Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 196: No one can leave today

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Is Xishen's father coming back this time for Meng Jingwen's pregnancy?

"Jing Wen, there is something wrong with Fu's family. I will not do the paternity test today. I will send someone to send you back to Meng's family immediately." After Fu mother finished, she was ready to let the driver send Meng Jingwen's mother and daughter back.

Of course Mrs. Meng knew that Fu Mother wanted to take them away.

If she didn’t say anything before today, she wouldn’t leave.

But now, after knowing that Meng Jingwen didn't see the face of the Jiangcheng man at all.

Mrs. Meng was not fully sure whether Meng Jingwen's child was Fu Xishen.

Even more courageous, he continued to rely on the child in Meng Jingwen's womb.

Now that Fu Fu has given the steps, there is no need for her not to go down.

Mrs. Meng reached out and grabbed Meng Jingwen's arm and nodded in a hurry. Then the mother and daughter followed the maid to the parking lot of the old house.

But when they approached the car, the driver pulled out the car key.

Opening the car door and getting off, instead of pulling the door to help them, they stood beside the luxury car without saying a word.

Meng Jingwen has suffered a lot from the beginning of yesterday. Now even the driver dares to make such a rebellious look, and his anger is getting worse.

Before she could speak, Ms. Meng spoke in a poor tone: "Did you not hear what Mrs. Fu said just now? She wants you to send me and Jingwen back to the Meng family!"

A trace of apology flashed in the driver's eyes: "Sorry, Mrs. Meng, but I just received a call from Tang Sheng, the butler next to the old man. He explained that all the drivers in Fu's family today cannot send you away."

When Mrs. Meng heard the words, the hand holding Meng Jingwen's arm tightened suddenly, what did Master Fu really want to do.

Does he want to help them get a fair return, or does he want to help Fu Xishen to clear up the warning for their mother and daughter.

Mrs. Meng did not know what Master Fu thought in her heart, nor did she dare to guess.

But she only felt that she was too impulsive about Meng Jingwen's pregnancy.

She was attracted by the power of the Fu family, but did not expect it.

If Meng Jingwen Huai was not Fu Xishen's flesh, they forced this matter to Fu Xishen again.

Well, if Fu Xishen later proved himself innocent and started to hold them accountable, it would be that the entire Meng family was probably not enough to compensate.

"Mom, what should I do now. Can we only wait?" Meng Jingwen couldn't understand the meaning of Master Fu, and his eyes looked at Mrs. Meng timidly.

Mrs. Meng was angry when she looked at Meng Jingwen.

If she hadn't been so sure, she was Fu Xishen's child.

She would not rush to find the Fu family, but ended up in a situation that could not end today.

"You still have a face and ask what to do? I tell you, if this child in your belly is really not Fu Xishen, then no matter how, this child can't stay!

Our Meng family will never allow a child whose father is unknown! "Ms. Meng looked at Meng Jingwen fiercely and spoke coldly.

Meng Jingwen reached out and put his hands on his abdomen, with a cruel heart similar to that of Mrs. Meng: "Mom, don't worry, if this child is really not Xishen, let alone you, even I can't take him!"

Ms. Meng was not so stupid to see Meng Jingwen, and she was a little relieved, but she was still unwilling.

If the child is Fu Xishen, then the Meng family can also use this child to move smoothly.

But unfortunately, from Fu Xishen's performance today, it should not be his.

Especially Meng Jingwen hasn't seen Fu Xishen's face clearly, so he can't even rashly frame this matter on Fu Xishen.

When Mrs. Meng was annoyed that Meng's family had just lost a chance to move forward, Master Fu's car had stopped.

The driver in the car got off the car and opened the door, and a tall, arrogant figure got off the car.

Mrs. Fu stepped forward, still not speaking, and another person in the car also got out.

What is completely different from Master Fu's cold and hard temperament is that Meng Qingchuan, who is standing next to Master Fu, is full of book spirit.

In the eyes, there are not many successful people's firmness, but a hint of cowardice.

Madam Meng looked at Meng Qingchuan and frowned slightly.

When she married Meng Qingchuan at first, it was because of his gentleness and good temper.

Coupled with doing business, although there is nothing to do with it, it has never made any mistakes.

The Meng family has a wonderful family. As long as Meng Qingchuan is well-behaved, she will not be able to endure much hardship in her life.

But now after so many years of marriage, Mrs. Meng started to be dissatisfied with this kind of life.

Even Meng Qingchuan's obedience to her began to make her feel that this man was cowardly and incompetent.

"Jingwen, I heard you fainted. How is your health now?" Meng Qingchuan saw Meng Jingwen, and hurriedly approached her and asked worriedly.

Meng Jingwen saw that Meng Qingchuan didn't have a half face, "I'm okay, don't you see it yourself? Ask me!"

Meng Qingchuan was said by his daughter, but there was no sign of anger, but instead a grumpy smile: "Dad brought the supplement back and waited for the chef to cook it for you.

In addition, Meiying this is the gift I brought to you on this business trip. Please see if you like it or not. "

He handed the brocade box to Mrs. Meng, who opened it and saw a beautiful pearl necklace.

To say that the beautiful pearl is really beautiful, but compared with the set of pigeon blood that Mrs. Fu gave Meng Jingwen yesterday, it seems so worth mentioning.

Mrs. Meng snapped the brocade box together, and the tone was aggressive: "Shut up! What is a set of broken pearl necklace worth saying likes and dislikes."

Meng Qingchuan was straight-faced by his wife, and there was a trace of injury in his eyes, but he still smiled humblely and humblely, and looked at his wife's eyes even less irritated.

"Ching Chuan, I already know everything. Since the paternity test has already come out, let Xi Shen marry Jing Wen." Fu Xishen's father Fu Xun was calm, and there was not much emotion.

Meng Qingchuan heard Fu Xun say this and hurriedly said: "No, no. Now that Xishen already has a wife, how can he make a divorce and marry Jingwen?

We watched the surveillance video together, and it was also my teacher who had no way to let Jingwen enter Xishen's room in the middle of the night. All this was the fault of Jingwen. How could Xishen be held responsible. "

The more Meng Qingchuan said, the more satisfied Fu Xun was.   In fact, when he knew that Fu Xishen had Meng Jingwen pregnant, he didn’t believe that his son, who was used to cleanliness and self-improvement, would do such a ridiculous thing after marriage.

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