Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 225: You have no value in living

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Chapter 225 You have no value to live

Mrs. Fu nodded, indicating that the transfer has been received.

"Jingwen, my mother knows that you haven't achieved the goal you want this time, so I feel uncomfortable. But rest assured.

The matter of your miscarriage will never be spread, and no one will know about it! "Ms. Meng reached out and touched Meng Jingwen's long hair."

As long as her miscarriage will not spread, then it doesn't really matter much.

But just take a child from his body that should not have existed.

At night, Meng Jingwen was pushed out of the hospital by the maid.

Along the way, Meng Jingwen and Ms. Meng were fully armed.

Not even one of his hair was exposed.

After successfully returning to the Meng family, they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The maid is pushing Meng Jingwen to the living room, just preparing to help her upstairs.

But I saw Meng Qingchuan came downstairs happily with baby clothes.

When Meng Qingchuan first saw Meng Jingwen, when she saw her sitting in a wheelchair, the whole person was stunned.

He quickly stepped forward: "Jingwen, what the **** is going on with you, why are you in a wheelchair? His face is also pale."

As Meng Qingchuan spoke, he reached out and touched Meng Jingwen's face.

But before touching her finger, Meng Jingwen stretched out his hand and severely shot it: "Xi Shen doesn't want to marry me.

The Fu family doesn't want this child either, so I just knocked it out and exchanged more than two billion yuan. Are you satisfied with this? "

"What do you say! Who allows you to kill the child! Even if the Fu family does not want the child, my Meng family can afford the child.

How can you do such a thing that hurts your body! "Meng Qingchuan's voice rose suddenly.

Anyway, it is unacceptable, Meng Jingwen would have been so hasty about pregnancy!

Seeing Meng Jingwen being scolded, Mrs. Meng stepped forward: "Jingwen is not married yet, how can she give birth to a child who is not liked by her father!

Besides, Jingwen has at least exchanged 2 billion for this child, and you!

Have you made so much money for the company for so many years? I'm really a fool, I don't want my daughter to be good! "

Meng Qingchuan was blushed by Mrs. Meng's words and wanted to refute.

But in the end, he left without saying a word.

Meng Jingwen looked at Meng Qingchuan's back and secretly scolded in vain.

Having such a useless father is really a shame for her life.

Meng Jingwen returned to the room, and the family asked her two medical nurses.

But now she had a miscarriage, and she saw a nurse in white clothes.

I felt upset and waved them all out.

The screen of the phone thrown by her lit up.

Meng Jingwen turned on the screen and found that it was a message from a man.

"The time of the press conference is set at four o'clock tomorrow afternoon"

Seeing this news, Meng Jingwen couldn't help but lifted his lips slightly.

Tomorrow, Gu Ninghuan finally suffered.


The night of Kyoto is always gorgeous with bright lights.

But far from the outskirts of Jiangdu, this is not always the case.

The suburbs were dark, except for the dim street lights on the highway in the distance.

A car of insignificant brand stopped outside the old warehouse.

The door opened and the driver came down.

The rolling door of the rusted warehouse made a unique harsh sound.

The man bound inside looked up at the stern man who wrapped himself all over the door.

He struggled desperately, the iron chain on his wrist was slammed very badly, and his mouth seemed to speak.

The comer's lips twitched, and his eyes were full of contempt for his struggle.

The man reached out and turned on the lights in the warehouse. The dazzling lights made the tied Chen Yong struggle even harder.

Chen Yong never thought that he would be so unlucky.

But just slipped into the high-end hotel in Jiangcheng and slept a woman.

The result was first found by a gentle man who asked him to come to Kyoto for a paternity test.

Of course he initially disagreed.

But the man who looked for him, although gentle in appearance, was tough in his bones.

Seeing that he refused, he was not angry at all, but reported the incidents he had committed one by one.

Chen Yong didn't know that man, how did he know so much about him?

But he didn't dare to come, his things were big and small.

If he was really stabbed out, then Chen Yong would have to be in jail for at least several years.

He can no longer go in for a prison meal.

So he could only admit his fate from Jiangcheng to Kyoto.

Everything was going well, who could have thought that there was a car accident in the end.

But Chen Yong did not die, but was taken away and locked up.

Just give some simple water and food every day, so that he is hungry and life is better than death.

"Did you know? The woman you slept in Jiangcheng was the pearl of the Meng family in Kyoto, which was originally closed to you, did not want you to go out and break her.

But tonight, I only realized that the child in her belly is gone, and since it continues to shut you down, it no longer makes any sense. "The man's voice is the woman's voice.

Chen Yong heard the words and couldn't help but get excited.

So he was finally able to leave this ghost place.

He finally didn't have to stay here again.

The woman stepped forward and took out the key to unlock Chen Yong's handcuffs.

The sudden freedom made Chen Yong's face appear bleeding.

He didn't care about revenge and stood up and wanted to run.

But before taking a step, a sharp pain spread from his chest.

He slowly lowered his head and saw a dagger protruding from his left chest.

"Are you disappointed? Do you know?! When the Ms. Meng family found out that the child was not her favorite, they were also so disappointed!

All this is your fault. If it were not for the day you were in Jiangcheng, sneaking into a room that did not belong to you, such a thing would not happen!

Now Miss Meng's children are gone, and you have no value in living! "The woman's cold voice sounded in the warehouse.

Chen Yong opened his lips slightly, and the blood was scarlet.


Gu Ninghuan had classes in the afternoon, but because of traffic jams on the road, he came a little late when he came.

But as soon as she walked into the classroom, countless eyes stuck to her.

Gu Ninghuan was originally because of his beautiful appearance.

Therefore, the attention has not been low on weekdays.

But the first time it was looked at neatly by so many people.

Especially when they look at her, they also look down at the phone.

"Ning Huan, I heard that you are married? Is your husband still cheating?" A girl who had a good relationship with Gu Ninghuan on weekdays said to her with her mobile phone.

When Gu Ninghuan heard her say this, her heart suddenly became uneasy: "Who do you listen to?"

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