Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 203: I don't worry about you

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When Gu Ninghuan and Gu Shi do not need him to make a choice, he will unconsciously defend Gu Shi.

From grandpa's point of view, Gu Ninghuan already has too much, but Gu Shi has nothing. Of course, he should love Gu Shi more.

He didn't think he had done something wrong before, but now he looked at Gu Ninghuan's alienated tone before finally realizing that he had done something wrong.

"Since Grandpa feels that it is too difficult to care about Gu Shi, then I don't need to say the next thing.

After the provincial grandpa ignored Gu Shi, Gu Shi still remembered it.

At that time, it seemed that I was like a wicked man, forcing you two grandpas to separate. "Gu Ninghuan's tone was very weak, but it made Grandpa Gu and Gu Shi feel a little unhappy.

Grandpa of course distressed Gu Ninghuan. Gu Ninghuan got divorced before he got married within half a year, and he knew how difficult it was for a divorced woman to get rid of herself.

"Otherwise, Grandpa buys you another house near Gu's villa, so Grandpa can take care of you, and Gu Shi won't bother you." Grandpa Gu is still trying to persuade Gu Ninghuan.

But Gu Ninghuan shook his head: "No, I live here very well. Song Ci is here with me tonight.

So if it’s okay, you go back first, or she will feel uncomfortable when Song Ci comes out and sees so many people here. "

Gu Ninghuan gave a lightly order to chase away guests. Grandpa Gu sighed, took out the bank card that had been prepared long ago, and put it on the coffee table: "Since your heart is decided, you keep this card. You live outside now, and you have to spend money on food, clothing, housing and transportation. Don't be wronged yourself

. "

Gu Ninghuan looked at the bank card on the coffee table and his eyelids moved.

Then the original way pushed the card back: "Grandpa, I was married to Fu Xishen. The gift from the Fu family before my marriage was enough for me to spend three lifetimes without worrying about money.

Not to mention the dowry you gave me, the Fu family didn’t collect any money, all in my hands, so how could I be short of money? "

Grandpa Gu also knows that Gu Ninghuan is not short of money, but as an elder, he always wants more money in his hands.

But since she insisted not to, Grandpa Gu had no choice but to accept the bank card back.

Gu Shi looked at the worried look of Grandpa Gu withdrawing the bank card.

His jealous eyes were red, and Gu Ninghuan was too pretentious.

She didn't collect grandpa's money, didn't she want to make her feel guilty and remember her?

Because Gu Ninghuan Yue did not accept grandpa's concern, grandpa would feel Gu Ninghuan's guilt deeper and deeper.

Thus slowly angered her, so that Gu Ninghuan could not return home.

After Grandpa Gu withdrew the bank card and Gu Ninghuan said a few words, she saw that she really did not look back on her home and could only helplessly leave.

Leng Han followed Grandpa Gu this time without saying a word.

Before accompanying Grandpa Gu, he walked to Gu Ninghuan and said calmly and calmly: "I have called the landlord opposite your house to say the price, and I will move in tomorrow.

You and Song Ci live together tonight, pay attention to safety, and call me when something happens. "

Gu Ninghuan looked up at Leng Han: "Actually, you don't have to be so troublesome, I can live alone."

"I don't worry." Leng Han's tone was weak, but it was not a negotiating tone.

Gu Ninghuan could only nodded helplessly.

Grandpa Gu walked slowly, coldly helped him into the elevator, Gu Ninghuan followed them.

Until the two of them were sent to the elevator, Gu Ninghuan walked back, but was stopped at the moment of turning around.

There is a cold dark light in Gu Shi's eyes: "Gu Ninghuan, do you remember you said that I like to pretend to be pitiful? But then I found out that it was you who really pretended to be pitiful at Gu's house."

"Is it pretended to be miserable? Is it your way?" Gu Ninghuan said with irony.

Gu Shi stepped forward and was extremely angry with Gu Ninghuan's attitude: "I never thought of hurting you.

What I want is just the one that belongs to me. Why on earth can you live with me everywhere? ? "

"What is yours, are you talking about Gu's property?

Don't joke about Gu Shi, you are not someone in Gu's family! Gu family, there is something for you! "There is no slight retreat in Gu Ninghuan's words, but there is something diametrically opposed to Gu Shi.

Gu Shi was going to be mad by Gu Ninghuan's proper attitude.

What on earth did Gu Ninghuan say that there was nothing in the Gu family that belonged to her.

She has lived in Gu's house for so many years, and has already counted half of Gu's family. Why can't she get Gu's money?

"you are vicious!"

Gu Shi stared at Gu Ninghuan fiercely, and turned away angrily.

Gu Ninghuan ignored Gu Shi, took out the key, opened the apartment door, and saw Song Ci walking out around the bath towel.

"Just now I heard the living room is noisy, is Grandpa Gu coming?" Song Ci picked up the hair dryer to blow his hair.

Gu Ninghuan nodded, helped Song Ci pour a glass of water, and put it in front of her: "Yes."

The two spoke for a while. After Song Ci dried her hair, they returned to the room to rest together.

It was still early, but the two did not sleep, but picked up their phones and swiped on Weibo.

Suddenly, there was a noise outside the door. Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci glanced at each other, and they all saw vigilance in each other's eyes.

Gu Ninghuan held the mobile phone tightly in his hand, picked up a golf club, and reached out to open the door of the room, facing the evil eyes of the bird of prey outside the door.

Gu Ninghuan pushed the door quickly and wanted to close it.

But the people outside were slammed against the door, and at the same time, they pulled out the knife and protruded from the crack of the door, and stabbed at Gu Ninghuan,

Song Ci didn't see well. Although he was very scared in his heart, he did not hesitate to pick up the trash can and hit it directly on the man's face.

The man only felt a sharp pain in his eyes, and the knife held in his hand could not hold loose and fell to the ground.

Song Ci hurriedly kicked the knife that fell into the room with his foot, and at the same time took out his mobile phone and pressed Song Jinnian's phone.

When the call over there answered, panic opened for help: "Brother, I'm in your single apartment, someone wants to kill us! Come and save us!"

"Song Ci, you don't need to control me. You run to the balcony to lock the door and go!" Gu Ninghuan pressed against the door of the room, and he didn't let that person in.

Song Ci didn't leave Gu Ninghuan in mind, but instead took the scissors and pierced fiercely at the arm that had entered the door.

The blood on the man's arm bleeds out quickly, and the man's painful cry made them more frightened this night.  Ke Song Ci and Gu Ninghuan's will to survive, but forced them to resist.

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