Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 181: I believe in him

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Mother Fu seemed to have recovered at this moment. She was in a trance: "I didn't mean to blame Jingwen, and then said this matter, anyway, my family's Xishen's fault was bigger."  "I know you still Love Meng Jingwen, you also watched Jingwen grow up. Since you have already said this, it is not Jingwen's fault, should you let Xishen give me an explanation?"

Looking at Fu mother.

Fu also felt a little embarrassed.

Especially Mrs. Meng is in the discourse to help Meng Jingwen to explain, not to the children.

In this case, apart from letting Xishen divorce and marry Meng Jingwen, is there any other explanation I can give?

"I will discuss this matter with Xishen before making a decision, but you can rest assured that I will try to give an answer that will satisfy both the Meng family and you." Fu said.

Mrs. Meng nodded when she heard Fu's assurance. After the two had spoken for a while, Mrs. Meng left.

High-ranking big households like the Fu family can't be too tight, otherwise it will only have the opposite effect.

Mother Fu could not help but sigh deeply after Madam Meng left.

For the first time, clear thoughts began to become a mess.

If Meng Jingwen is pregnant with Xishen's children, then if Xishen does not divorce and marry her, Meng's family will not be willing to give up.

The Fu family is not afraid of the Meng family's threats, but Xishen's father is the most disgusting, nothing more than the dirty things of the giants who can't get on the countertop.

If he knew that Meng Jingwen was pregnant with Xishen's children, he could really force Xishen to divorce and marry Meng Jingwen.

Mother Fu admitted that between Meng Jingwen and Gu Ninghuan, she actually liked Meng Jingwen more, but that was because he did not know that Meng Jingwen was pregnant.

No matter what kind of character Meng Jingwen was in the past 20 years, it is a very unpretentious thing to have a relationship with a married man like Xishen.

And even if Gu Ninghuan is worse, at least he has not had any problems with the relationship between men and women before marriage.

Mrs. Fu Jiashao's position absolutely does not allow Primary Three to sit.


Mengjia Villa

Since Mrs. Meng went to Fu's house, Meng Jingwen has been sitting in the living room.

She didn't know if Uncle Fu would know that she was pregnant, she would not like her, would she feel frivolous.

Thinking of this, Meng Jingwen couldn't even sit down.

If her mother Qian Dingwan had instructed her not to leave the Meng family, she would go to the Fu family with her mother.

So at least she can see Aunt Fu's attitude as soon as possible, instead of just waiting silly here.

"How is Sister Jingwen here? You haven't rested yet?" Xiao Xiao rubbed her eyes and saw Meng Jingwen standing in the living room, asking with some worry.

Meng Jingwen is now in a state of confusion, and his face is not as kind to small ones in the past.

After glancing at her coldly, she didn't speak.

Xiao Xiao and Meng Jingwen, after all, have lived together for a long time.

I also knew that Meng Jingwen's complexion meant that she was in a bad mood at this time, and Xiao Xiao didn't find it boring. She took a sip of water and went upstairs.

Shortly after going upstairs, Mrs. Meng entered the living room.

Seeing Meng Jingwen's worried eyes, some hate iron and steel: "Look at you, what the **** are you worried about? Since I said I want the Fu family to give you justice, then the Fu family will definitely give you justice."

"Mom, what do you mean by that? Aunt Fu has agreed to this matter? Then when can I be with Xishen?" Meng Jingwen was overjoyed on his face, and did not expect that things were going so smoothly.

Mrs. Meng, hurriedly took the tea from the maid’s hand: "Agree? How can it be so simple? And don’t forget, even if Gu Ninghuan is not treated by Mrs. Fu, she is also Xishen Ming media is marrying his wife back.   Furthermore, people like Gu Ninghuan were married into the Fu family. If there is such a breeze, they will retreat. I believe that even Mrs. Fu will have to spend a lot of effort to convince Gu Ninghuan and Xishen are divorced, so they should

It will take a few days. "

Although Meng Jingwen Wen Yan was a bit disappointed, but this is no way out of it.

She had been waiting for Xishen for so many years, but she could only wait for a few days. "You can rest assured that the child in your belly is the bargaining chip for you to marry into the Fu family. As long as the child is in Xishen, you will never be able to get rid of you, and Gu Ninghuan is simply not qualified to fight you." Still flat stomach,

My eyes are satisfied.

Meng Jingwen nodded with a smile, "I know, Mom."

After talking about Meng Jingwen walking upstairs, her worries for so many days have finally disappeared.

The thought of her marrying Xishen in her wedding dress.

Meng Jingwen's lips couldn't help rising, like a wish that had been made for many years, suddenly realized. She leaned against the wall and reached out her hand to touch her abdomen, with a strange light on her eyes: "Baby, do you know? I really appreciate your arrival, it is you who made my mother wish. You promised you, you must be healthy Grow up and become me married

Fu's biggest weapon. "

After Gu Ninghuan returned from the Meng family, he slept very uncomfortably.

This familiar insomnia was often felt by her before she married Fu Xishen.

But since she and Fu Xishen got married, this kind of insomnia hasn't found her for a long time.

Therefore, she will become more and more sleepy, just like to make up all the nights that have not been sleeping well in the past two decades.

Gu Ninghuan opened his eyes. At ten o'clock in the morning, she had no class this morning, so she was not in a hurry.

She went downstairs and saw Fu Fu sitting on a light-colored sofa, chatting with Li Ma.

Gu Ninghuan was a little surprised when she saw Fu mother. She stepped forward: "Mom, what's wrong with you? Why don't you let the maid wake me up? Have you waited a long time?"

"It's okay, Ning Huan, you sit down, I have something to tell you." Mother Fu still smiled so beautifully, she had a reassuring temperament.

Gu Ninghuan was sitting beside her, her black and white eyes staring at her.

Fu Fu met Gu Ninghuan's clean and pure eyes. She didn't know why she had thought about the good things before, but she couldn't say a word at this time.

"After the dinner yesterday, Mrs. Meng went to Fu's house to find me. She told me that Jingwen was pregnant and the child was Fu Xishen." Fu mother said slowly.  Gu Ninghuan raised his eyes and looked at Fu Fu: "I have known this for a long time, and I have asked Fu Xishen. He said he did not do that with Meng Jingwen. I believe him."

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