Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 226: Digging and jumping by yourself

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Chapter 226: Digging and Jumping Alone

"It's a recording on Weibo's hot search. It's the one you threatened your husband to really love and have a baby..."

For the rest, the girl has not finished.

I heard Gu Ninghuan thank her, and then turned and ran out.

Gu Ninghuan took out his mobile phone while walking, clicked on Weibo and saw her recording was hung first.

It took ten minutes for the marketing number to post this Weibo.

I went on Weibo hot search so quickly, of course, there are cases of buying hot search.

But the same is also the reason why some passers-by pay special attention to giant news.

She listened to the recording, and the conversation in it was between her and Meng Jingwen in the hospital.

But what Meng Jingwen said was processed, and the name related to the Fu family was also cut off.

Only Gu Ninghuan's voice was clearly exposed in front of everyone.

In other words, everyone now knows that Gu Ninghuan is married.

I thought Gu Ninghuan's husband was cheating, but no one knew who she married.

It's just that the default is a wealthy person with the right family.

Gu Ninghuan retired after listening to the recording.

She knew that such a taped-out recording would only be made public.

Then it is bound to be misunderstood by passers-by.

Then the comments under this Weibo comment will not be very pleasant.

But people are like this.

The more you know that a comment cannot be read, the more you will want to read it.

Gu Ninghuan commented on this Weibo.

Obviously, he is ready for unbearable remarks.

But did not expect that when she clicked in.

But I only saw a blank.

She quit to prepare to refresh.

The result clicked again, but it showed that Weibo had been deleted.

She opened the hot search and found that the above recording was also cancelled.

Immediately followed by the hot search of the popular Xiaosheng being his girlfriend.

I have to say that netizens' attention to the giant news is indeed high.

But no matter how high it is, there is still no traffic to bring tens of millions of fans.

So the discussion about Gu Ninghuan came up on Weibo quickly, but he also went fast.

But they could have done it, but Gu Ninghuan couldn't.

Especially when she sees the victim's family, she will hold a press conference at 4 pm.

She was even more unable to let the matter continue to develop.

victim? Not to mention whether the child in Meng Jingwen's belly is Fu Xishen.

Even if she is.

That Meng Jingwen deliberately seduce her husband.

She was also pregnant with her husband's children, who were in front of her.

No matter how you look at it, Gu Ninghuan is the victim.

Gu Ninghuan arrived at the press conference at 3:50, and she sat in the corner.

Watching the reporters sitting in front of them one by one.

Can't help but start to take the hood out of the bag and cover himself tightly.

After four o'clock, a strange man came out.

"Dear reporters and friends, everyone, I am Fang Junxu.

Today, I will expose the erosion of Miss Gu's private life, the bullying force to force an innocent and weak girl to have an abortion, ruin her life and so on.

Let the public see the true face of the so-called rich ladies! Please look at the screen. As soon as Fang Junxu appeared, he went straight to the topic.

This is what reporters want to see.

Kyoto has been too calm in recent months.

They are worried that there is not enough hot spot to dig deep for a long time.

After all, the hot spots of celebrity love can easily make waves.

However, they often bring their own fans, and they will be scolded if they write a little carelessly.

In addition, social journalists like them are really not suitable for digging deep into the romance of the entertainment industry.

Fang Junxu's words just fell, and the whole conference was already full of discussion.

He watched with satisfaction the storm of discussion set off by him.

He looked for the recording of the marketing number posted on Weibo and was deleted.

Like the Gu family, they have become more and more powerful.

There is no such a quick response to be able to do such a thing.

In China, the only way is within 20 minutes.

Remove the hot search and forcefully delete the person who sent the Weibo on the marketing account.

Only Fu's public relations department.

But even if they can control public opinion on Weibo.

But when faced with so many journalists in print media.

It is estimated that if you want to deal with it, you have to pay a lot of money.

He just waited to see Fu's public relations department.

For their unsatisfactory president's wife, she looked sour.

Fang Junxu confidently inserted the U disk into the computer, but he was fully prepared for today.

It even made people edit Gu Ninghuan many misleading pictures.

He also found a heavy witness.

But the important witness is, of course, to wait until after watching the video.

Fang Junxu reached out and pressed the keyboard on the computer.

On the big screen, the video was not seen for a long time, but it was blank.

This made Fang Junxu somewhat stunned. He reached out and pulled out the USB flash drive.

Reached to wipe the interface, and then inserted it again.

But nothing came out.

"What's going on? Isn't it possible to see Miss Gu's breaking news?"

"Yeah, why is there nothing now, shouldn't it be a problem."

"What the hell! Before I came, I let the editor vacate the headlines. What if I couldn't get something back today?"


At the beginning, the reporter sitting below saw nothing coming out, but thought it was a system card.

It was rather calm.

But I did not expect that after ten minutes have passed, it has not yet come out.

This made them start to calm down.

If today's news bounced, where would they go to find a headline?

Fang Junxu's voice under discussion also began to bring some collapse.

But no matter how he clicks on the computer, he can't open the video in the U disk.

Finally, some reporters were impatient and continued to wait, standing up and preparing to leave.

Seeing someone leave, the remaining reporters also looked at the watch anxiously.

If this news really bounces, then they will have to chase the next one.

Otherwise, if you continue to delay here, you don’t know when it will be the head.

But if they leave, what will happen if Fang Junxu releases the video.

Wouldn't they be able to get the latest news? If so, wouldn't it be worse.

The rest of the reporters were in a difficult position, and they didn't know which one to choose.

Fang Junxu also became more and more irritable with his computer, and couldn't help raising his foot and kicking directly at the table in anger.

But such a kick made the computer suddenly appear without a screen, and suddenly the screen appeared.

Two women dressed in extravagant but unclear faces appeared on the big screen.

Presumably it was the legendary Miss Gu Da and her fox friends.

"Mom, is that doctor reliable? I really wouldn't pass on my paternity test."

"Relax, Jingwen, the doctor who examined us this time, her family and children are in my hands..."

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