Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 224: A face of a female prostitute

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Chapter 224: A Face of a Prostitute

But they did not want to do the paternity test again.

Last time they did not know what luck they had, so they could successfully pass the paternity test.

This time, there may not be such good luck.

"I don't agree to do another paternity test. My fetal image is now unstable. If I do it again, it will inevitably hurt the child in my belly.

However, since Xi Shen and Aunt Fu are not willing to take marriage to be responsible to me, I will not forcefully.

I want one billion yuan and the land of Zhongcheng West Road in Haicheng. As long as these are given to me, this matter will be forgotten. I will naturally kill the child. "Meng Jingwen suddenly made a noise and directly settled this matter."

The sudden appearance of Meng Jingwen was beyond the expectation of Ms. Meng and Sister Zhang.

Zhangsao couldn't help being disgusted by Meng Jingwen's big appetite.

Even her womanish family is not very clear about business matters.

But he still knows that Haicheng’s land is far more than a billion.

A piece of land, plus one billion in cash, equals Meng Jingwen's miscarriage, and he has to take billions from the Fu family.

The Fu family is rich, and billions are for them.

It’s not a great price, but Zhangsao doesn’t like the face of Meng Jingwen.

Before it was clearly a chaste girl.

Try to say that she and Fu Xishen are together because of true love.

As a result, marrying into a wealthy man is hopeless, and the lion begins to ask for money.

"Sister Zhang, I hope you will go home and talk to Aunt Fu, and you have to know that I don't have much patience to continue.

I admit that our Meng family wants to face, but if the Fu family really does not give us a way to live.

I also don't mind spelling a dead net! After Meng Jingwen finished speaking, he walked towards the stairs.

Zhangsao stood up: "I have heard Ms. Meng's condition, and I will tell my wife when I go back."

After talking, Zhangsao did not wait for Mrs. Meng to answer, and turned to leave.

Mrs. Meng was pale with Zhang's attitude.

But then after thinking of the benefits the Fu family was about to give to their family, his face improved slightly.

As long as you get those, you can take their Meng family's company to a higher level.

Mrs. Meng went upstairs and pushed open Meng Jingwen's door.

When she saw a computer on her knee, her fingers were typing fast on the keyboard.

Meng Jingwen saw Mrs. Meng coming in and closed the computer screen quietly: "Mom, what is the matter with you?"

"Jingwen, Mom knows that you are sad, but you have to know that a man like Fu Xishen really can't be **** by children.

If you are pregnant with Fu Xishen’s child, it’s okay, but the child in your womb is an unknown species.

In this case, after we get the Fu family's money, we should go to the hospital early to deal with the child. "Ms. Meng comforted Meng Jingwen.

Meng Jingwen nodded indifferently, she was originally a person without much maternal love.

Xiaoxiao followed her for several years, she also said to send off, and sent off.

She was happy because she was pregnant, just because she was carrying Fu Xishen's child.

Now that it has been checked out is no longer, so pregnant with this child for a second.

She felt extremely disgusting.

The news of the Fu family came out quickly.

Mrs. Fu agreed with Meng Jingwen's request without pushing down the price.

It can be seen that this incident also made the Fu family feel annoyed.

Able to solve this matter at a small cost.

For Fu family is also a very cost-effective thing.

Otherwise, if Meng Jingwen really had the heart to want to die.

Report this matter to the media, even if it turns out that Fu Xishen is innocent.

This scandal will still become a stain in Fu's history.

"The Fu family said that they would send someone to accompany us to the hospital. As long as they confirmed that the child in your belly was gone, they would immediately give us what we wanted.

In this case, what are we waiting for, my mother will take you to the hospital now, you wait a moment, I will change clothes. "Ms. Meng's face was full of joy.

It was like she was about to take Meng Jingwen to have an abortion, but to take her to get married.

Meng Jingwen's face was gloomy, taking advantage of Mrs. Meng's effort to change clothes, took out her mobile phone and pressed a number: "I will go to the hospital to have a miscarriage soon, and when I get Fu's money, you will immediately start acting."

"I understand. I have already notified the reporters. This time I will let Gu Ninghuan and Fu's family die better than others."

The man on the other side of the phone spoke fiercely.

When Meng Jingwen heard him say this, he was quite comfortable in his heart.

Fu Xishen and the Fu family, even if they knew that she was pregnant with Fu Xishen's child, they were reluctant to accept her.

In this case, she will make them pay the price.

Mrs. Meng changed her clothes and walked to Meng Jingwen's room. When she saw her, she had just hung up.

"Jingwen, I think your complexion looks a bit poor. Do you want to put on makeup and go to the hospital?" Madam Meng looked at Meng Jingwen's complexion and asked.

Meng Jingwen looked at Mrs. Meng calmly: "No, we went to the hospital to have a miscarriage, but we didn't go to get married. What good makeup is there."

Madam Meng was speechless by Meng Jingwen's words.

She looked at her daughter awkwardly.

Even though Meng Jingwen had previously opened his private life.

But for her, abortion was also the first in more than two decades.

She and Mrs. Meng took the elevator directly from the underground parking lot to the operating room.

For confidentiality, the floor of the operating room has been blocked by the Fu family.

Meng Jingwen lay on the cold operating table, clutching the edge of the operating table tightly.

Originally she could marry Fu Xishen.

If it were not for the interference of Gu Ninghuan and Aunt Fu.

She doesn’t need to be so humiliated to lie on the bed in the operating room

Meng Jingwen slowly closed his eyes and the tears of despair slipped.

She is far better than Gu Ninghuan in her family education, but she has repeatedly lost to her.

She hated Gu Ninghuan.

If she can, she is willing to use this dead child to curse Gu Ninghuan's misfortune in her life!

The operation went very smoothly until Meng Jingwen opened his eyes again.

The first goal is the white wall.

She reached out and habitually touched her abdomen, starting with a flat.

That kid is really gone.

It was originally a sad thing, but I don't know why Meng Jingwen felt a little relaxed.

If the child is gone, no one will know that the child is not Fu Xishen.

The Fu family will always feel guilty for her, which is also the best ending.

"Jingwen, are you awake? We have no way to stay in the hospital for a long time. My mother will arrange for you to be discharged tonight." Mrs. Meng smiled and looked at Meng Jingwen and said.

Meng Jingwen's dark eyes moved, looking to Mrs. Meng: "Did the Fu family give the money?"

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