Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 163: Gu Shi, you are tired of living, right?

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The squad leader and the deputy principal heard their words, and they all turned pale.

Of course they are unwilling to make this bet.

Even in the mind of the vice principal, what if she was wronged, Gu Ninghuan?

She is a school teacher and even a vice-principal. Even if she did something wrong, Gu Ninghuan had to suffer.

The squad leader also felt that this request by Gu Ninghuan was absurd.

All he did today was to obey the vice principal.

Even if Gu Ninghuan is innocent at the end, it should be the vice principal's responsibility, and what does it have to do with his small class leader.

When Mr. Zhang's wife saw the vice principal and the class leader, neither of them spoke.

She didn't dare to speak hurriedly. Without the two of them, she couldn't fight Gu Ninghuan.

"Gu Ninghuan, you are so hard-mouthed, do you want me to say all your dirty things?" The vice principal raised his head and looked at Gu Ninghuan dangerously.

Gu Ninghuan did not flinch from his eyes: "Then I want to ask, what kind of dirty thing do you know, Vice President?"

Since everyone is here today, you might as well say it, there is no need to make a mystery, I am doing well, and you don’t expect to use some things to catch the wind and catch the dirty water on me. "

"I didn't believe it before the incident broke out at you at first. After all, our Beijing University is such an excellent student. Since you can be admitted to our school, you naturally have a three-point skill.    Especially if you usually It’s not like a child from a poor family. It’s also written on your student profile. Is Kyoto’s rich family home yours?” The vice-chancellor Yin Yun’s opening was clearly a normal description, no

I know why Gu Ninghuan heard a feeling of bad intentions.

It was as if the vice principal had just dug a pit for her.

"What about it." Gu Ninghuan asked lightly. When the vice principal saw Gu Ninghuan confessed, as if she had caught her huge handle, the light in her eyes became evil: "How could Gu's granddaughter do such a thing as seduce a married teacher for the purpose, so I check

Zheng deliberately went to Gu's house, did you know what I found? "

"Is it possible that Gu Ninghuan is not Gu's granddaughter at all. The reason why she writes this on the student file is just for her vanity?

But this is strange to say, since Gu Ninghuan is not the granddaughter of Gu's family, why can he drive a luxury car every day? "The squad leader deserves to be the best running dog of the vice principal.

When he heard the vice-principal say this, he immediately understood it, and he understood what he knew.

Teacher Zhang’s wife also showed a lot of disdain on her face: “Gu Ninghuan did even such things as Primary Three, but just made some fakes on his student file. Is this still very difficult for her? Is it something?"  "I said I am not the granddaughter of Gu's family, shouldn't it be Gu Shi? Since Gu Shi is now in school. The vice principal, you call her, and the two of us can't stand up, just let you I know who is not the grandson of Gu family

Female. "

Gu Ninghuan saw the complacency of the three people in front of him, but thought they were stupid.

Do not know anything, and dare to be so crazy in front of her.

"It seems that you are really a thief! I don't know who Gu Shi is generous and kind-hearted. If you call her to come, do you want to bully her?

Coincidentally, Gu Shi is also named Gu. Is Gu Shi really the Gu granddaughter of the Gu family? "When the squad leader saw Gu Ninghuan, he dared to let his goddess come over, and he didn't feel angry!

The vice principal nodded: "Yes, I saw Gu Shi at Gu's house that day, and Gu's maid was very respectful of Gu Shi and called him Miss Gu."

"Since this is the case, wouldn't you just call Gu Shi? Would she be afraid of me if she really was Miss Gu's family?" Gu Ning calmed down and smiled sweetly. Less than timid.

But she behaved like this in front of the vice-principal, but it was just a dead duck.

"Okay, since you have said so, squad leader, you should go find Gu Shi now, let Gu Ninghuan be convinced, and let her take a look at what is the true style of everyone. After all, some temperaments are carved In the bone!

The granddaughter of a real wealthy family will definitely not, like Gu Ninghuan's madness and vicious destruction of other families! In order to let Gu Ninghuan die, the vice principal instructed the monitor to call Gu Shi without saying anything.

The squad leader obediently walked out of the vice principal's office. When Gu Shi was brought in again, Song Ci also sneaked in.

Before Gu Shi came, he obviously didn't know why.

After coming, I saw Gu Ninghuan also in the vice principal's office, and even looked at her with a slight coldness in her eyes.

Suddenly Gu Shi didn't dare to move on, and a bad hunch flashed in her heart.

"Ning Huan, why are you here?" Gu Shi's voice trembled, but she was well hidden by her.

Gu Ninghuan's eyes fell on her and she went straight: "I heard that you told the vice-principal that I am not the granddaughter of the Gu family, right?"    "Gu Ninghuan, what are you talking about, how could I tell the vice-principal Gu Jia Thing. You forgot, Grandpa once said, don’t you like to put family affairs in front of the public?" Gu Shi froze and seemed to answer Gu Ning positively.

Huan's question, but in fact he is concerned about him.

The vice-principal saw that her answer seemed wrong, but she didn't take it seriously.

Just as Gu Shi, he was frightened by Gu Ninghuan's momentum. "Gu Shi, I'm calling you here this time just to let you tell me all the things I said at the Gu family last time. You can rest assured that we in Gu Ninghuan will never treat you like that, we Will definitely protect you."

Chang and Yan Yuese spoke to Gu Shi.

Gu Shi heard the vice-principal say this. For the first time in her life, she was afraid. How could she dare to face Gu Ninghuan, rumoring that she was not Grandpa Gu's granddaughter.

This vice-principal is really useless, obviously she said so clearly at the beginning, why did she let her come to face Gu Ninghuan!

"Yes! Reiterate your original words one by one with the vice principal, let me also listen to how you are rumoring me behind you." Gu Ninghuan walked step by step to Gu Shi.

But Gu Shi didn't dare to speak. She avoided Gu Ninghuan's eyes and kept going back.

How did the squad leader bear the sight of the goddess in his heart being persecuted by Gu Ninghuan, he stepped forward to want to start with Gu Ninghuan.   But when Gu Ninghuan's cold eyes fell on him, he had a fear in her heart for a moment.

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