniffed his nose, his face full of incomprehension: "Actually, I didn't do anything. I just took the bodyguard to the male public relations store and ordered two head cards to accompany me to drink!

But it was really just drinking, but I didn’t know what happened later. When I stood up, I felt dizzy and fell straight on the top card, and it was at this time that my grandfather pushed the box door open! "

Speaking of which, Song Ci looks annoyed.

She never imagined that everything happened so coincidentally, as if it had been specially designed.

Gu Ninghuan said that the smile in his eyes could not be hidden. Song Ci was indeed a bit unlucky. He did not do anything and was arrested.

"Then? Are you imprisoned?"

"It would be nice if it were really that simple! After Grandpa took me home, he let me kneel in the living room to train for three hours, and then let me go!

But my phone was confiscated for several days, and in those days I was bored to count the twenty-nine eight hundred and thirty-five grasses in my garden. "Song Ci recalled the days of those days, it was really miserable.

Especially for modern people, the confiscation of mobile phones is a major blow.

Gu Ninghuan was amused, but also a bit strange: "According to the truth, Grandpa Song will not go to a male public relations store for no reason, I think he should have deliberately caught you."

"I think so too, but the bodyguards I brought shouldn't leak this thing, but besides them, who in the end will know that I go to the male public relations store late at night." Song Ci's lovely facial features are all wrinkled together .

"Song Ci." A soft voice rang from behind.

Song Ci and Gu Ninghuan turned around and looked at Su Muzhe who came slowly from a distance.

Gu Ninghuan smiled faintly. She seemed to be able to vaguely guess who told Grandpa Song that Song Ci went to the male public relations store.

"What are you doing here?" Song Ci looked at Su Muzhe somewhat surprised.

Su Muzhe reached out and took a small wallet and handed it to her: "You left your wallet at home, Jinnian asked me to take it to you."

Seeing the wallet, Song Ci realized that she had forgotten to take the wallet in order to see Gu Ninghuan early today.

She took the wallet from Su Muzhe and thanked her. The two said another conversation and said goodbye to each other.

"How did you and Su Muzhe deal with it last time?" Gu Ninghuan asked.

Song Ci didn't care a bit: "I just said to Mu Mu that I would never be with him just because I gave it to him for the first time. Let him treat it as if nothing happened that night."

"Then, did he agree?" Gu Ninghuan continued to ask.

Song Ci nodded vigorously: "No matter how I look at it, I'm more disadvantaged. What's wrong with him?"

How did Gu Ninghuan think that Su Muzhe only temporarily agreed.

In his last life, Song Ci was hopelessly in love with the scumbag writer at this time.

Su Muzhe may have taken some measures to prevent it, but the women in love are often the more resistance, the more fierce the love.

Even if you just broke her leg, she would crawl with her hands to meet her sweetheart.

In particular, Song Song, who has been worry-free in honey, is more persistent in "love".

However, the feelings between Song Ci and the scumbag writer in this life were mixed up early by Gu Ninghuan.

It may also be because of the scumbag writer that Su Muzhe did not intend to slowly cultivate feelings with Song Ci, but shot early.

Gu Ninghuan hooked her lips, she just wanted Song Ciping to be safe, so no matter who she fell in love with in the future, as long as that person did not harm her life.

She thinks it's okay.

The two finished class in the morning and sat in the cafeteria to eat.

And people in the same line, when they saw Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci sitting together, their eyes always like to float on Gu Ninghuan.

Once or twice, there may not be anything. Both Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci were very provocative and used to be seen by others.

But today is a little weird, because the eyes of those people are a bit optimistic.

"Ning Huan, do you think they look strange in our eyes?" Song Ci took a sip of soup and felt something was wrong.

Gu Ninghuan also felt that there was a problem, but only as a sequelae of WeChat group she did not explain, but she did not care about it.

"A bit, but let them go."

Gu Ninghuan said lightly.

Song Ci heard, but did not delve into it.

"I thought some people had dropped out of school after such a big incident, but I didn't expect to have a face in class." Jiang Yiyue carried the tray and walked to Gu Ninghuan with sneer.

Gu Shi stood beside Jiang Yiyue, looking beautiful and touching. She stretched out and pulled Jiang Yiyue's sleeve: "January, don't worry about Ning Ning anymore. I believe it must have nothing to do with her." "

"Gu Shi, can you not continue to be kind, just because you have been so good to Gu Ninghuan, she will hurt you again and again!" Jiang Yiyue turned to Gu Shi and said.

Gu Ninghuan was bored listening to the two of them acting in front of them.

Song Ci was not as good-tempered as Gu Ninghuan, and she was not happy in her heart. Now Jiang Yiyue and Gu Shi both disgusted her in front of her.

This time she had been restraining her temper, she couldn't help it.

Song Ci took the soup bowl in front of him and poured it directly on Jiang Yiyue's face: "You didn't see us eating? It's okay to come to us and make any rumors!"

Jiang Yiyue was suddenly splashed by the warm soup, could not help screaming, pulled Gu Shi back a few steps, staring at Song Ci fiercely.

Gu Shi was standing close to Jiang Yiyue, so Song Ci was also splashed on her body, and her face became very ugly, but she did not speak out.

"Song Ci, are you crazy? We are talking about what Gu Ninghuan has to do with you!" Jiang Yiyue asked Song Ci.   Song Ci stared at them fiercely: "Ning Huan is talking about me, and I warn you, if you are deliberately in trouble in front of us next time, I will use a wrench to beat you into meat!"

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