Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 177: Meng Jingwen, I am married.

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The smile on her face stiffened, and there was a slight pain in the bottom of her heart that pressed from the bottom of her heart to the fingertips.

"Father Xishen, Aunt Ning Huan is good!" Fu Xishen's little one has missed him for a long time.

Loosen holding Meng Jingwen's hand, opened her legs and ran to Fu Xishen's side. She opened her arms and wanted the man to hug her.

But he just gave a small glance, reached out and touched her head, responding to her greeting.

Little froze in place, she turned around and saw only the back of Xishen's father. Why did Xishen's father no longer hug her.

Is it not like her anymore? Thinking of this, Xiao Xiao felt uncomfortable.

Standing beside Fu Xishen, Gu Ninghuan said hello to Mrs. Meng and Fu Fu politely, and suddenly felt two vicious eyes falling behind her from different positions.

She didn't have to look back, and she knew who the two eyes were from.

Gu Ninghuan raised her lips, the more they hated her, the happier she was.

She doesn't need the hatred of the enemy.

It was a while before the meal, and Ms. Meng asked the maid to take Gu Ninghuan around.

Today, because Fu mother is also present, Gu Ninghuan also wants to take advantage of today's opportunity to show her tenderness and dexterity in front of Fu mother, without raising any objections, but getting up and walking with the maid.

If Meng Jingwen's family said that it was rich and beautiful, it could be regarded as the upper-middle level of the wealthy circle of Kyoto. Even the Gu family is a little worse than the Meng family, so the flowers and flowers in the villa are definitely not bad.

But Gu Ninghuan had already married Fu Xishen, and the villa they lived in was far more magnificent than the old house of Meng Jingwen.

When I saw the flowers and plants of the Meng family, I didn't surprise Gu Ninghuan as much, only as a walk before dinner.

The place where the maid slowly took Gu Ninghuan more and more remote, Gu Ninghuan felt a little strange.

But this is someone else's home, and she said nothing.

It was just behind the maid, and suddenly the green leaves in front of her eyes were removed, and two people stood in the flowerbed of colorful roses in front.

Under the thick night, the lights in the garden lengthened the figure of the two, and the wind blew up Meng Jingwen's skirt, making her look slim.

Fu Xishen's face was deep and handsome, standing straight in front of Meng Jingwen, while she looked up at Fu Xishen shyly.

This scene is like a romantic plot set for a man and a woman in a comic.

Gu Ninghuan's face sank, and she knew that the Meng family had no good intentions to invite her to come today.

But being so decisive and open-minded wasn't she too dismissive of her eyes.

She wanted to step forward, even though Fu Xishen didn't like her, but Gu Ninghuan also believed that Fu Xishen didn't like Meng Jingwen so much.

Otherwise, she and Fu Xishen had been divorced for three years, and she had not seen Fu Xishen marry Meng Jingwen.

"Mrs. Fu Shao still shouldn't move around, otherwise, it might be life-threatening." The maid stood behind her and smiled somberly.

Gu Ninghuan paused and turned to look at the maid: "What do you mean?"

"A few days ago, in the place where you were standing, the mouse was accidentally discovered by the servant, and the girl we hated most was the mouse.

So we put a lot of mousetraps, if you accidentally walked and stepped up, I am afraid that your ankles will be bitten by the sharp mousetrap immediately. The maid explained, even mocking in her expression.

Gu Ninghuan's hands tightened slowly, and the position they were standing on was a trail.

The bushes in front of her reached the position of her knees, and the light from the streetlight was not enough for her to see if there were any rat traps in the bushes.

There was a maid standing behind her again. If she stepped on the wrong foot forward, she stepped on the mousetrap if she could not keep up.

But even if it was dangerous, did she let Meng Jingwen and Fu Xishen chat with each other?

She looked at the maid with dangerous eyes: "Meng Jingwen made me worry about seeing this scene. Is it true that Fu Xishen would have something to do with Meng Jingwen in a garden like this?"

"Mrs. Fu Shao, have you misunderstood? Our lady did not let me bring you here. The two of us came here on a walk and accidentally bumped into this scene.

Besides, if Mrs. Fu Shao really believes Mr. Fu, then she should stand here and read it with peace of mind. "

There was a faint smile on the maid's face.

The smile was sufficiently false and disgusting, just as Meng Jingwen usually showed her.

Sure enough, the maid's maid and her master were so annoying.

Gu Ninghuan turned around and stepped through the bushes. The maid really thought that a mousetrap could scare her?

In the three years when she was imprisoned by Gu Shi, she had even experienced the pain like sulfuric acid. Are you afraid of a mouse?

Besides, if she really stepped on the mousetrap, she vowed that she would throw Meng Jingwen into a room full of mousetrap clips and let her die alive.

But just when she turned around, she saw Meng Jingwen who embraced Fu Xishen.

Seeing this scene, Gu Ninghuan's feet, which originally wanted to move forward, seemed to be filled with lead, and he could no longer move.

There was only one thought in her mind, that is, Meng Jingwen actually embraced Fu Xishen.

Gu Ninghuan stretched out his hand to cover his heart, only to feel that his heart was shaking fiercely, and his eyes were a little sour.

Why is she so sad? Obviously it was just a hug.

She lowered her eyes, staggered her eyes and unconsciously didn't want to see the two of them hugging again

Gu Ninghuan's eyes turned too fast, so when he didn't see Meng Jingwen's body one centimeter away from Fu Xishen, he was pushed away by the expressionless man.

Meng Jingwen fell **** the ground, his palms were worn by rough stones on the ground.

But the pain from his hand was not as painful as Meng Jingwen's heart.

Her face was full of tears, staring blankly at the man in front of her, and the whole person did not react.

Why is this so.

Fu Xishen was still so enthusiastic at the hotel in Jiangcheng that night, but now he looked at her with a look at strangers.

"Xishen, why on earth is it, why can you hold Gu Ninghuan's hand intimately, but you don't want to be hugged by me." Meng Jingwen's eyes dropped in tears.

Even in Jiangcheng that day, she took the initiative.

But Fu Xishen shouldn't be so indifferent to her, especially she is still carrying Fu Xishen's child in her womb. How could he push her away?

"I am married."

The man's words were very cold and cold, and his appearance was so handsome that he was dazzling, but just standing there quietly and already able to attract everyone's attention.   Even though her present expression is so cold and unsympathetic, Meng Jingwen still feels that she loves him.

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