Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 178: Primary three is disgraceful

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She has loved Fu Xishen since she was a child and has not changed for a moment.

But now, she has loved people for so many years, she will push her away.

Relying on her talents to learn, even if she is as ugly as a saltless woman, there will still be countless wealthy family members to marry her.

Only Fu Xishen didn't care about her before or after marriage, and she still looked to her indifferently.

If Fu Xishen is so indifferent to everyone, that's all.

But now he obviously has a lot of heart for Gu Ninghuan, which makes Meng Jingwen can swallow this breath.

And Gu Ninghuan is not a thing. She deceived herself that night in Jiangcheng. The person who had a relationship with her was not Fu Xishen.

She said that Fu Xi had gone to the United States early in the morning. However, after Meng Jingwen's investigation that night, Fu's US branch did have a major flaw.

But Fu Xishen only passed the next morning.

Gu Ninghuan cheated her to disturb her heart.

It made her feel that she was pregnant with someone else's child.

Gu Ninghuan didn't know how she got back to Fu's living room. She sat on the sofa with no glance in her eyes.

Ms. Meng, she looked so lost, her lips twitched slightly: "Ning Huan is back, how about, can our Meng family's garden catch Mrs. Fu's eyes?"

"Good." Gu Ninghuan blinked, forcing himself to look as usual.

Gu Ninghuan was not sure before, she thought it was the garden where Meng Jingwen asked her to go.

But now hearing Mrs. Meng's inquiries in such words, how could she still not understand that the person who asked the maid to take her to the garden deliberately was actually Mrs. Meng.

Mrs. Meng deliberately let her see the intimacy of Meng Jingwen and Fu Xishen, did she want to stimulate her to look at her gaffe?

She won't let Mrs. Meng succeed. Ms. Meng saw the trance she tried to suppress, and the smile on her lips became more obvious: "Like it, but speaking, Ning Huan and you and Xishen have been married for so long, should you consider having a child? I see Mrs. Fu

Like little, I also want to have a grandson Chenghuan's knees. "  " Indeed, I am also at the age of wanting a grandson, but their young people naturally have their ideas, I don't want to interfere with them too much. There are also little ones with me now. As for the children of Xishen, they still wait slowly. "Fu

As she talked, she reached out and touched her little head.

She knew that Mrs. Meng would not like Gu Ninghuan very much because of Meng Jingwen.

Therefore, in front of Mrs. Meng, of course, you should prefer Gu Ninghuan a little more.

How could Mrs. Meng not hear Fu's maintenance of Gu Ninghuan, and she smiled slightly, but did not continue to talk deeply about this issue.

Even if she is hostile to Gu Ninghuan again, she will never go to trouble with Gu Ninghuan under the premise that Fu's mother has already stated her maintenance.

The maid came in after Gu Ninghuan, even if she kept a low profile.

The red marks on this face are still attracting attention.

Looking at the strange appearance on the maid's face with a sharp eye, the pretended child really said aloud: "What's wrong with your face, maid, maid?"

The maid heard that the pace of anxious walking had to stop, and she turned to look a little, and there was a trace of resentment in her eyes.

Does the little one want to help her or harm her?

"My maid's skin is relatively thin. It is easy to be allergic as long as it is blown by the wind. I think it was because the wind was blowing when I accompanied Ning Huan just out of the house. There was a rash on my face. Are you still not going to wipe the medicine?"

The last sentence Mrs. Meng said to the maid. The maid nodded hurriedly and left in a hurry.

Little looked at the maid angrily, and the maid was beaten.

The maid went out with Gu Ninghuan again, so it was not obvious who was beaten.

But why did the maid not tell the truth.

Even the maid left in such a panic, really without courage.

"The maid's face does not look like it was blown by the wind, but it was beaten by someone. Maybe she should be called out and asked why she was beaten, so we can make her the master? "

Gu Ninghuan picked up the tea in front of him, took a sip, and said lightly.

Xiao Xiao looked at Gu Ninghuan with some surprise, and it was Gu Ninghuan who hit it.

How dare she ask the maid to come out so blatantly, is she not worried that the maid will directly identify her?

A trace of guilty conscience flashed on Mrs. Meng's face: "No, our Meng family has strict rules, and there will never be a picture of arguing and swearing between the next person, so there is no need to do it all at once."

"Is it?" Gu Ninghuan hooked his lips, with a three-point mocking tone.

Of course Mrs. Meng did not dare to let the maid out. Gu Ninghuan was hitting the maid of the Meng family. This was indeed a mistake.

But if Mrs. Meng dares to call the maid out, as long as the maid tells Gu Ninghuan to beat her, then Gu Ninghuan will also tell about Meng Jingwen and Fu Xishen in the garden.

Fu Xishen is already married. Meng Jingwen, even knowing this, is still entangled with Fu Xishen. This is her fault.

Even if this event is in trouble, Meng Jingwen is bound to be buckled up with a little three's hat, which is definitely a disgraceful thing for the Meng family.

How dare Ms. Meng take the risk of ruining her daughter's reputation and do such a thing that hurt the enemy by one hundred and damage her by 8,000.

Fu Xishen and Meng Jingwen both walked into the Fu family living room one after the other. Gu Ninghuan came in from Meng Jingwen, and her eyes fell on her.

She found that Meng Jingwen's face did not have the leaps that she had imagined, but instead showed a cold and calm.

But it shouldn't be! She didn't both hug Fu Xishen. They didn't say something in the garden for a long time. In that case, she still has something to be upset about.

Gu Ninghuan was too concerned about Meng Jingwen, and even Fu Xishen came to her without even realizing it.

"looking at what?"

Fu Xi watched Gu Ninghuan's attention on Meng Jingwen, and his tone was unpleasant.

This is Gu Ninghuan's husband, but Gu Ninghuan hasn't looked at him since he came in.

Gu Ninghuan raised his eyes and watched Fu Xishen standing beside him. He moved a step directly to the side and opened the distance between the two. The tone was a little cold and excessive: "It doesn't matter what you see."

After talking, Gu Ninghuan stepped up next to Fu Mother and sat down at the dining table.

The dishes prepared by the Meng family are very rich, but Gu Ninghuan tasted nothing but tasted mechanized.

After chatting for a while, Mrs. Meng and Fu Mother pretended to be quiet, "I heard recently that the Zhang family had an illegitimate child. The Zhang family intended to let the illegitimate child enter the door.

But the daughter-in-law of the Zhang family is too sensible, and she would rather divorce than allow illegitimate children to enter the Zhang family. ”  ”Anyway, the illegitimate child is also the blood of the Zhang family. Since it is the Zhang family, he should naturally not be allowed to reveal it. "Mother Fu said, what Ms. Meng wanted to hear."

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