Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 168: The child is not Fu Xishen

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Mother Fu heard Meng Jingwen say something like this. Although she didn't look good on her face, she didn't blame Gu Ninghuan too much.

"Ning Huan is still young, and she will gradually be sensible afterwards." Fu Fu helped Gu Ninghuan not because she was so satisfied with Gu Ninghuan's daughter-in-law.

It is Gu Ninghuan who is the Fu family no matter how bad it is. Since they are their family members, she naturally wants to maintain it.

Meng Jingwen did not continue to say that Gu Ninghuan was not. Instead, he followed the words of Fu Fu.

She knew better than anyone else, Meng Jingwen now has time.

She can slowly plant seeds of dissatisfaction with Gu Ninghuan in Fu Fu's heart.

Wait until the time is right, and then tell Fu Mother that she is pregnant. I believe that with Gu Ninghuan as a comparison, Fu Mother will also accept her more easily.

Gu Ninghuan didn't know what happened in Fu's old house.

She walked downstairs listlessly. Last night she had dared to confess to Fu Xishen, but Fu Xishen said nothing in the end.

This made Gu Ninghuan a little disappointed, but it was also something that was expected.

Fu Xishen doesn't like her. In fact, Gu Ninghuan already knew it already? But why do I still feel a little dull and uncomfortable in my heart.

She lay on the table, comforting herself, but it didn’t matter. Even if Fu Xishen didn’t like her, she couldn’t stop her from loving Fu Xishen.

She and Fu Xishen are already married. After the big deal, she slowly grinds him.

After thinking this way, Gu Ninghuan felt suddenly full of energy.

Decided to take advantage of today's Saturday, she was going to the company to find Fu Xishen to eat together without rubbing, and then slowly cultivate feelings, take the opportunity to take Fu Xishen.

"Mrs. Shao, you got up, what do you want to eat in the morning?" Mom Li approached Gu Ninghuan and asked.

Gu Ninghuan turned his head to look at Li Ma, all smiles in his eyebrows: "Just get something in the morning, I will go to the company to find Fu Xishen for dinner at noon."

"Okay, Mrs. Young." Ma also seemed very happy.

After waiting for so long, she finally waited for Gu Ninghuan to learn, and she would take the initiative to find the young master for dinner.

This is a good thing for her, she must report to the old house, so that his wife is also happy.

Gu Ninghuan ran out of breakfast and saw that Mom Li was packing things, and asked curiously, "Is this for mom?"

"Yes, Mrs. Young, this is my wife's tonic. I have always been responsible for receiving the preparation and then sending it to the old house." Li Ma quickly packed the tonic and responded with respect.

Gu Ninghuan nodded clearly. Generally speaking, it is like a century-old family like the Fu family. They like to let important people handle important things.

Although Ma Li transferred them, she still needs to be personally responsible for the tonic.

"Since this is the case, I just have to go out to find Fu Xishen for dinner, so let me send it over." Gu Ninghuan asked, she didn't seem to have visited the Fu's old house for a long time.

Ma Li nodded and said, "Since this is the case, I will call Lao Zhai over there when I call, then it will be a trouble for Mrs. Shao to run."

"It's okay, no trouble."

Gu Ninghuan went out carrying a tonic and drove to the old house of Fu Family.

Just walked in, I heard a sweet voice that disgusted her: "Grandma Fu, I hope I have a kind and kind grandma like you."

Gu Ninghuan jumped at his brow. Since Xiao Xiao would be here, does that mean Meng Jingwen is also here.

The mother-daughter is really lingering in spirit. After she refused to let them go to Fu's house, did they start to change their minds and get entangled with Fu's mother?

Gu Ninghuan raised the lips coldly, carrying the tonic and proceeding forward.

Meng Jing's text has been smiling as Xiao Xiao treats Fu's mother.

Suddenly heard a slight sound of high-heeled shoes, she looked down at the sound, saw Gu Ninghuan carrying a tonic, standing there straight, the whole person was slightly stunned.

Gu Ninghuan glanced at Meng Jingwen and Xiao Xiao, then withdrew his gaze: "Mom, I'll send you a tonic, and Mrs. Su."

"Well, you have worked hard, sit down.", Fu Fu's attitude towards Gu Ninghuan is very kind and beautiful.

And Mrs. Su doesn't like Gu Ninghuan's excessively lively temperament, but anyway.

Gu Ninghuan is also Fu's daughter-in-law. She doesn't deliberately embarrass her, but smiles back with Yan Yue.

"Gu Ninghuan, just come over. I just plan to prepare cookies. Do you want to help me?" Meng Jingwen pretended to ask this question unintentionally.

On the surface, her query was a good sign of the relationship between the representative and Gu Ninghuan, but after thinking about it in reality, she found something wrong with what she said.

Here is the Fu family, Gu Ninghuan is the Fu family daughter-in-law, she is the future owner of the Fu family.

But Meng Jingwen's questioning question just now, no matter how it looks, is not suitable for guests like her to ask.

"Okay." Gu Ninghuan handed the tonic to the housekeeper and agreed.

She just had something to say to Meng Jingwen.

Meng Jingwen got up and walked to the kitchen, Gu Ninghuan followed her.

The two went into the kitchen one after the other. Meng Jingwen began to take out the flour when he was familiar with the door, and he was skilled in movement. It was not the first time he saw it.

"I won't let you go to Fu's villa, you come to Fu's old house, Meng Jingwen, you really have the means!" Gu Ninghuan picked up a sharp kitchen knife to play with.

Meng Jingwen smiled mildly, she turned and looked at Gu Ninghuan: "Ning Huan, you are wrong, you and Meng and Fu are many years of friendship, I came to accompany Aunt Fu, how can I be considered disturb.

And you saw it just now, Aunt Fu also likes little. I think that perhaps older elders will start to like children who can hold Huan's knees. "

Meng Jingwen said while putting his hands on the abdomen like a show.

"Do you really don't know or pretend not to know in front of me?" Gu Ninghuan looked at Meng Jingwen suspiciously.

Earlier she thought that Meng Jingwen had deliberately made up the matter of conceiving Fu Xishen's child to deceive her.

But now, she has some doubts, whether it will always be, Meng Jingwen thought Fu Xishen was the one who slept with her that night in Jiangcheng.

Thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan looked at Meng Jingwen with a little pity in his eyes.

Meng Jingwen frowned, and for no reason she was very disgusted at this time Gu Ninghuan looked at her eyes.  Why did she look at her with such sympathetic eyes, she didn't need Gu Ninghuan to be pitiful to her.

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