Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 202: Gu Ninghuan cheated too much

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The decoration of this house is full of indifferent masculinity.

No matter how you look at it, this is not like a single apartment for girls, it should be Song Jinnian's house.

But since Song Jinnian did not clarify her words, she does not currently have a suitable house to live in besides the hotel. She might as well rent this single apartment.

"Song Ci, thank you for your willingness to lend me the house, but even if I still have to give you the rent." Gu Ninghuan said.

Song Ci also knew Gu Ninghuan's temperament and did not refuse.

Besides, the small amount of renting an apartment is not worth mentioning to Gu Ninghuan.

After Song Ci accepted the money, it was also a peace of mind for Gu Ninghuan.

The single apartment was very clean, but Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci cleaned it again.

During the cleaning, Gu Ninghuan simply checked and found that there was nothing missing in the house, only a little less fruits and vegetables.

Gu Ninghuan moved out and lived alone.

Of course, Song Ci wanted to get tired of her, so she called back to Song's house and said that she didn't plan to go home tonight.

The two went to the supermarket together and bought some daily necessities and ingredients for dinner.

Gu Ninghuan's cooking is of a general level, but Song Ci is the leader in this.

Song Ci also actively contracted the task of cooking, and Gu Ninghuan was responsible for washing the ingredients and handing over the bowls.

In order to celebrate Gu Ninghuan's joy in moving the bridge, Song Ci made six dishes and one soup.

While they were eating, the two chatted about the topic of their daughter's home, while Song Ci took the time to scold Meng Jingwen fiercely.

The two finished drinking, eating, and Gu Ninghuan took a shower. Just after drying her hair in the living room, they heard the doorbell ringing outside.

She frowned and glanced at the time. It was now seven o'clock in the evening. Song Ci was taking a bath in the bathroom. She had never heard of her friend coming.

Who is going to knock on her door?

Was it cold that she brought her hotel luggage?

She stepped forward and thought that it was cold and cold that she had brought the big suitcase in her hotel.

But she didn't expect that when she looked out of the cat's eyes, she saw Grandpa standing outside the door.

Seeing Grandpa Gu Ninghuan's movements open the door, she felt hesitant. She didn't know why Grandpa came here.

But since the elders are outside, she will definitely not do such things that do not open the door to the elders.

Gu Ninghuan opened the door, Grandpa Gu was in the middle and stood cold and Gu Shi behind him side by side.

Seeing Gu Shi, Gu Ninghuan was a bit suspicious for a moment. Could it be because she forced Gu Shi to write a short note today by her grandfather.

So Grandpa intends to come to her to decide Gu Shi?

Even though Gu Ninghuan still had some other thoughts in his heart, he still called people honestly.

Then he served two cups of tea and gave Grandpa a cold one, but he didn't prepare it for Gu Shi.

After Gu Ninghuan put the tea on the coffee table, he sat firmly on the sofa.

The crutches in Grandpa's hand hit the ground heavily, making a loud noise: "Why don't you look back after you moved out of Fu's house."

"I said very clearly last time that Gu Shi will not move out of Gu's house one day, and I will not go back one day.

I said that very seriously, Grandpa, you never took it to heart. Gu Ninghuan smiled faintly, his smile full of alienation.

"You are still so ignorant so far, what is going on between you and Xishen, and how can you get divorced!?"

When Grandpa Gu sent someone to call back to the villa, he heard from the maid that Fu Xishen and Gu Ninghuan were going to divorce.

For this old man, it is undoubtedly shocked.

He didn't understand how to be a good life, and suddenly he couldn't survive it.

After sending someone to investigate Gu Ninghuan's tracks, he immediately drove them over and wanted to ask her what was going on.

Gu Ninghuan closed her eyes, seeming to ease her emotions, and then slowly said: "Gu Shi seems to be pregnant with Fu Xishen's child, so I want to divorce Fu Xishen, and Fu Xishen also agreed."

"In this case, then divorce it." Grandpa Gu heard that he was divorced for this reason, and his anger slowly calmed down.

Even though he thought Fu Xishen was a good destination, he had no idea of ​​pushing his granddaughter into the fire pit.

Now that Fu Xi is derailed, Gu Ninghuan wants to divorce, which is also reasonable.

It's no wonder that the person he sent today asked Fu Xishen and Gu Ninghuan the reason for the divorce.

The villa maid supported us for a long time, but said nothing.

"Ning Huan, what do you say, are you really going to divorce Mr. Fu?" Gu Shi couldn't help but exclaim.

Faced with Gu Shi's question, Gu Ninghuan picked up the tea cup in front of him and took a sip, but did not answer.

If he hated Gu Shi before, in order not to let grandpa feel sad, he has never shown his reason.

But since the public outcry at Gu's house that time, Gu Ninghuan has never wanted to hide his dislike of Gu Shi.

And she likes Fu Xishen, the divorce is not a good news for Gu Ninghuan.

She couldn't bear to tear the scars again and again to show them.

"Since you have decided to divorce, let's look back home. Gu Shi has now moved to another courtyard and will not affect your residence." Grandpa Gu looked at Gu Ninghuan's living environment, where he lived. is acceptable.

But how can it be compared with Gu's environment, especially Gu Ninghuan has not suffered much in his life.

How can he tolerate his granddaughter suffering outside.

Gu Ninghuan put down his teacup: "What if it lives in another courtyard? Even if Gu Shi lives in Gu's other courtyard, there is also a swimming pool gym in the other courtyard.

But why should Gu Shi live in such a good house? She is already an adult, and our Gu family has raised her for more than ten years. Isn't that enough? "

"Ning Huan, you will move back, I am willing to move out, as long as you can come back and Grandpa repairs the old." Gu Shi said with tears in his eyes, said pitifully.

For the first time, Grandpa Gu didn't refute what Gu Shi said, but nodded: "I will arrange a place for Gu Shi outside to ensure that she no longer lives in the Gu family, so you should be satisfied."

"Unsatisfied, because I don't like Gu Shi spending my family's money outside, it's disgusting than disgusting when I live with Gu Shi!" Gu Ninghuan refused simply, leaving no room for it.

Gu Shi sat beside Grandpa Gu, only embarrassed.

Gu Ninghuan forced her again and again, which was really deceiving.

Grandpa Gu looked at the disgust of Gu Shi in Gu Ninghuan's eyebrows, and didn't know how the two of them suddenly got to this point.   Although he likes Gu Shi, Ning Huan is his granddaughter.

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