Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 161: Do you react so fast in bed

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Jiang Yiyue stared at Song Ci, no matter how indignant his heart was, but still tolerated.

Song Ci is not the same as Gu Ninghuan who has no identity. She is the daughter of the wealthy Song family.

But even a small citizen like her is afraid of Song Ci, even if Gu Shi dare not speak.

The Gu family and the Song family are equally matched, no matter how good they are.

But she felt that Gu Shi didn't dare to have any conflict with Song Ci at all.

Song Ci and Gu Ninghuan were the people at the center of the line of sight. Now Song Ci is so bold that he directly clashes with Jiang Yiyue, which is even more striking.

But because of such a big conflict, the bad eyes that fell on them are also much less.

Jiang Yiyue and Gu Shi walked out of the canteen. Although there was not much oil in the canteen soup, it was still uncomfortable.

Especially today, Jiang Yiyue deliberately painted exquisite eye makeup for the first day of school, but Song Ci bowl of soup directly knocked her back to the prototype.

"Gu Shi, you said your friendship with Gu Ninghuan for many years, so I can let her tolerate her, but I can understand it, but why do you even tolerate Song Ci together?

She just bullied me so much in the cafeteria just now, you can even forget it! "Jiang Yiyue's words were full of complaints, and he was a little dissatisfied with Gu Shi.

It was Gu Shi who revealed that Gu Ninghuan had bullied her so much that she had trouble finding Gu Ninghuan everywhere.

But I did not expect that Song Ci's bowl of soup was directly poured on her, and even the Gu Shi she maintained did not dare to speak to her.

Gu Shi felt dissatisfied with Jiang Yiyue's eyes, and felt that Jiang Yiyue was stupid.

Obviously, they secretly made so many preparations, there was no need to provoke Gu Ninghuan in the cafeteria.

But Jiang Yiyue still rushed up without a mind, it was almost to the extreme.

"In January, I am the eldest lady of the Gu family. Of course, I can ignore the friendship between the two people and the Song family. I can’t be a person with a measure. Song is very difficult for her to find trouble, but it’s embarrassing. You are simply too simple. Of course it’s okay for me to protect you once, but next time what if I’m not around you?" Gu Shi

Very patiently explained to Jiang Yiyue.

Jiang Yiyue was dissatisfied, but Gu Shi's identity did not happen.

"Okay, this time, even if I did not make any effort to blend in with your wealthy people, I have to change my clothes, and I will go first." After that, Jiang Yiyue threw Gu Shi away angrily.

Gu Shi looked at Jiang Yiyue's back and frowned slightly. She was just an ordinary well-off family child, and she dared to put her face in front of her.

If it were not for Xing Sitong's body, he became hysterical again.

Gu Shicai would not give up such a good chess piece as Xing Sitong, but would go with Jiang Yiyue.

In the final analysis, it is still the people of the bottom family like Xing Sitong who are in control, and giving Xiao En Xiaohui can do things for you.

But like Jiang Yiyue, who was originally a spoiled personality at home, often cannot be bought with ordinary gadgets.

As for the precious things, Gu Shi did not want to give her at all.

Gu Ninghuan had no classes in the afternoon, and she planned to go home after eating. She picked up the tray and was planning to send it to the place where the tray was collected. When she saw the squad leader found her, "Gu Ninghuan, you and I are now Go to the vice principal's office!"

Gu Ninghuan raised his eyebrows slightly, but he didn't understand: "Can you tell me what the vice principal is doing for me?"

"You know if you follow me, and ask so much to do!" the squad leader didn't have a good tone to reply.

Song Ci was angry when he heard the monitor say this,

She has a bad temper now, and she is still a good temper in the past. At this time, she is flammable and explosive.

Gu Ninghuan hadn't said anything, Song Ci wanted to go forward to talk to the squad leader with his sleeves, but he was stopped by Gu Ninghuan.

The squad leader just has a bad tone. This is actually nothing. Song Ci can't fight in a densely populated place like a cafeteria.

"Okay, I know. I'll go right away." Gu Ninghuan finished putting the dinner plate in the center, and then went to the office of the vice principal with the squad leader.

Song Ci, of course, closely followed Gu Ninghuan. After waiting outside the vice principal's office, she naturally had to accompany Gu Ninghuan.

"The vice principal said, as long as I and Gu Ninghuan can go in, you are waiting outside." The class leader looked at Song Ci holding Gu Ninghuan's arm and said.

"Why? I have something to do to find the vice-principal, can't I just follow in?" Song Ci tightened Gu Ninghuan's hand slightly.

The squad leader's face was not good, she could even feel clearly the squad leader's malice towards Gu Ninghuan.

The squad leader said impatiently to Song Ci: "No! If you really have something to do with the vice principal, then you can wait for us to go out and come in."

Then wait for me outside. "Gu Ninghuan pulled his hand from Song Ci's hand and spoke.

When Song Ci saw Gu Ninghuan said so, he could only barely agree.

But he was still uneasy: "Then yell if you have something, and I will rush in to save you."

"Good." Gu Ninghuan nodded, but thought that this was the vice principal's office.

Anyway, in the school, how could something happen.

But just after she went in with the squad leader, she felt that the squad leader standing in front of her suddenly disappeared, and then came a cool wind.

When Gu Ninghuan raised his eyes, he saw a plainly dressed woman, who was hitting her with a beer bottle.

Gu Ninghuan was taken aback, but the last time he was beaten made him have trained her to react naturally to the beaten.

Before her mind moved, her body spontaneously moved to the side, dangerously avoiding this wine bottle.

The middle-aged woman saw that she couldn't hit it, and the hand holding the wine bottle was tight, and she sweared: "I didn't expect you **** to react very quickly. Isn't this the same on our old bed!"

"What are you talking about?" Gu Ninghuan frowned, and she didn't even know the woman in front of her.

The middle-aged woman was asked by her in such a rhetorical question, and she saw Gu Ninghuan look so beautiful, and she was even more energetic.

Regardless of it, pinching the bottle will hit her again.

The vice-principal and the squad leader watched the movie on the side, and did not care at all. What kind of dangerous weapon was the middle-aged woman holding in her hand.

Gu Ninghuan frowned slightly, and when the middle-aged woman's beer bottle fell on her, she smoothly grabbed her wrist.

The beer bottle was snatched directly, and then the middle-aged woman was pushed hard.  The middle-aged woman was originally anxious and attacked. When she was pushed like this, the whole person fell to the ground.

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