Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 194: She is not a virgin

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Gu Ninghuan finished drinking the milk in his hand, and placed an empty milk cup on the table to make a clear voice: "Bring her in."

When Li Ma saw Gu Ninghuan say this, she did not dare to neglect it.

Since the incident of Meng Jingwen happened, the young lady who usually laughed gradually began to gather her smile.

Gu Ninghuan, who didn't smile, inexplicably made people feel awe.

Walking in front of Li Ma, Li Ma pushed the huge suitcase behind her.

Gu Ninghuan heard the footsteps, and then stood up from the dining chair. When she turned around, she saw a lonely look and there was a big difference between the mad and proud girl when she saw her on the first side.

"Can I live with you?" Little raised his head and looked at Gu Ninghuan timidly.

Gu Ninghuan slowly raised his lips, his eyes cold: "Do you think it is possible?"

"I know what you want, and I will deal with Meng Jingwen with you, as long as you can let me stay in the villa, as long as you can let me be the daughter of Xishen's father." Xiao Xiao couldn't wait to say.

She knew that Meng Jingwen hated Gu Ninghuan very much, and Gu Ninghuan would not like Meng Jingwen.

Since Meng Jingwen can abandon her regardless of her promise, she certainly doesn't need to continue to help Meng Jingwen.

"Why did the Meng family send you over?" Gu Ninghuan raised his eyebrows slightly, and Xiao Xiao knew Meng Jingwen so many secrets anyway.

Meng Jingwen sent Xiao Xiao to her, which is different from packing all her secrets with her.

Xiao Ning looked up at Gu Ninghuan: "Now Meng Jingwen is pregnant with the father of Xishen's father. She is afraid that I will stay in the Meng family and it will affect her pregnancy, so I sent me out."

Gu Ninghuan is no exception to this matter.

Meng Jingwen may have some feelings about taking care of Xiao Xiao, but those feelings are too weak.

It was so weak that it was enough for Meng Jingwen to leave Xiaoxiao with him for a while, but he could not stay for a lifetime.

However, Meng Jingwen's eviction of this little action was too fast, so Gu Ninghuan didn't expect it.

"Sister Ning Huan, are you willing to stay with me? I now finally know who is the one who treats me well, and I will never do anything wrong with you again in the future." .

Gu Ninghuan had a smile on his lips, sister Ning Huan?

This title was really hard-earned. At first, she remembered that Xiao Xiaoke had always called her Aunt Ning Huan.

Why did she suddenly become sister Ning Huan now, and Meng Jingwen also changed her sister Jingwen's full name.

This child is really a city chaos, and the city chaos is uncomfortable.

"I don't have the habit of adopting children, and Fu Xishen and I are still so young and newly married. Of course, we should enjoy the two world first, rather than find a light bulb to disturb us." Gu Ninghuan said very straightforwardly.

She doesn't like little, and naturally will not adopt her.

Besides, even if she wanted to know Meng Jingwen's unbearable secret, there was no need to join hands with such a dangerous child.

Xiao Wen Wen Yan lost blood on her face instantly, she couldn't believe it, Gu Ninghuan actually rejected her.

Could it be said that the conditions she proposed were not attractive enough?

With her help, Gu Ninghuan could be more powerful on the way to bring down Meng Jingwen.

"Sister Ning Huan, I know I did a lot of wrong things to you before, but that was all directed by Meng Jingwen.

I was adopted by Meng Jingwen, and I had no way not to listen to her. "The little eyes were slowly stained with tears, and the childish voice was full of grievances.   Gu Ninghuan squatted down, his eyes were flush with Xiao Xiao, and his eyes were even more serious. "Xiao Xiao, I admit that you are a Very smart kid, you know a lot of tricks that adults don't, but do you know? Not everyone

Like Meng Jingwen, such a strategy is needed,

And you don’t have to worry too much, because Meng Jingwen’s heart is not Fu Xishen’s child. Meng Jingwen should take you back in a few days. "

Gu Ninghuan finished speaking, looking at Li Ma who was standing next to the little boy and said, "Send me this child back to the Meng family."

"What if the Meng family is not willing to accept her? I heard that Ms. Meng has never woke up since she passed out yesterday.

It is estimated that the Meng family is now at a time when people are unstable, and there should be no time to control this child. "Li Ma's heart was worried.

Xiao Xiao is usually a bit arrogant, but this is all about other maids, and she still respects her.

It was also because of this that Ma never disliked this child.

And even if Xiao Xiao's comments among the maids are not good, after all, it should still be possible to teach slowly after he was young.

Gu Ninghuan looked at Xiao Pale's complexion and said indifferently: "If the Meng family doesn't accept it, she will be sent to the orphanage for a few days."

"What? You actually sent me to the orphanage!

Gu Ninghuan, is your heart too cruel, I just offended you a few times, do you want to ruin me?

What a humble place in an orphanage makes me live! "Little stingy flushed.

She has worked hard, and she has tried to repair the relationship between her and Gu Ninghuan.

But Gu Ninghuan was still holding on to the past, she really hated Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan reached out and pinched his little chin, his face cold as if it were ice: "I tell you, I don't like people scolding me.

I have tolerated you because of your young age, otherwise it is just the first time you are rude to meet me, it is enough for me to teach you once! "

Xiao Xiao originally planned to continue scolding, but when she saw Gu Ninghuan so fierce, she didn't dare to say anything about it.

She glared and looked at Gu Ninghuan only to feel that she was cruel, but she was just a child, and she was so harsh on her.

Gu Ninghuan saw that she didn't speak, and didn't want to beat a child, she let go of her hand.

"Mrs. Shao, just received the news that Miss Meng was awake, and the wife has called to let the young master follow." The maid came in and opened his eyes to Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan said that he only felt that the stone had been pressed for several days, and finally there was a sign of loosening.

"In this case, then of course I have to go to the old house. Ma Li, I hope that before I come back, I can see that Xiao Xiao is no longer in this villa." Gu Ninghuan said lightly.

She knew that Li Ma distressed the child, but she did not.

She also had absolutely no Virgin, and left little children like vipers.  Ma didn’t dare to disregard Gu Ninghuan’s meaning and hurriedly bowed her head to say yes.

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