Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 169: Meng Jingwen, stop dreaming

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"Gu Ninghuan noticed that I haven't seen you for a while. The look you see now is making people more and more uncomfortable. Put away your disgusting look. Otherwise I may really be out of control and reach out You have a slap in the face." Meng Jingwen sneered

Looking at Gu Ninghuan, no one in the world is qualified to sympathize with her.

She has a good background and a good family education. Now she is pregnant with Fu Xishen, the child she loved in this life.

Everything Meng Jingwen wants will be readily available, under such circumstances.

Gu Ninghuan, who was about to be swept out of the house by her, was qualified to look at her with pity.

Gu Ninghuan's smile on his lips was more obvious: "Meng Jingwen, don't you really think that the child you are carrying is Fu Xishen."

Her rhetorical question suddenly made Meng Jingwen's hand pouring flour into the bowl. Then Meng Jingwen put down the flour in his hand and turned to smile and looked at Gu Ninghuan: "I thought you were listening very carefully on the phone that night. Still say you want to listen to it again, but it was a pity Trouble fans forget


But I still remember how Xishen touched and kissed me at that time. If you really want to listen, I don’t mind repeating it again. "

"Touching and kissing you? Are you sure you are talking about Fu Xishen?" Gu Ninghuan couldn't restrain the smile in his eyes and sneered lightly.

If it weren't because Fu Xishen had asked the secretary to show her the conclusive evidence.

Perhaps even Gu Ninghuan was almost cheated by Meng Jingwen's serious look at this time.

But how can you possibly not know who the person has relationship with yourself.

Gu Ninghuan didn't know what Meng Jingwen had experienced before she let her admit the wrong person.

However, Meng Jingwen held the stranger's child three times and flaunted her in front of her, and she did not intend to continue to endure this matter.

As soon as she saw Meng Jingwen, she remembered the days when she had become miserable because of this misunderstanding in her belly.

In these days when Fu Xishen did not contact Meng Jingwen, Meng Jingwen felt a little uneasy.

Especially when she let go of her restraint and took the initiative to contact Fu Xishen, she found that she could not be found.

This made Meng Jingwen not only think about whether Fu Xishen regretted spending the night with her in Jiangcheng, so now she is evading her.

This is why Meng Jingwen took a little and turned to Fu's old house.

Fu Xishen doesn't care about her, she can let Aunt Fu like her first.

But at this time, she saw Gu Ning laughed and realized.

Compared with Fu Xishen's avoidance, Gu Ninghuan had no painful eyes, but hit her more.

She didn't think it should be like this, how could Gu Ninghuan laugh.

Her husband has already gone to bed with her, and she, who is about to become an abandoned woman, is qualified to laugh.

"Gu Ninghuan, are you crazy because of excessive grief now?" Meng Jingwen's hands clasped tightly around the skirt, his body tight like a bow that was stretched to the extreme.

Gu Ninghuan took a step forward, the blade in his hand was unusually dazzling under the reflection of light.

"Meng Jingwen, whether you are really stupid or pretend to be stupid, I kindly tell you that the person who had a relationship with you in Jiangcheng that night was not Fu Xishen.

Fu Xishen left the hotel early that day and asked a person who was not in the hotel at all, how to go to bed with you, and who is the child in your stomach? "

Compared with Meng Jingwen's nervousness, Gu Ninghuan seemed more calm and relaxed. She looked at Meng Jingwen as if she was looking at a crappy clown.

She hasn't had time to clean up Meng Jingwen these days.

It was because she felt that there was no need to tell Meng Jingwen these things for such a misunderstanding.

Even she always thought that Meng Jingwen knew the truth.

The reason why she would say that the child in her belly is Fu Xishen, but only to provoke the relationship between Gu Ninghuan and Fu Xishen.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

Even now Meng Jingwen has tried to use Xiao Xiao to make friends with her mother for the children in her womb.

But Xiao Xiao is not Fu Xishen's child, nor is Meng Jingwen carrying Fu Xishen's child.

Isn’t it the biggest irony to use a child who is not from the blood of the Fu family to please Fu Fu?

Moreover, the little kind of child with heart nature really should not have more contact with Fu Mu.

Gu Ninghuan did not want Meng Jingwen and Xiao Xiao to disturb Fu's life.

She should let Meng Jingwen see the facts!

The smile on Meng Jingwen's face was slightly stiff, but he recovered quickly: "Is this what Xi Shen told you? Xi Shen said he didn't have a relationship with me that night.

Gu Ninghuan, I used to think you were a little clever, but I didn’t expect you to be stupid so far, why do you believe men comfort you. ”  “Meng Jingwen, the really stupid person is you, you don’t even know who went to bed with you! Even, you are pregnant with a child of a stranger. If you get pregnant before getting married, I don’t know what you have to call yourself a famous girl.

Show? "

When Meng Jingwen said that Fu Xishen was comforting her, Gu Ninghuan felt for a moment that there was a block in his heart.

But she has decided to believe Fu Xishen. Since she chose to believe Fu Xishen, no matter what Meng Jingwen said, she will not shake her confidence in Fu Xishen. Meng Jingwensong dropped the hand holding the skirt. She rushed forward and tried to hold back her urge to pinch her hand on Gu Ninghuan's neck: "What the **** are you talking about! Fu Xi and I have known each other for so many years , You will never admit that he is wrong


The person who went to bed with me that night was Fu Xishen and Gu Ninghuan. You lost the battle for men. So you are here to deceive people and deceive me. "

"Really? Since that's the case, why not do a paternity test? Use scientific methods to prove that the child in your belly is Fu Xishen!" Gu Ninghuan didn't panic and counterattacked indifferently.

Afterwards, she sneered and lifted her chin to speak: "Besides, what qualifications do you have to say that I lost, I am the wife of Fu Xishen who is married.

And you, even if you step back 10,000 steps, is only a minor. When did Xiao San stand for his wife? "

"Aunt Ning Huan! What are you doing Aunt Ning Huan! Are you bullying Sister Jingwen again!" a small sharp voice came.

No matter how sweet and immature the little voice was before, but as soon as it is sharpened, it will look so harsh.

Gu Ninghuan closed her eyes, and she found that she really didn't like the little child, not only because of the little viciousness, but because of Aunt Ninghuan who hung from time to time.

Even if she called her Aunt Ning Huan, when she actually called her Aunt, she did not forget to call Meng Jingwen her sister.   Really ridiculous! Is she obviously smaller than Meng Jingwen? ?

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