Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 204: Both of you have to die today!

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Song Ci kept piercing the man's arm with scissors, but because of the tension, the lethality of the scissors was too weak.

Seemingly sharp, the wound protruding is heavy only under the premise that the person holding it is too panic.

But it still hurts when the scissors are stuck on people.

But the pain did not make the man retreat, but made the adult man even more crazy.

Song Ci and Gu Ninghuan, who were at the door, only felt a strong force coming from behind the door.

The door and them were pushed open fiercely.

Both of them approached the door and fell heavily to the ground.

The door was opened and the man's tall, thin body came out of the dim light.

He looks so good at Zhou Zheng, but his eyes are full of gray air.

He looked at the two women who were falling backwards on the ground and grinned: "The man told me before he asked me to come and kill Gu Ninghuan first, so who is Gu Ninghuan?"

Gu Ninghuan took a deep breath and forced himself to remain calm: "How much money the person who sent you gave you, I will give you ten times as long as you..."


Gu Ninghuan hadn't finished talking yet, and slapped a slap on the right face, and then his neck was pinched.

The man's eyes full of life were full of dazzling red: "You rich people, all day long thought that money can do everything and treat us as people!

Since I can't tell which of the two of you is Gu Ninghuan, then you will die together! "

"No...I'm...I'm Gu Ninghuan, you let her go..." Gu Ninghuan's face flushed red, and she felt that her neck was about to break.

The man saw her admit that the killing intent was even stronger: "You dream, you two must die today!"

After finishing the talk, the man didn't pinch Gu Ninghuan's other hand by the neck, so he had to tear open her clothes.

Song Ci, who had fallen to the ground, quickly climbed up, lifted a stool, and slammed it toward the back of the man.

But before he hit it, he was noticed by the man, turned around, and blocked it with his arm.

The stool hit the man's arm and made a loud noise.

The painful he can't take care of the **** of Gu Ninghuan at this time.

Suddenly stood up and kicked fiercely into Song Ci's stomach.

Song Ci was kicked to the ground by a man, so painful that he could not crawl.

But the man felt that it was not enough. He picked up the knife on the ground and stepped forward to poke into Song Ci's abdomen. The sound of the knife tip submerging into his body was extremely clear in this dark night.

After the man stabbed a knife, he didn't think it was enough to draw a blood-stained blade. He planned to add another knife to Song Ci's neck.

But at this time, the door of the single apartment was directly kicked open, and the gunshots sounded, and the man fell straight to the ground while holding a knife.

Gu Ninghuan still had a lack of suffocation in her chest, but she couldn't take care of herself and got up and ran towards Song Ci.

Her hands only touched Song Ci's body, and she felt a lot of blood, tears fell, and she was dizzy with huge panic. "Mrs. Young, we are the one Mr. Fu sent to protect you. Miss Song. We will take you to the hospital. Don't worry too much about it." A person with a bodyguard looks like a bandage and helps the comatose Song with simple words. Hemostatic Pack

Tie, said at the same time formula.

Gu Ninghuan raised his head and looked at him, nodded unconsciously, she knew this person, and he was among the bodyguards of Fujia Villa.

When she got to the hospital, she sat outside the operating room.

The long hospital corridor was empty and silent, and the pale and pale lights were shining brightly.

I don't know if the air conditioner in the hospital was turned on too low or she was wearing too little. Gu Ninghuan only felt that he had never been so cold.

Sudden footsteps sounded, and Gu Ninghuan looked up and saw Su Mu's dark and cool look.

He stood in front of Gu Ninghuan, and the usual gentleman style of your son was gone.

"I'm sorry, that person came to me. If it weren't for me, Song Ci wouldn't have an accident." Song Jinnian wasn't in Kyoto. This was when Gu Ninghuan called him after he arrived at the hospital.

Song Jinnian was away, and Gu Ninghuan did not dare to rush to inform the Song family.

While holding Song Ci's mobile phone, Su Muzhe called.

Gu Ninghuan was upset and touched the answer key by mistake. He could only tell Su Muzhe what was going on.

Su Muzhe's voice was dumb: "What did the doctor say?"

"Heavy bleeding, the situation is not optimistic." Gu Ninghuan bit his lip and spoke slowly.

Shen Rui walked to Gu Ninghuan with the delicate packaging bag in his hand and reached out to hand the packaging bag: "Young lady, this is the dress that the president told me to prepare. Please change it now."

Gu Ninghuan glanced at her clothes and took back her gaze. She has no interest in changing clothes now.

"Who sent the people who wanted to kill them?" Su Muqin asked lightly.

Shen Rui paused slightly and said: "The man was dead. When he died, he didn't have any documents. It was difficult to find his identity, but when the police processed the body, he found this on him."

He clicked on the picture on the phone and handed it to Su Muzhe.

Su Muzhe took the mobile phone in Shen Rui's hands, took a closer look, and frowned slightly: "How can a murderer like him bring such a thing."

"Something, show me." Gu Ninghuan reached out and took the phone in Su Muzhe's hand, then glanced at the picture on the phone.

There is a red bracelet on the picture that can only be vaguely distinguished.

Below it hangs a pearl that is clearly visible even under not too good lights.

The style of the pearl is very unique, it is a pink and white pearl with a double-pointed star shape.

Such a pearl has only been seen in one person in her life.

It was actually her.

She should have thought about who else would want her to die so deliberately.

Gu Ninghuan returned the phone to Shen Rui indifferently and slowly said: "Assistant Shen, I don't know if I can trouble you to lend me the car."

"Mrs. President, I drove the company's car. There is no problem giving you the car.

But the problem is that the president is coming over soon. If you leave, the president will be unhappy. "Shen Rui has the courage to dare not refuse the request of the wife of the president."

But the president immediately rushed over after he knew that the wife of the president was in trouble. Gu Ninghuan smiled slightly, but his smile was full of coldness: "Assistant Shen, you will now lend me the car. I will help you even if Fu Xishen is in trouble, but if you don’t lend I believe it or not, wait for Fu Xishen

After coming, I must sue you. "

"Mrs. President, this is the car key." Shen Rui took out the key immediately without much thought.  He knew that the wife of the president must have recognized the bracelet that the murderer was carrying.

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