Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 199: The divorce cannot be said

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The cat's eyes on the door of the hotel seemed to be deliberately blocked.

When Gu Ninghuan closed the door just now, he had locked the hotel door.

But at the same time she did not forget to check the door lock again.

When I saw the door lock intact, I took out my mobile phone and dialed the hotel reception number directly.

After a while, the hotel front desk sent someone up, and the knock on the door outside her room stopped.

According to people at the hotel front desk, it was the guests in the hotel who drank too much wine, so they recognized the wrong room number and knocked outside.

For such a result, Gu Ning Huan also accepted.

But this episode still made her already in a bad mood and became even worse.

The staff who sent the hotel to apologize, her eyes fell on the phone.

When I saw the phone was clean, there was no phone call or message from Fu Xishen.

Gu Ninghuan's heart was spreading bit by bit.

Fu Xishen accepted the divorce too quickly.

It's almost time for Gu Ninghuan to feel that she hasn't had time to digest all this, but it has already become a foregone conclusion.

The woman made a thousand breakups and divorces, but about 800 of them were eager for the other party to retain her, but Fu Xishen did not.

He really did not have any retention, he really did not love her.

Gu Ninghuan once thought he liked her a little bit, but it turned out to be her illusion.

Gu Ninghuan's eyes were dry, and her heart was uncomfortable, but she couldn't cry, she couldn't shed a tear.

The phone on the bedside table rang, Gu Ninghuan reached out and picked it up, and saw the cold phone.

She turned on, and the cold and cold voice as usual sounded: "Miss, I'm outside the door."

"Okay, I will open the door immediately." Gu Ninghuan put the phone to his ear and said as he walked.

She opened the door and stood cold and straight outside. He was still wearing the simple black silk tunic.

The moment she opened the hotel door, a cold wind came from the half-open window in the room, blowing the cold clothes corner.

Leng Han's eyes were quiet and indifferent. His eyes, which had always been cold and indifferent to all eyes, only got a little temperature after seeing Gu Ninghuan.

"Miss, this is the key to Apartment No. 3 of Haiyun, but no one has lived there for a long time. I will send someone to clean it up tomorrow and arrange for you to live in."

Cold and Cold Formal Report.

Gu Ninghuan nodded and took a key from his palm.

After giving the key to Gu Ninghuan according to Leng Han, she should leave.

But today's coldness is somewhat different. His eyes fell on Gu Ninghuan: "Miss, can I ask you why you left Fu's house suddenly?"

Gu Ninghuan and Leng Han grew up together, and there was nothing in her heart that could not tell Leng Han.

She took a step back and gave way to the distance: "Then come and talk."

She just wanted to talk to someone about what happened recently.

Leng Han walked in, closed the door and sat on the sofa. Gu Ninghuan picked up the teapot, poured tea for the cold, and then put down the teapot and picked up the pillow and hugged it in his arms. He spoke slowly after half the sound: "Meng Jingwen was pregnant with Fu Xishen's child. Divorced and responsible for Meng Jingwen


I thought, this matter was dragged to the end, maybe the result was not what I wanted.

Rather than being abandoned at the end, I might as well take the lead in putting it forward, and at least retain three-point dignity. "

Leng Han heard that, frowning her beautiful eyebrows: "Mr. Fu doesn't seem to be someone who can do that kind of things, and Ms. Meng's conditions also give him no reason to do such things."

Gu Ninghuan leaned back and put a soft sofa all over his back: "Yeah, I don't know why Fu Xishen did such a thing.

It was like I didn't know why he didn't even have a question, so I agreed to divorce me. "

"Miss, are you going to tell the lord about the divorce?" Leng Han asked.

Gu Ninghuan didn't even know, he looked at him with red eyes: "Do you think I should tell?"

"No, now Gu Shi and they are so peaceful that they have not put the issue of power struggle on the bright side, it is because you married Mr. Fu, Missy.

They are all worried that if the battle is too ugly, the Fu family will not be able to see what they have done, and then they will get nothing. "

Gu Ninghuan held the pillow tightly in her hand, and she did not immediately tell the Gu family of her divorce.

I don't want my family to worry, but I still plan to let Leng Han tell my family after I have signed the divorce agreement.

But now, listening to Leng Han's words, it is simply impossible to promote her divorce.

"But I can't hide it at all. Meng Jingwen's children are growing up day by day, and the Fu family will not delay the matter of marrying her for too long." Gu Ninghuan bit his lip, tears slowly Condensed in the eyes.

Leng Han reached out to comfort her, but thought of her identity, she stiffly withdrew her hand hanging in the air.

"It's okay, Missy, I will tell you about your divorce and let him plan ahead." Leng Han's voice was calm and calm.

Gu Ninghuan's nose was reddish, and the tears in his eyes fell to his cheeks: "What's your brother's plan?"

At this time in her previous life, she divorced early, and the Fu family in her previous life did not become a weapon to suppress Gu's restless shareholders.

"The young master has deliberately explained, don't tell you. In addition, even if you are no longer the young lady of the Gu family, but you will also be the ever-present young lady of the Gu family." Leng Han said.

Gu Ninghuan nodded, since Leng Han didn't want her to speak so quickly about divorcing Fu Xishen.

Then she will keep it secret.

But even if she wanted to hide it, she shouldn't be able to hide it for a long time.

Thinking of the picture of Fu Xishen marrying Meng Jingwen, she was both angry and sad.

Leng Han couldn't rest assured that Gu Ninghuan stayed in the hotel alone, so she booked a room opposite her despite her prevention.

Gu Ninghuan did not want to trouble him at first, but remembered the door that was suddenly knocked.

Even if it was finally confirmed that it was just an oolong.

But it still makes her feel a little afraid when she thinks about it.

After taking a shower, Gu Ninghuan lay down on the hotel bed.

The unfamiliar room, unfamiliar bed and sad feeling made her hard to sleep all night.

When waking up and washing the next day, she looked at the light blue of her eyes in the mirror and couldn't help frowning.

She had no classes this morning and planned to go to Lenghan to go to Apartment No. 3 of Haiyun to see if there was anything missing.

In her memory, the house should have been almost renovated when it was bought. It was originally used for Gu Ninghuan to take occasional breaks during college.

But who ever thought that Gu Ninghuan followed Ji Zixing wholeheartedly before his rebirth, so no matter how far away the school is from the Gu family villa, he will never hesitate to review his home.

After rebirth, she was busy studying revenge and Fu Xi deeply cultivated feelings, and she even had no intention to come here to live.

Leng Han took her and the cleaning staff out of the elevator and took Gu Ninghuan to the door of the apartment.   took out the key to open the door, and saw the room that was supposed to be empty. At this time, several men and women were lying in a row.

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