Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 162: Kneel down and apologize

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She struggled to get up, but it might have been accidentally hurt when she fell.

After trying to get up for a long time, he fell to the ground again.

The squad leader had stood on the sidelines with arms folded, watching the middle-aged woman playing Gu Ninghuan's look very vigorously, but waited until the middle-aged woman lost her advantage.

He couldn't stand it anymore, so he hurriedly stepped up to help the middle-aged woman and asked with concern: "Are you all right? Would you like me to send you to the school doctor to see it."

The middle-aged woman stared at Gu Ninghuan's petite little face eagerly, and wished to step forward to give Gu Ninghuan a few mouths, but now she is struggling even to stand, let alone say to go to Gu Ninghuan .

"Vice principal, as you saw just now, Gu Ninghuan, a bitch, actually beating the tutor's wife, is there any consciousness of being a student?!" The middle-aged woman turned to the vice principal with a grievance in her voice Cried.

Gu Ninghuan reached out and played with the beer bottle, grabbed the bottle and smashed the bottle onto the corner of the wooden table.


The beer bottle was broken, and the yellowish liquor spilled to the ground. The pungent aroma quickly filled every corner of the vice principal's office.

Gu Ninghuan lifted the sharp bottle and pointed at her middle-aged woman who was still unkindly scolding her: "If you say another word of rumor, believe it or not, I will insert this beer bottle into your throat!" "You! You are a little three to seduce our old Zhang, you still have a gift, right! Why do you look so shameless about such a beautiful girl!" The middle-aged womanish lips tremble, but they are still cold in Gu Ninghuan's eyes Scared, shouting

'S voice is also a bit weak.

Gu Ninghuan sneered: "It must have been known that I had to go to the office of the vice-principal after the semester when the class leader had made a false statement in the WeChat group.

In this case, it's good to be honest, there is no need to tell so many classmates to discredit me in private, but still have the squad leader in front of me! "

"What do you mean! What it means to discredit you, what I said is clearly fact! If it weren't for Teacher Zhang to give you a question, how could you get such a high score!" The class leader was blushed by Gu Ninghuan.

He did pull a small group, in which Gu Ninghuan said nothing, but how about that.

Gu Ninghuan's body was not right, is it afraid that people can't say it? "Fact? What about the evidence? You told me which of your eyes saw me seduce Teacher Zhang. If you can't tell me today, I won't let you go!" Gu Ninghuan's eyes were more sullen. This kind of person is really ridiculous


Gu Ninghuan asked the squad leader, but he couldn't say a word for a long time. He focused his help on the vice principal.

Since it was the vice principal who told him to bring Gu Ninghuan to the office, and the vice principal said Gu Ninghuan had problems, then the vice principal should have evidence.

"Gu Ninghuan, you are clearly doing something wrong. Why do you want to threaten the squad leader in the office, and really think that the school is your home!" The vice principal looked at Gu Ninghuan with disgust.

But she is also a vice-principal anyway. How can she be concerned with students like Gu Ninghuan? "Gu Ninghuan! It's because you have insufficient evidence to seduce the teacher, so we called you alone, as long as you can seriously apologize to Teacher Zhang's wife, ask her for forgiveness, and guarantee that they will never be inserted into their marriage in the future. I

Just give you a chance!"

The vice principal said that he was generous, but Gu Ninghuan was all ridiculed.

There was obviously insufficient evidence, but she still had to apologize. She didn't know when she gave them such a bully image.

"Vice principal, if you recall what you said just now, don't you think you are sick?" Gu Ninghuan raised an eyebrow, saying that she was angry just because she was wronged.

Then she is really not angry at this time, after all, what is a good deal with a fool.

"Who said you are sick!" The deputy headmaster was stunned. For the first time in her many years of teaching, she met the student who said she was sick for the first time. Gu Ninghuan said, "Of course, you are sick, you have insufficient evidence, but you still want me to apologize. Isn't this crazy? Especially this lady, you are also ridiculous. Teacher Zhang and I met at school The number of times can be counted with one hand,

I haven't seen it in private. How can I have an affair with him?

However, you can also rest assured that I am a good friend, and I will choose my boyfriend, my boyfriend is much more beautiful than Teacher Zhang! "

Gu Ninghuan's words made Teacher Zhang's wife's already ugly face even more ugly.

She didn't even think that she would be a primary three this year, like Gu Ninghuan is so crazy.

Teacher Zhang's wife suddenly stood up from the chair, unable to bear the anger, and wanted to start with Gu Ninghuan.

But his eyes slipped on the bottle in Gu Ninghuan's hand, and I don't know why the courage in my heart suddenly disappeared.

But even if she can't do it, she also has evidence of Gu Ninghuan doing Primary Three!

Mrs. Zhang’s wife ordered a photo from her mobile phone, which was the back view of Mrs. Zhang and a girl. The back view did look a bit like Gu Ninghuan.

"How! You didn't expect me to bump into you on the road! And you are really not low-key, actually go to the hotel together during the day, it is really shameless!" Teacher Zhang's wife was irritated.

In fact, there was one thing she didn't say, that was that she accidentally found her husband's mobile phone at home.

As a result, the mobile wallpaper above is a photo of Gu Ninghuan.

After seeing the phone at that time, her blood became cold in an instant.

Almost immediately, I rushed to the school to find Gu Ninghuan and questioned her why she was so shameless as the third in their marriage.

"This picture was taken at 3 pm on July 15th, but I was internating at Warner Company that day, and the people in the whole department were able to prove that I never went out." Gu Ninghuan saw the picture on Teacher Zhang’s wife’s phone. Opening.

Teacher Zhang’s wife couldn’t believe it: “Impossible! How can someone like you get an internship at a large company like Warner!”

"Yeah, who doesn't know how strict Warner's selection of interns is. I heard that none of the most top-notch Nan Chuan in the film and television school has passed the exam this year, let alone you!" The class leader sneered.

He didn't believe that Gu Ninghuan had the ability to get into Warner.

"Student Gu Ninghuan, are there no other ways for you to tell such stupid lies now?" The vice principal's eyes were contempt for Gu Ninghuan.   Faced with their doubts, Gu Ninghuan was not angry, but his red lips smiled more clearly: "If that is the case, if I can prove my summer internship at Warner, you kneel down in front of the school flower bed and apologize to me."

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