Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 216: Meng Jingwen couldn't stop crying

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Chapter 216 Meng Jingwen can't stop crying

But now she was suspicious of herself.

Because she had to do a lie test before, no matter how much doubt she had in her heart, she had to bury it deep in her heart and dared not confirm it.

Now that the results of the polygraph have come out, Meng Jingwen can finally do a paternity test.

"Relax, the doctor who examined us this time, her family and children are in my hands.

If you want to survive, you must help us to do things. "Ms. Meng looked confident, and was not worried that the doctor would ignore the safety of her family.

Wen Yan, Meng Jingwen's heart was a little calm.

While waiting for the test results, Meng Jingwen only felt that he had never been so nervous.

Three hours later, the results of the paternity test came out.

The above clearly shows that the child in Meng Jingwen's abdomen has no parent-child relationship with Fu Xishen.

Meng Jingwen looked at the paper in his hand and shook his head in disbelief.

Her eyes were hot, and tears dripped on the paper in front of her.

Tears blurred her vision, and the despair after seeing this paternity test appeared so clearly in her heart.

Why did it become like this, and why was the person who had a relationship that night not Fu Xishen.

"Mom, what should I do now? The child is not Xishen, how do I cope with the Fu Family's paternity test, and how can I marry Xishen." Meng Jingwen choked with tears, tears that could not stop her tears On the back of the hand.

Why is this happening, it is clear that she went into Fu Xishen's room.

The results of the first paternity test clearly proved that the child in her belly was Fu Xishen.

Which part is wrong?

"Are you bought by someone! Did Gu Ninghuan's **** make you mess up the test result?" Meng Jingwen tore the paternity test in his hands into pieces.

Even before coming, she vaguely guessed that this might be the end.

But when the truth was under her eyes, she still had no way to accept it.

How could this be the case, the man at the Jiangcheng Hotel that day.

Obviously she is so passionate about her, why that person is not her favorite Xishen.

"Ms. Meng, my family's life is in Mrs. Meng's hands, how could I be bought by someone else.

Now that the inspection results have come out, can you beg your kindness and let my family go. "The female doctor was crying in a hurry.

Now the life of the family is in the hands of the person in front of her, and she can only bear it no matter what the other party said.

The female doctor's speech completely angered Meng Jingwen. She raised her hand and gave the female doctor a slap in the face: "Shut up! Can your family's bad lives compare with my future? Are you really... "

"Okay, Jingwen, just enough."

Meng Jingwen slapped the female doctor for a slap but it was not enough. When she wanted to hit it again, she was stopped by Mrs. Meng.

"Mom, why are you talking to her, don't you fail to face her too?" Meng Jing's temperament even turned her eyes red.

Mrs. Meng looked at her calmly: "When your dad comes back later, he will be suspicious if he sees you like this. How will you explain to him then?"

Speaking of Meng Qingchuan, Meng Jingwen suddenly calmed down a lot.

"Then what should I do now, my father has never agreed that I should marry Xishen.

Now if I knew that the child in my belly was not Xishen, I would definitely object even more. "The more Meng Jingwen said, the more he felt wronged.

Madam Meng stepped forward and reached out to touch Meng Jingwen's long hair: "You can rest assured that even if the child you are carrying is not Xishen, this will definitely not affect your marriage to the Fu family."

Meng Jingwen wiped her tears and nodded heavily.

She knew that she was sorry for Xi Shen, and the child she was clearly carrying was not his, but she still had to marry him.

But after she became Mrs. Fu Jiashao, she would definitely compensate Xishen.

Even if the child in her womb is not Xishen's.

She and Xishen will have many children in the future.

The blood relationship is not so important at all, as long as Xishen didn't know about it for a lifetime.

Yes, as long as she can be with Xishen, it doesn't matter who the child is.

After Meng Qingchuan rushed to the hospital with fruit, Meng Jingwen and Mrs. Meng were sitting in the laboratory outside waiting for him.

"I'm sorry, because the traffic jam on the road is too serious, so I came back late. How is the medical checkup, what did the doctor say?" Meng Qingchuan asked the woman with care by putting the fruit next to Ms. Meng.

Mrs. Meng's face was dull, and her words were also perfunctory: "The indicators are quite normal. The reason why I feel dizzy is that I have just been troubled too much recently."

"Why are you not happy recently?" Meng Qingchuan asked cautiously.

Mrs. Meng's face sank suddenly, with a bit of sarcasm in her tone: "Why am I not happy, are you still not sure? You are not always helping outsiders, not your own daughter-in-law! "

Meng Qingchuan's words became quieter: "Actually, our family Jingwen really doesn't make sense."

"Dad, what the **** are you talking about! Love doesn't need any reason at all, I'm just pursuing the person I love, what's wrong with me!

It doesn't matter if you don't help me now, at least don't help others, otherwise I will not be your father in the future, and I will live with my mother in the future. "Meng Jingwen has been holding back tears, unable to control the drop.

She cried not because Meng Qingchuan didn't help her, but because the child in her belly did not know who it was.

Meng Jingwen, but Missy, even if she had previously been playful and some non-influential men, but recently it has been very few.

I don't know if the man is sick or not. Thinking of this, Meng Jingwen felt uncomfortable.

Meng Qingchuan looked at Meng Jingwen's red eyes and felt a little self-blame.

When I wanted to say something, I saw that Meng Jingwen didn't have the patience to say: "If you don't plan to help me by now, then you don't have to say so much. Go drive and my mother and I will go home and rest."

Meng Qingchuan nodded hurriedly. Since returning from buying fruit, he hurried out without even sitting on the stool.

"Look at your dad's useless look! If he had the power of Master Fu, I wouldn't have to plan so hard for you." Madam Meng sighed heavily, saying that women are more important than husbands.

The husband was not helpful, even taking her and Jingwen were wronged.

"It's okay mom, when I marry Xishen, he will be your son-in-law and our Meng family's support." Meng Jingwen stretched out his hand and firmly grasped Mrs. Meng's arm, comforting.

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