Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 195: Who moved that paternity test

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Gu Ninghuan went upstairs and changed his clothes. When he went out, he saw a small hand against the door. He cried in his mouth: "I don't want to leave. If I go back to Meng's house, Meng Jingwen's mother and daughter will definitely send me to the orphan directly. Go to the courtyard, I don’t want to go

local! "

Mother Li hugged her little body hard and tried to tuck her into the car regardless of everything.

But although the child's strength is not great, if he resists desperately, it is really a headache.

When Li saw that she was a young man, she never dared to fight hard, and the two stalemate on the parking lot of the villa.

Gu Ninghuan hurried out, seeing them in such a state of glue, did not say much.

Li Ma is now making a blame.

So now she will not be willing to take the dead hand to deal with Xiao Xiao.

But as time passed, after Li Ma's physical strength was overdrawn.

The heart of the heart that is small and hidden will slowly be replaced by impatience.

I'm afraid I won't be gentle on small movements at that time.

Gu Ninghuan didn't want to take care of Xiaoxiao, but Xiaoxiao didn't want to let her go.

When she saw Gu Ninghuan's figure appearing in sight, she didn't know where the strength came from, she broke free from Li Ma's hand and ran to Gu Ninghuan suddenly.

Before Xiaoning rushed in front of Gu Ninghuan, he was caught by the bodyguard in the villa.

"Let me go, let go of your hands, I want to settle accounts with this woman! Gu Ninghuan, are you really a human!

This is my Xishen's father's house. Why would you drive me away? "Small opening is a curse that doesn't match the age.

Gu Ninghuan took out his sunglasses from the bag and slowly put on himself. The bright red lips slightly aroused: "Why? Probably Fu Xishen is my husband, probably everyone in this villa now listens my words."

"You!" Xiao Xiao wanted to say something, but was dragged away by the bodyguard directly covering her lips.

Waiting for Xiao Xiao to be taken away, Mom Li came to Shen Ninghuan to apologize.

Gu Ninghuan took off his sunglasses and put it in his hands: "Ma, Li, last time you clearly received a paternity test but did not receive it as a matter of course. I don't think it's okay. After all, you are also following Ma's orders.

But I think you can do public affairs next time for those who are not Fu's family? "

Li Ma heard the words and felt a little guilty in her heart.

If she hadn't been cruel enough, Xiao Ning would not harass Gu Ninghuan.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Young, I won't be soft on her again next time," Ma said hurriedly.

Gu Ninghuan whispered and pulled the door to drive away.

After she drove the car out of the Fujia villa, there was a black unlicensed vehicle parked in the dark for a long time, which also followed her car and started the car.


Fu's old study room.

Meng Jingwen was sitting on a chair, her face pale, her red eyes staring at Madame Fu sitting on the throne.

She used to believe that Mrs. Fu liked her.

But I did not expect that Mrs. Fu notified Fu Xishen not long after she woke up.

Tell Fu Xishen what else he can do.

It is nothing more than not trusting her, and wants Fu Xishen to prove herself innocent, so that the child in her belly is not Fu Xishen.

"Jingwen, you tell your mother, did you really not see his face that night in Jiangcheng and Xishen?" Mrs. Meng looked at Meng Jingwen, who had lost a lot of weight. There was no distress in her eyes, only fear.

If the child in Meng Jingwen's womb really is not Fu Xishen.

Didn't their mother and daughter lose their big faces, and how would they stay in Kyoto in the future?

Meng Jingwen bit her lower lip heavily, and she said inaudibly: "No."

His subtle voice was only heard by Mrs. Meng.

Madam Meng's face was pale, her legs were soft, and the whole person felt unsteady.

"What's wrong?" Fu Fu raised her eyes and looked at Madam Meng's uneasiness, with a slight suspiciousness in her eyes.

Mrs. Meng’s arms supported the armrests of Meng Jingwen’s chair, and then she barely stood firm. She smiled hard at Fu Mu: “It’s nothing.”

Fu mother saw this, but did not continue to ask.

The maid knocked on the door of the study and brought the family doctor from the Fu family to facilitate blood sampling and paternity testing.

Subsequently, Fu Xishen also came in. He did not bring an assistant with him, but was alone.

But the man's air-conditioned field around him made him dare not come close even if he came alone.

Ever since Fu Xishen entered the study, everyone's activities were light and timid, and no one dared to make a sound.

Even Meng Jingwen looked at Fu Xi's cold and frosty face, so scared that he even let his breath lighten.

Her hands on her knees tightened slowly. Fu Xishen looked so calm without any guilty conscience, is her child really not his?

In this case, why the Fu family's paternity test will show that her child is deeply related to Fu Xi.

She and her mother didn't even use that paternity test, and the Fu family wouldn't do it for them.

"Mom, you didn't do that paternity test?" Meng Jingwen's voice was very low, so low that it could only be heard by her and Mrs. Meng.

Mrs. Meng hurriedly denied: "What the **** are you talking about, how could I dare to do anything in the paternity test! If Fu Xishen finds it, then it is not as simple as a shame."

Mrs. Meng will not lie at this juncture, but if no one works on the paternity test, it proves that the paternity test is true.

In this case, why Fu Xishen did not admit...

The door of the study room was knocked, and the maid's voice was panic-stricken: "Young Master, young Master is not good, Assistant Shen fell outside the Fu family, covered with blood!"


Fu Xishen got up and walked out quickly. Shen Rui had been dragged out of the car by the security guard of the old house.

The appearance of Shen Ruikai's luxury car has been severely deformed.

Shen Rui, who was exquisite in appearance, was covered with dust and blood on his shirt.

Shen Rui, who went to pick up people in Jiangcheng, was unconscious in a car accident.

And there was no one beside him in his car, so what about the person he picked up? !

Ms. Meng saw that Shen Rui did not bring people, and the joy in her eyes was so obvious that it could not be ignored.

"Master! Master's car! It's the master's back!" The maid cried out in surprise when she saw the car driving into Fu's old house.

For the first time, Fu Mother Yongrong Huagui's face also showed a surprised look.

Why her husband came back suddenly.

Obviously his business trip to Europe this time, at least one month before it ends.

He came back specifically, is it for Xishen's business.  Mother Fu's heart sank, looking at Fu Xishen beside her, a touch of anxiety stained her eyebrows.

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