Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 182: Paternity Testing

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Mother Fu heard Gu Ninghuan said that she believed in Fu Xishen, and there was a touch of praise in her eyes.

Over the years, she has met many women who are hysterical because her husband is cheating.

Because of the mistakes of the other half, they abandoned their temperament and upbringing and voluntarily chose to become a vulgar and vulgar person.

Before coming, she also worried that Gu Ninghuan would become like this, but did not expect her to be calmer and stronger than she thought.

But it is still too naive, how can men believe in men and women.

In particular, the Meng family is also a character with a head and face, and he will definitely not make fun of Meng Jingwen's reputation just to frame her son.

"Believe? Do you know that in such a thing as a derailment, no matter how upright a man will lie, Xi Shen is no exception." Fu Mu laughed lightly, and her son was certainly outstanding.

But no matter how good it is, it is also a human, and it also has a weakness in human nature.  Gu Ninghuan's lip color was a bit pale: "I believe Fu Xishen, Meng Jingwen's child must not be his. If Meng Jingwen really insists that she is pregnant with Fu Xishen's bones, then ask her to take out the paternity test. Now her month should be enough

Do a DNA check. "

"Okay." Fu Mother agreed.

Gu Ninghuan's lips curled up with a decent smile, and after sending Fu's mother out of Fu's villa, he stood alone at the door and stood quietly for a long time.

There is only one thought in my mind, that is, Mrs. Meng actually went to Fu Mother.

How could she do that if she were not completely sure.

Gu Ninghuan felt a sharp tingling in his heart, but his face remained undisclosed.

"Mrs. Shao, please relax, Master will never have anything to do with Ms. Meng." Li Ma saw Gu Ninghuan standing there for a long time and couldn't help but walked forward and persuaded.

Gu Ninghuan's age is not big.

So in the face of a situation where the husband may be derailed, no matter how much he believes in his husband, it must be uncomfortable.

"I'm fine, Li Ma." Gu Ninghuan turned around and said.

The Fu family moved quickly, and this morning Gu Ninghuan said that he would take out the paternity test before he was willing to believe what Meng Jingwen said.

As a result, before she went to class in the afternoon, the Fu family called and said that Meng Jingwen had been arranged for a paternity test.

Gu Ninghuan hung up the phone and did not know whether Meng Jingwen had finished the paternity test for her and Fu Xishen.

But now it is useless to think about it. Now that she has decided to believe Fu Xishen, of course, she should have firm trust.

When she arrived at the school, she met Song Ci and told Meng Jingwen about her paternity test. "It's too shameless! What do you think Meng Jingwen and her mother are thinking? Even if you are invited to dinner, there is still a face to talk about the illegitimate child of Zhang family in front of you!" Fu Xi


Song Ci has made Meng Jingwen feel very ignorant of shame, but did not expect it to be even more excessive now.   "But will the paternity test come out tomorrow? In this way, Meng Jingwen's plan to falsely accuse Mr. Fu should be defeated! Then we will go and mock Meng Jingwen well, and get angry for you!" Song Ci waved his fist, and the whole person was ten.


Gu Ninghuan was still worried about the paternity test, but now looking at Song Ci's reaction, he is even more worried about her.

She stretched out her hand and pulled away Song Ci's collar, and saw the pungent kiss mark on her snowy skin, somewhat stunned.

"Did Su Muzhe force you after the last time he took you away?" Gu Ninghuan frowned, his face pale.

Song Ci's face was a bit unnatural: "No, I knew him about his marrow, and I couldn't help but force him again. I found that apart from Su Muzhe, I didn't want any men to touch me."

The more she said, the more annoyed she was that she couldn't control her temper more and more during this time, just because she couldn't accept herself who slept with Su Mu.

Hearing Song Ci's words, Gu Ninghuan's face eased a lot.

Song Ci may have always liked Su Muzhe, but she has been getting along for many years, making her unaware of this feeling.

But as long as Song Ci likes it, as long as she still can't accept liking Su Muzhe, she should understand it slowly.

Song Ci and Su Muzhe still have time to boil slowly, slowly wasting time in their feelings.

And she does not necessarily have this opportunity...

At the end of the afternoon class, Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci went out and saw a luxury car in front of the school.

Before they approached, a man dressed like a housekeeper stepped forward and stopped in front of them.

The butler said respectfully to Gu Ninghuan: "Mrs. Young, Ms. Meng asked you to get in the car."

"Well." Gu Ninghuan agreed, and walked towards the car.

The car door was opened by the driver, and Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci sat on the car.

Meng Jingwen looks much better than when she dine last night. Especially the obvious smile in her eyes makes her show a victorious posture.

"Meng Jingwen, what are you going to do with Ning Huan! Mr. Fu is already married to Ning Huan, do you feel so ashamed when you are a Primary Three and you are so arrogant?" Song Ci clenched his fists in both hands and kept telling himself to calm down.

Even if she had a bad temper at this time, she wouldn't be as bad as a pregnant woman. Meng Jingwen's lips twitched a mockery, and his gentle face even had three points of resentment: "I and Xishen have known each other since we were young, we have a deep relationship, and if Gu Ninghuan came out and grabbed Xishen, I I'm afraid I'll have a long time now

Xi Shen is married! "

After she finished speaking, she paused slightly and looked at Gu Ninghuan’s eyes with a three-pointed cold: “If it’s a small third, Gu Ninghuan is the third between me and Xishen, and I really feel ashamed. Man, it should be her!"

"Meng Jingwen, I was thinking before, what kind of family can bring you three views like this. It wasn't until I saw your mother yesterday that I understood this problem." Gu Ninghuan countered indifferently.

Although he didn't say a dirty word, Meng Jingwen only felt that after listening to this sentence, his anger could not be suppressed.

She reached over her stomach and forced her to calm down: "Gu Ninghuan, I know you want to be angry with me, so as to hurt the child in my belly, but I tell you, you will never do what you want."  "I I have said that the child is innocent, no matter how disgusting your child has a mother, I will never treat him. I just feel sorry for him, because his mother does not know who his father is until now. !"

Gu Ninghuan's eyes were full of contempt for Meng Jingwen. Meng Jingwen gritted his teeth: "Gu Ninghuan! I called you today, not to hear you talking nonsense! I was telling you, I hope you can remember your commitment! As long as the paternity test can prove that the child I am pregnant is West Deep, you will divorce Xishen immediately!"

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