Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 198: Let's divorce

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"No." Fu Xishen's voice was cold, and his tone was even more casual.

Gu Ninghuan heard Fu Xishen's answer, but at the bottom of her heart she felt an unreal feeling. She even thought she had heard it wrong.

Yesterday, I didn’t say that the person who really had a relationship with Meng Jingwen had already been found.

In this case, why did Meng Jingwen still need a polygraph?

"It won't be good, you don't have to worry about this matter, no matter whether Meng Jingwen really is pregnant with your child.

I won't allow her to become Mrs. Fu Jiashao, and you can never divorce Ning Huan. "Ms. Fu's voice sounded again, and Gu Ninghuan captured those two words sensitively."

divorce? This is the second time Mrs. Fu has mentioned divorce.

Who proposed Fu Xishen to divorce her and marry Meng Jingwen?

Gu Ninghuan reached out and tried to open the door in front of him, but eventually gave up.

Now the facts have been spread out before her eyes, and since then, what is the point of her questioning?

Meaningless, especially meaningless, just as meaningless as the marriage between the two of them.

When Fu Xishen sent away Mrs. Fu, she returned to the room and saw her sitting cross-legged on the sofa, her long hair hanging down behind her.

He approached, not speaking yet.

I heard Gu Ninghuan's cold and biting voice ringing in the empty room: "Fu Xishen, let's divorce."

Because the light in the room was very dark, Gu Ninghuan could not see Fu Xishen's expression clearly.

At the same time, she didn't know how she spoke these words lightly.

She thought that when she said this sentence, she would heartache and frown, but she didn't.

Gu Ninghuan felt that she was sitting there like a sculpture, waiting quietly for Fu Xishen's answer.

"Okay." The man's voice was soft, and even a careful smile made it sound.

He agreed? Before Fu Xishen came in, Gu Ninghuan envisioned several of his answers.

But he did not expect him to agree so neatly.

There was a sudden sourness at the tip of her nose, forcing herself to stabilize her voice. She absolutely would not allow herself to show a half-sad look: "I have signed the divorce agreement, and I went out of the house."

"I will prepare for the divorce agreement." The man's voice was low and he could not hear any emotion.

Gu Ninghuan nodded stiffly: "Okay."

She didn't know why, and Fu Xishen would propose to prepare a divorce agreement.

But she also knew that even if it was prepared by him, she would not suffer any loss.

After Fu Xishen finished speaking, he left the room and was hit by the door.

Remind Gu Ninghuan and Fu Xishen's mood is far less calm than his tone.

Gu Ninghuan dragged his empty suitcase and put all his clothes and skincare jewelry in the room.

She knows that other people's wealthy people are divorced, and valuables such as jewelry are generally not taken away, or they can only be taken away by telling her husband.

But Gu Ninghuan and Fu Xishen did not have such concerns.

Because Fu Xishen is rich enough.

The man in his last life thought he was the first day of her wedding, so he gave him a green hat and divorced her.

She also gave her enough alimony to spend the rest of her life.

Such Fu Xishen wouldn't even have a few kinds of jewellery at all.

Gu Ninghuan closed the box. There were too many clothes in the closet, so she took only part of it.

She looked around the familiar room with a bit of bitterness in her heart.

She did not expect that the man would promise to divorce her so quickly, but since he decided, it must have been ready to marry Meng Jingwen again.

As for whether Meng Jingwen's child is his or not, this is no longer very important.

Gu Ninghuan stepped down carrying the box step by step, and Li was carrying her tea cup up to prepare to give her a drink.

But when I saw Gu Ninghuan carrying the box with difficulty, I walked down, and I was anxious: "Young lady, what are you doing, Miss Meng's polygraph hasn't come out yet, things have changed!"

"Fu Xishen has agreed to divorce me, so Meng Jingwen's result is no longer important." Gu Ninghuan said very softly, dragging the suitcase and walking past Li Ma.

Li Ma stayed in place, and didn't even think that the two of them would get this far for a child.

She has been in the giants for a long time, of course, she also knows such things as illegitimate children, although she has never appeared in the Fu family.

Can be found in other giants, more or less.

But such a thing is often that those rich ladies will cry, and they will not get the point of divorce.

She thought Gu Ninghuan would do the same.

"Mrs. Shao, even if you are going to divorce, you don't have to leave now. After all, it's so late, where are you going?" Li Ma walked anxiously to Gu Ninghuan with her tea cup.

Gu Ninghuan put down the box and smiled at Li Ma: "Thank you, but no more, let me just divorce, and not have no money, just find a better hotel and settle down. Goodbye, Li Ma."

She said that even if Li Ma wanted to stop it, there was no such stand to stop it.

Gu Ninghuan dragged the luggage out and picked up the car to leave.

She doesn't worry about where she lives. In her name, she has more than one high-end apartment, but the keys are all in the house.

And since the last dispute with Gu Shi, Grandpa has also called her, vaguely revealing the meaning of wanting Gu Ninghuan to go home.

But Gu Ninghuan refused, not because she didn't want to forgive Grandpa.

But she just has to go home.

Then Grandpa will feel that the conflict between her and Gu Shi is reconcilable.

So there will not be too many complaints about Gu Shi.

With slow efforts, Gu Shi may really be able to regain the trust of Grandpa.

But if Gu Ninghuan didn’t go home, for grandpa.

The fact that she doesn't go home will slowly become the thorn in his heart.

As a result, Gu Shi slowly began to doubt, even if Gu Shi was exhausted.

She is just a little girl in her early twenties.

It's impossible to stay out of front of grandpa for a lifetime.

Gu Ninghuan pressed the cold number, but it was connected after a second.

Leng Han's voice is still calm, like Gujing, without waves: "Miss."

"Cold, take out the apartment key I put in the safe and give it to me. I plan to live in it."

"I see, Miss."

"Well, then I will send you the hotel address. Will you help me deliver the key?" Gu Ninghuan said.

"Okay, Miss."

Gu Ninghuan finished talking and hung up the phone.

After all, there is nothing interesting to talk about with the reticent man like Leng Han.

She chose a five-star hotel close to the school drive and booked a room.

After the hotel's staff brought her luggage in, she took the extremely high tip given by Gu Ninghuan and left with a smile.

Gu Ninghuan reached out to close the door after the hotel service staff left, and immediately heard a knock on the door outside.

She did not open the door for the first time, but looked out through the cat's eyes in the hotel room.   But the cat's eyes seemed to be blocked, and the black paint couldn't see anything at all, and the knock on the door continued...

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