Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 205: Bleeding out of blood

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But a person who can teach a murderer will not be a good person at a glance.

Shen Rui picked up the phone, pressed the president's phone, and talked about the president's wife driving to find someone.

The company's cars are all equipped with positioning systems, but he is not worried that the president will not find the president's wife.

Fu Xishen sat in the car and listened to the assistant.

Hang up the mobile phone, click on the mobile phone sent by Shen Rui to locate, and find that Gu Ninghuan's car is going to Gu's house.

"Turn the front of the car and go to Gu's house."

There was no ups and downs in Fu Xishen's voice.

"Yes, sir."

The driver answered in a low voice, turning the steering wheel by hand, and smoothly changed the car in one direction.

Gu Ninghuan drove the car fast, that pearl was Gu Shi.

When Gu Shi arrived at Gu's house, he brought this pearl.

She said at the time that the pearl was picked up at the pearl farm while her father was alive.

Such a pure natural pearl can grow a five-pointed star pattern on both sides, which is extremely rare.

Even Gu Ninghuan, who was accustomed to jewelry at the time.

When I saw Gu Shi's pearl, they all expressed strangeness.

However, Gu Shi didn't come to Gu's house very soon, and he wanted to please Gu Ninghuan.

He also proposed to give this pearl to Gu Ninghuan.

But Gu Ninghuan, even though he was younger, really liked the pearl.

But she still understood the significance of this pearl to Gu Shi.

So no matter how I like it, I still refused.

Later, as Gu Shi got older, he gradually started to attend the commercial reception.

The Gu family was worried about the jewelry she didn't wear, but she bought her jewelry from time to time.

After that, what appeared on Gu Shi's wrists was all-new big-name seasons.

She never saw Gu Shidai that pearl again.

The result is goodbye today, it is on the murderer.

How could it be so coincident that she was chased and killed just as Gu Shi left her feet.

She didn't believe such a coincidence.

To say that the murderer had nothing to do with Gu Shi, she absolutely did not believe it.

Gu Ninghuan pressed the throttle harder. She couldn't wait for a moment now. She had to go to Gu Shi immediately.

Just as she accelerated to the extreme, the cell phone thrown in the co-pilot rang.

She picked up her phone and didn't even see it. She directly pressed the connect button, opened the hands-free and threw it back.

"Gu Ninghuan, if you continue to drive at this speed, the car will be destroyed without Gu's family." Fu Xishen's voice was thin and bitter.

Gu Ninghuan heard Fu Xishen's voice, and the original impulsive emotions were calmed down a little. She slightly loosened some throttle and lowered the speed.

"Fu Xishen, thank you today."

Gu Ninghuan whispered that she was not the kind of person who did not know what to do.

There is no definitive conclusion about whether Fu Xishen is really derailed.

But no matter whether Fu Xishen derailed or not.

Today Fu Xishen really saved them. If his bodyguard arrived in time, Song Ci would really die.

Facing her thanks, Fu Xishen simply yelled and hung up the phone.

His attitude was colder than Gu Ninghuan imagined.

But she and Fu Xishen are about to divorce.

The two couples who want to divorce, of course, want to return to the bridge.

But since they are already divorced, why did Fu Xishen send bodyguards to protect her.

The doubts about Fu Xishen only flashed in Gu Ninghuan's mind and disappeared.

Gu Ninghuan drove to the door of Gu's house. When the carved iron door slowly opened, he stepped on the throttle and rushed in.

She drove to the other courtyard where Gu Shi lived, without even knocking on the door, and rammed into it directly.


The wooden door of the other courtyard was originally built purely for the sake of good looks.

When the business car driven by Gu Ninghuan was hit, even the door flew into the sky and landed heavily on the lawn.

Gu Ning made such a big noise, of course, he was awakened by the maid who took care of Gu Shi in the other courtyard.

She hurried out of the room.

Seeing that Gu Ninghuan opened the car door and took his mobile phone, he walked towards Gu Shi's room on the second floor.

The maid stopped in front of Gu Ninghuan: "Miss, you can't do this. This is the other courtyard where Miss Gu Shi lives. How can you break in without permission!"

Gu Ninghuan looked very cold and smiled at the maid: "But I just broke in, what's wrong? If you are not convinced, just call me and catch me!"

The maid froze in place, making jokes.

Even if she gave her twenty guts, she would never dare to call the police and arrest Ninghuan!

But Miss Gu Shi couldn't care less, what should I do.

When the maid was in a dilemma, Gu Ninghuan was already on the second floor.

She lifted her foot and kicked Gu Shi's room directly. At this time, Gu Shi was leaning on the head of the bed, with a pure and beautiful face, and a light smile from the years.

Gu Shi didn't panic when he saw Gu Ninghuan's aggressive look.

She slowly turned on the room light and raised her lips: "Gu Ninghuan, you have not divorced Mr. Fu, and you are also the younger wife of the Fu family, so how can you get into the middle of the night without such quality..."


Before Gu Shihua finished speaking, Gu Ninghuan stepped forward to reach out and grabbed her by the collar, and slapped him hard.

Gu Ninghuan's slap was so heavy that Gu Shi's right cheek instantly became numb, and he even tasted the sweet taste in his mouth.

Gu Shimeng, of course, she knows what she did tonight.

Gu Ninghuan didn't die today, beyond her expectation, but it was reasonable.

After all, Gu Ninghuan, a bitch, is far harder than she thought.

But Gu Ninghuan dared to give her a slap, could she be crazy? !

Before Gu Shi recovered, Gu Ninghuan slapped another slap quickly and hit her on the other side.

The difference is that this time Gu Ninghuan let go of her collar.

Gu Shi whole person rolled out of bed because of Gu Ninghuan's second slap.

Her forehead smashed heavily on the bedside table, and blood slammed out of it.

In the evening, the enemies who were stabbed in their own eyes slapped twice in the face.

How can Gu Shi hold back this humiliation.

She stood up suddenly, but she was dizzy because she stood up too fast.

Can only reach out and hold the bedside table behind him sneer: "Gu Ninghuan, what the **** are you crazy tonight.

You were abandoned by Mr. Fu, so you can't stand looking for me to vent?

I thought you had a good time recently, but I didn't expect to be so cheap.

You posted Ji Zixing for four years, but Ji Zixing didn't want you, and you rely on Gu's power to use this low-level trick to marry him and marry Mr. Fu.   Now Mr. Fu doesn't want you, you have nothing to do, you can only obediently roll back home and bully me, right? "

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