Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 217: Don't you want house arrest I can't

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Chapter 217 Don't you want to be under house arrest?

When Mrs. Meng heard Meng Jingwen say this, a heart was settled.

She reached out and patted Meng Jingwen on the back of her hand, her eyes full of love: "It is the luckiest thing in my life to have your daughter.

However, you remember that the child in your belly must be kept secret. Never tell others! "

Meng Jingwen nodded gently.

Anyway, her first child was not Fu Xishen's.

This still made her a little sad.

Waking up the next day, Meng Jingwen just lifted the quilt and felt a nausea.

She reached over and covered her lips, rushed to the bathroom and hugged the toilet and vomited.

This feeling is really uncomfortable, she feels that all her internal organs will be spit out by her.

The morning sickness happened all the time when she reached three months in a month.

In the past, she thought she was carrying Fu Xishen's child, but she did not complain.

But since yesterday she knew.

I am now pregnant after I don't know which man's breed.

She didn't show any kindness to the child in her womb.

Meng Jingwen stood up after vomiting, looking at his pale face in the mirror, regretting pregnant with the child for the first time.

It would be nice if she was not so determined, it would be nice if she could think more after knowing that she was pregnant.

This is not the case now.

But regretting now is of no avail. She should now think about how to repair her relationship with Fu Xishen.

Meng Jingwen went downstairs and saw that Mrs. Meng and Meng Qingchuan had been dining at the table.

"Jingwen, what's wrong with you, why is your face so ugly?" Meng Qingchuan looked at Meng Jingwen, a little worried.

Meng Jingwen directly ignored Meng Qingchuan's question.

"Mom, I want to go to Fu's house today and say about my marriage to Xishen. Can you go with me?" Meng Jingwen said.

Mrs. Meng cut a piece of poached egg into the mouth and nodded slowly: "Okay, I will go with you. Now that both the paternity test and the polygraph have been done, then we should really talk about marriage."

"But the Fu family didn't say that they would have to do another paternity test before they talk about marriage?

Now it is so anxious to say, is it a little too fast. "Meng Qingchuan is a good reminder.

But the two women who were sitting at the dining table ignored Meng Qingchuan's words completely.

After finishing the meal, Meng Jingwen and Mrs. Meng went to Fu's house together.

Most of the Fu's servants are unclear about the relationship between Meng Jingwen and Fu Xishen.

But the stewards above all told me that if the Mengs and their mothers came over, they would all be treated as gents, which made them not dare to have any indifference.

But the servants how respectful they are to them.

Madam Meng The purpose of their visit this time was to see Mrs. Fu, but they could not wait.

"How long will Madam Fu be able to come out?" After three consecutive cups of flower tea, Madam Meng finally consumed her patience.

The smile on the lips of the maid was as usual: "I'm sorry, our lady was a little sick yesterday, so I got up late today, so I'll bother you to wait."

"Wait! Wait! Wait! We have waited for an hour, are you deliberately embarrassing us?

So I didn't tell Aunt Fu about the news of our visit? Meng Jingwen frowned, and said without much patience.

She is now pregnant, if she is not sure about getting married today.

Then her belly will become bigger and bigger in the future, so her situation will be even worse.

Faced with Meng Jingwen's bad temper, the maid is still very polite: "Miss Meng, how can we dare not tell your wife about your visit.

Please wait patiently for a while, our wife is really coming out. "

Meng Jingwen reluctantly continued to wait, here is the Fu family.

No matter how unhappy she is, she is not qualified to discipline Fu's maid.

"Mom, would it be Aunt Fu who didn't want to see us at all, so she didn't intentionally come out?" Meng Jingwen could feel that Aunt Fu didn't really want her to be Xishen's wife.

Mrs. Meng put down the teacup in her hand and said nothing.

But his face sank slightly, and he could obviously feel unhappy.

"Wait, I don't believe she will not come out today." After all, Ms. Meng has lived for so many years and is more patient than Meng Jingwen.

Meng Jingwen sat in position, and as time passed, the expression on his face became more and more irritable.

Finally, when she could not bear it, Fu Fu talent came out.

"Aunt Fu, my polygraph result has come out. Should I arrange the marriage between me and Xishen?" Meng Jingwen looked at Madam Fu anxiously and asked.

Mrs. Fu smiled slightly: "Jingwen, I have always watched you grow up, and you know that I will never harm you, so I think you should not want this child."

"What do you mean by this? Now that the polygraph has been done, the paternity test has also come out.

Now you advise my daughter to kill the child? Don't you want the blood of your Fu family? "Ms. Meng obviously did not expect that Fu Mother would suddenly say such things.

Mother Fu still smiled: "Xi Shen doesn't like Jingwen, but Jingwen must be married to be responsible before she is willing to give birth to this child.

I admit, as an elder, I certainly want to keep the blood of the Fu family, but I can't do anything to force my son to marry a woman I don't love. "

"What you said is too unfair. You say that Xishen does not love Jingwen. How is this possible!

Jingwen and Xishen grew up together since childhood, and they are the feelings of the sweetheart, no matter how they look, they are stronger than the Gu girl who doesn't know how to do it!

Moreover, Master Fu has agreed that as long as Jingwen can pass the paternity test, he will let Xi Shen marry her. Does it mean that Master Fu plans to repent now? "Ms. Meng's tone was cold, and her well-maintained nails fell deep into her palms."

Mrs. Fu’s expression remained the same: “Before my husband thought that Xi Shen and Ning Huan had no feelings between them, they would say this.

But as long as he understands that Xishen and Ning Huan have a good relationship, I believe they will not forcibly dismantle them. "

Meng Jingwen stood up suddenly, she stared at the elegant, noble woman sitting on the throne: "Impossible, how could Xishen have feelings with a **** like Gu Ninghuan? I have to ask him myself !"

After speaking, Meng Jingwen ran out on high heels, but was stopped by Fu's bodyguard.

She turned around: "What exactly does Aunt Fu mean? Don't you want to put under house arrest."

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